
Ningde ( pinyin: Níngdé), also known as Mindong , is a prefecture-level city located along the northeastern coast of Fujian province, China. It borders Fuzhou to the south, Wenzhou City and Zhejiang province to the north, and Nanping City to the west. History Ningde's history dates back to the Stamped Pottery Culture System . As early as 10,000 to 20,000 years ago during the late Upper Palaeolithic period of the Stone Age (also known as the Old Stone Age) there were already human beings living and multiplying here. In 282, the Jin Dynasty government established magistrate rule here. And during the first twenty-three years of the Yuan Dynasty (1206 – 1368), Funingzhou Administration was set up. In 1736, during the reign of Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty, Ningde was promoted to FuningfuAdministration. In 1934, an Administration Supervision Zone was set up here under the Republic of China. After 1949, the People's Republic of China established Fu'an Special Administration Zone. Finally in June 1971 the Zone was promoted to Ningde Prefecture. Geography and climate Situated roughly 300 kilometers north of the Tropic of Cancer, the prefecture of Ningde spans 13,500 km² in land area. Like the rest of Fujian province, Ningde sits in a mountainous region but it also enjoys almost 200 km of coastline facing the Taiwan Strait and East China Sea.

It is subjected to a humid subtropical climate, with occasional threat of typhoons. The mean annual temperature ranges from 13.4 to 20.2 Celsius (or 56.1 to 68.4 Fahrenheit), while mean annual rainfall ranges from 1250 to 2350 millimeters. The region also enjoys a frost-free period of 235 to 300 days per year, which is highly beneficial for soil agriculture. Economy Agriculture The warm and moist climate and fertile land in the prefecture of Ningde provide it with favorable conditions for agriculture. The largest agricultural exports from Ningde include mushroom and tea. The area also produces large quantities of various fruits, such as shaddocks, Chinese chestnuts, plums, honey peaches, lychees and longans. Tea cultivation has long been an important industry of Ningde. By 1999 statistics, the total area of tea plantations in Ningde had reached 463 km² and the output of green tea took up 10.5 percent of that of the entire country. More than 1.2 million jobs were created directly and indirectly in different stages of the tea industry. Famous brands include the Tianshan Silver-Needle Tea, Baihao Silver-Needle Tea, Fenghuangshe, Lianyue Flower Tea and Xianyan Snow Peak.

The mountainous landscape and advantageous climate conditions are also beneficial to the development of forestry. Up to 1999, 8,482 km², or 65.2 percent of the entire

prefecture, are forested. Out of this area, bamboo groves occupy 600 km², producing an annual output of six million bamboo products. In Fu'an alone, the green bamboo base has extended to 34 km² and its output of green bamboo shoots takes up more than 60 percent of that of Fujian province. Aquaculture

The prefecture of Ningde is blessed with vast area of shallow sea, which is suitable for aquaculture. In 2000, aquatic products take up 41.3 percent of the total output value of agriculture from Ningde, with an exporting value of USD 82,170,000 and an annual net income exceeding RMB 3,500 for local fishermen. Major products include yellow croakers, oysters, razor clams, prawns and freshwater eels. Local government is attempting to use aquaculture as a springboard to eliminate poverty and improve local economy. Up to 2000, aquaculture had created 370,000 jobs directly and indirectly; a total of RMB 4.5 billion had been invested, drawing an annual output value of RMB 2 billion.

Ningde ( pinyin: Níngdé), also known as Mindong , is a prefecture-level city located along the northeastern coast of Fujian province, China. It borders Fuzhou to the south, Wenzhou City and Zhejiang province to the north, and Nanping City to the west. History Ningde's history dates back to the Stamped Pottery Culture System . As early as 10,000 to 20,000 years ago during the late Upper Palaeolithic period of the Stone Age (also known as the Old Stone Age) there were already human beings living and multiplying here. In 282, the Jin Dynasty government established magistrate rule here. And during the first twenty-three years of the Yuan Dynasty (1206 – 1368), Funingzhou Administration was set up. In 1736, during the reign of Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty, Ningde was promoted to FuningfuAdministration. In 1934, an Administration Supervision Zone was set up here under the Republic of China. After 1949, the People's Republic of China established Fu'an Special Administration Zone. Finally in June 1971 the Zone was promoted to Ningde Prefecture. Geography and climate Situated roughly 300 kilometers north of the Tropic of Cancer, the prefecture of Ningde spans 13,500 km² in land area. Like the rest of Fujian province, Ningde sits in a mountainous region but it also enjoys almost 200 km of coastline facing the Taiwan Strait and East China Sea.

It is subjected to a humid subtropical climate, with occasional threat of typhoons. The mean annual temperature ranges from 13.4 to 20.2 Celsius (or 56.1 to 68.4 Fahrenheit), while mean annual rainfall ranges from 1250 to 2350 millimeters. The region also enjoys a frost-free period of 235 to 300 days per year, which is highly beneficial for soil agriculture. Economy Agriculture The warm and moist climate and fertile land in the prefecture of Ningde provide it with favorable conditions for agriculture. The largest agricultural exports from Ningde include mushroom and tea. The area also produces large quantities of various fruits, such as shaddocks, Chinese chestnuts, plums, honey peaches, lychees and longans. Tea cultivation has long been an important industry of Ningde. By 1999 statistics, the total area of tea plantations in Ningde had reached 463 km² and the output of green tea took up 10.5 percent of that of the entire country. More than 1.2 million jobs were created directly and indirectly in different stages of the tea industry. Famous brands include the Tianshan Silver-Needle Tea, Baihao Silver-Needle Tea, Fenghuangshe, Lianyue Flower Tea and Xianyan Snow Peak.

The mountainous landscape and advantageous climate conditions are also beneficial to the development of forestry. Up to 1999, 8,482 km², or 65.2 percent of the entire

prefecture, are forested. Out of this area, bamboo groves occupy 600 km², producing an annual output of six million bamboo products. In Fu'an alone, the green bamboo base has extended to 34 km² and its output of green bamboo shoots takes up more than 60 percent of that of Fujian province. Aquaculture

The prefecture of Ningde is blessed with vast area of shallow sea, which is suitable for aquaculture. In 2000, aquatic products take up 41.3 percent of the total output value of agriculture from Ningde, with an exporting value of USD 82,170,000 and an annual net income exceeding RMB 3,500 for local fishermen. Major products include yellow croakers, oysters, razor clams, prawns and freshwater eels. Local government is attempting to use aquaculture as a springboard to eliminate poverty and improve local economy. Up to 2000, aquaculture had created 370,000 jobs directly and indirectly; a total of RMB 4.5 billion had been invested, drawing an annual output value of RMB 2 billion.


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