


Good morning/afternoon, class./boys and girls.

How’s it going?

You look so happy, any good news?

May I know your name?

(That’s a nice name.)

Could you tell me your name, please?

(You’ve got a beautiful name. I really like it. )

2.提问语 教师在提问时态度和声音要和蔼、可亲。提问语的使用要注意体现对学生的尊重, 不要让学生感到紧张,有压力。注意提问语的使用策略可减轻学生的学习焦虑情绪,保护学生的学习积极性。


Who’d like to answer the question?

Who knows the answer?

Who can answer the question? Who’d like to have a try? Do you want to try, Lee? Would you like someone to help you? Tim, would you like to have a try? Would you like a second try?

Who’d like to help?

Who’d like to read the text?

Who can spell the word “„”? Can you spell the word “„”? Do you know the Chinese/English of the word„?

Any volunteer?

Any one/ boy/ girl? Did you get it? Is it clear to you?

Have you done/finished your work/exercise yet?

3.反馈语 在使用语言行为评价时教师要注意语气和目光的注视,使学生对老师的表扬和肯定感到真切。教师的一句话有可能会影响学生的一生。当学生对自己没有信心时,教师的一句鼓励的话,可能激励他获得成功。因此,教师在课堂上一定要注意所使用的语言,要注意体现反馈语的“人本性”,注重学生的情感因素。 反馈语可分为肯定式评语、参与式评语和启发式纠错。

(1)肯定式评语 教师在使用肯定式评语对学生的课堂表现进行肯定和表扬时,一定要让学生感到老师是在由衷地夸奖他。要避免敷衍和流于形式。不要滥用‘Good’。参考用语:

Not bad. Thank you. (I’m sure you can do better next time.)

Good boy/ girl . That’s a good answer. Thank you.

Very good!(I really enjoy it.) Great! (You did a good job.) Excellent! (Let’s give him/her a big hand!) Wonderful!(I’m so proud of you.) Well done! (Good boy/girl.) Your answer is very good! (I admire your work.)


That’s a great answer. (I really like it.) You did a good job!



Is it good? Isn’t it a good answer?

Did he/she do a good job? Good job! Clever! Perfect! Do you like his/her answer/reading?

That’s a fantastic answer, isn’t it?

(3) 启发式纠错

当学生犯错误时,教师要避免使用否定的评价语言,如:You are wrong. It’s not correct. 对回答不出问题来的学生不要简单地使用“Sit down”,要给他们可能获得成功的机会,鼓励他们,保护他们的学习积极性。如:

Come on! Think it over. I’m sure you can do it. Sorry, I’m sure you can do it better next time.

Not bad. Go on, please. Come on, It’s very close. It doesn’t matter. I’m sure you can do it better next time.


非语言评价—既运用手势,表情(眼神、面容、微笑)及其他肢体动作语言(body language) 来对学生的学习进行的评价。

① 微笑加语言。② 用力点头---是一种肯定。

③ 惊讶的表情 + 可表示赞赏。 ④ 竖起大拇指,可表示一种高度的赞赏。增强自信心,获得成就感。


4.指示/演示语 在组织课堂教学时,教师使用的指示语和演示语要避免过长,要力求简洁、清晰并且和蔼、可亲,避免过于生硬。

Now class/ boys and class, class begins.

Today, we’re going to learn „

Now, open your books, please. Turn to page ...

Now, boys and girls, please look at the blackboard/picture/your books/ page five.

Now, let’s read /sing the song„ together.

Now, let’s enjoy the song from the tape.

Well, let’s go on. Please look at page „

This time, you do it one by one.

Now, listen to the tape/ me, please. Now class/ boys and girls/ children , read after me/ the tape.

Just follow me, class .

Yes, please. Thank you. Please go back to your seat. Come to the front, please.

Thank you. You can go back now.

It’s your turn, Sue. Please sit down.

Please do it now. OK, go!

Please work in pairs/ in groups/ by yourselves.

Now, let’s do the exercise.

Now, class/ boys and girls/ children, find a partner and role-play the conversation.

Work with your partner and answer the questions.

OK, boys and girls, time is up. Please stop working/ talking now. Please stop here.

Let’s have/ take a break.

Good class/ boys and girls/ children, be quite, please.

Work in pairs/ groups.


OK, that’s all for today. I’ll see you next time.

Let’s call it a day today. I’ll see you the day after tomorrow. Let’s stop here today. Class is over.

See you next time See you.

Wish you a good weekend. Have a good weekend!

Don’t be shy! Come on, you can do it.

Well done. You are doing better. Don’t lose your heart



Good morning/afternoon, class./boys and girls.

How’s it going?

You look so happy, any good news?

May I know your name?

(That’s a nice name.)

Could you tell me your name, please?

(You’ve got a beautiful name. I really like it. )

2.提问语 教师在提问时态度和声音要和蔼、可亲。提问语的使用要注意体现对学生的尊重, 不要让学生感到紧张,有压力。注意提问语的使用策略可减轻学生的学习焦虑情绪,保护学生的学习积极性。


Who’d like to answer the question?

Who knows the answer?

Who can answer the question? Who’d like to have a try? Do you want to try, Lee? Would you like someone to help you? Tim, would you like to have a try? Would you like a second try?

Who’d like to help?

Who’d like to read the text?

Who can spell the word “„”? Can you spell the word “„”? Do you know the Chinese/English of the word„?

Any volunteer?

Any one/ boy/ girl? Did you get it? Is it clear to you?

Have you done/finished your work/exercise yet?

3.反馈语 在使用语言行为评价时教师要注意语气和目光的注视,使学生对老师的表扬和肯定感到真切。教师的一句话有可能会影响学生的一生。当学生对自己没有信心时,教师的一句鼓励的话,可能激励他获得成功。因此,教师在课堂上一定要注意所使用的语言,要注意体现反馈语的“人本性”,注重学生的情感因素。 反馈语可分为肯定式评语、参与式评语和启发式纠错。

(1)肯定式评语 教师在使用肯定式评语对学生的课堂表现进行肯定和表扬时,一定要让学生感到老师是在由衷地夸奖他。要避免敷衍和流于形式。不要滥用‘Good’。参考用语:

Not bad. Thank you. (I’m sure you can do better next time.)

Good boy/ girl . That’s a good answer. Thank you.

Very good!(I really enjoy it.) Great! (You did a good job.) Excellent! (Let’s give him/her a big hand!) Wonderful!(I’m so proud of you.) Well done! (Good boy/girl.) Your answer is very good! (I admire your work.)


That’s a great answer. (I really like it.) You did a good job!



Is it good? Isn’t it a good answer?

Did he/she do a good job? Good job! Clever! Perfect! Do you like his/her answer/reading?

That’s a fantastic answer, isn’t it?

(3) 启发式纠错

当学生犯错误时,教师要避免使用否定的评价语言,如:You are wrong. It’s not correct. 对回答不出问题来的学生不要简单地使用“Sit down”,要给他们可能获得成功的机会,鼓励他们,保护他们的学习积极性。如:

Come on! Think it over. I’m sure you can do it. Sorry, I’m sure you can do it better next time.

Not bad. Go on, please. Come on, It’s very close. It doesn’t matter. I’m sure you can do it better next time.


非语言评价—既运用手势,表情(眼神、面容、微笑)及其他肢体动作语言(body language) 来对学生的学习进行的评价。

① 微笑加语言。② 用力点头---是一种肯定。

③ 惊讶的表情 + 可表示赞赏。 ④ 竖起大拇指,可表示一种高度的赞赏。增强自信心,获得成就感。


4.指示/演示语 在组织课堂教学时,教师使用的指示语和演示语要避免过长,要力求简洁、清晰并且和蔼、可亲,避免过于生硬。

Now class/ boys and class, class begins.

Today, we’re going to learn „

Now, open your books, please. Turn to page ...

Now, boys and girls, please look at the blackboard/picture/your books/ page five.

Now, let’s read /sing the song„ together.

Now, let’s enjoy the song from the tape.

Well, let’s go on. Please look at page „

This time, you do it one by one.

Now, listen to the tape/ me, please. Now class/ boys and girls/ children , read after me/ the tape.

Just follow me, class .

Yes, please. Thank you. Please go back to your seat. Come to the front, please.

Thank you. You can go back now.

It’s your turn, Sue. Please sit down.

Please do it now. OK, go!

Please work in pairs/ in groups/ by yourselves.

Now, let’s do the exercise.

Now, class/ boys and girls/ children, find a partner and role-play the conversation.

Work with your partner and answer the questions.

OK, boys and girls, time is up. Please stop working/ talking now. Please stop here.

Let’s have/ take a break.

Good class/ boys and girls/ children, be quite, please.

Work in pairs/ groups.


OK, that’s all for today. I’ll see you next time.

Let’s call it a day today. I’ll see you the day after tomorrow. Let’s stop here today. Class is over.

See you next time See you.

Wish you a good weekend. Have a good weekend!

Don’t be shy! Come on, you can do it.

Well done. You are doing better. Don’t lose your heart


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