
1. 图画/图标描述段

①From the picture (graph, chart, table, pie, bar), we know that_____(图表内容总概括).②On the one hand, the left/first picture tells us that_____(情况一,图一/表一的内容).③On the other hand, (the right/second)picture informs us

that_____( 情况二,图二/表二的内容).④It can easily be seen that_____(揭示图画/表寓意).

2. 意义阐述段

①Judging from the pictures, we can clearly infer that the drawer’s intention is_____(主题句).②_____(扩展句).③For one thing/First of all/Firstly,_____(第一个层面). ④For another/Besides/Moreover/In addition/Secondly,_____(第二个层面). ⑤Thus/As a result/Therefore/Finally,_____(总结句).

3. 原因阐释段

①There are many reasons responsible for this phenomenon/case/instance and the following are the typical ones. ② The first reason is that_____(理由一). ③The second reason is that_____(理由二). ④The third reason is that/A case in point is that/The typical example is that_____(理由三).

4. 建议措施段

①Considering all these reasons/this situation/Confronted with such a problem, I think we need to take some positive measures. ②On the one hand,_____(方法/建议一). ③On the other hand, it is necessary for us to_____(方法/建议二). ④Thus/Only in this way, can_____(总结自己的观点/建议/态度).

5. 趋势预测段

①Accordingly, it is vital for us to derive positive implications from these thought provoking drawings. ②On the one hand, we can frequently use them to enlighten that_____(主题). ③On the other hand, we should be sensible enough

to_____(观点/态度). ④Only by_____(段落总结句), and only in this way can we have a brilliant future.

6. 举例说明段

①There are many cases/examples to explain_____(主题句). ②Take_____as a typical example./The first example is that_____(阐述例子)_____,(可进一步阐述). ③The second example is that/In addition/Here is a counter example./Opposite case in point is that/On the contrary_____(第二个例子的内容或举一个反面例子). ④Therefore,/Only_____can_____(总结主题句/段落总结句).

7. 观点阐释段

①Nowadays, a heated debate about_____(主题) is under way in China. ②A close inspection of this argument would reveal how flimsy (groundless ) it is. ③As a matter of fact,_____(进一步说明).

8. 现象/现状说明段

①With the rapid advances of_____in recent years,_____has_____(引出现象). ②However,_____has_____, as_____(提出问题). ③As a result,_____(指出影响),which has aroused close social attention from all walks of life.


①Some people are in favor of the idea of doi ng_____(主题). ②They point out the fact that _____(支持的第一个原因). ③They also argue that_____(支持的另一个原因).④There might be some element of truth in these people’s belief. ⑤However, other people stand on a different ground. ⑥They consider it harmful to do_____. ⑦They firmly point out that_____(反对的理由).


①Judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that_____(得出结论). ②The reason for this, as far as I am concerned is that_____(给出原因).③It is

high time that we_____(发出倡议).



What does the author intend to convey by describing +图画内容?


The pictures above vividly describe+名词


But is this what the author means to tell us? Certainly not.


The author’s real purpose is not the fact itself, but to lead us to find what hides behind the ice berg.



Among all the touching facts relating to„that I have heard, noticed, and experienced, the most impressive one is„

在我所听到、看到和经历过得所有和这个话题相关的例子之中,最有说服力的是„„ Numerous examples can be given, but this/these will suffice.



The benefits are in large measure canceled out by the problems.弊大于利。 The disadvantages cannot weigh against the benefits.利大于弊。


Obviously, a variety of complicated factors contribute to the phenomenon, with the following one being the foremost.


I can think of no better reasons for the phenomenon other than the following two.



A is an indispensable part of B A是B 不可或缺的一部分

Advertising has become an indispensable part of our lives and it has been exerting profound influence on the way we live, work, play and learn.

sth. plays a vital role in...某事在„„中起关键作用

It is universally acknowledged that education plays a vital role in individual success.

sth. is in the best interests of sb 做某事符合„„的利益

Preserving the endangered animals is in the best interests of humanity. get a clear perspective of 对„„有更清晰的认识

That is the best way for students to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do.


„ is attended by„某种好的现象伴随着某种坏的现象

The staggering advancement of technology is attended by serve pollution of the ecosystem.

A can be attributed to B A可以归因于B

The proliferation of traffic accidents can be in large measure attributed to the traffic law not being stringent enough.

be confronted with sth. 面对„„构成威胁

Today, we are confronted with a plethora of violent and pornographic shows.

pose a threat 对„„构成威胁

At present, the proliferation of non-biodegradable rubbish poses a threat to humanity.

1. 使用笼统词

英语语言中笼统词有do, make, get, think, take, tell等,笼统词的重要特点在于意义广泛,搭配性强,构成词组后可以替代众多具体动词。虽然不能精确表达一个动作,却能大致表达意思。在一些具体动词写不出来的时候,用这些笼统词取代,也能收到异曲同工的效果。例如:那旧沙发该扔掉了。

The old sofa will have to discard. = The old sofa will have to go.

这一句中,如果想不起来discard, 就用go 代替,即The old sofa will have to go. Go的使用让句子更为生动了,discard 意为“扔掉,废弃”,而go 的本意是表明人的来去,用到此处the old sofa 也有了生命,生动了起来。考研作文中,在词汇量不足或是单词不会写的时候,适当使用这些词汇,可以让句子表达完整。下面我们一起学习一下这些词汇。

have: I experienced a terrible day. = He had a bad day.

We had Lucy’s English training. =We sweated through Lucy’s English training. take: I will subscribe to the local newspaper. = I will take the local newspaper. make: What time do you calculate it? = What time do you make it?

think:I suppose you like your job. = I think you like your job.




I had a nightmare last night. = I had a bad dream last night.

nightmare使用频率不太高,因此不太好记。而其同义词bad dream却很容易记。以后者取代前者丝毫不影响原句的意义。

The governor declared a state of emergency. = The governor claimed a state of emergency. He witnessed the accident. = He saw the accident.

The crucial point is whether we should go ahead with the project. = The important point is whether we should go ahead with the project.

"It was an enormous culture shock, " She says. = “It was a big culture shock. “ She says.

They discontinued the work at five. = They stopped the work at five.



History is useful. = History is not useless.

The knife is blunt. = The knife is not sharp.

This is expensive. = This is not cheap.

She is talkative. = She is never quiet.



I don‘t capture the meaning of his words. = I don’t know what he said.


He refused. = He said “no”.

Surfing the Internet has become a prevailing phenomenon. = Suring the Internet has become a phenomenon that can be seen everywhere.

People’s view varies from person to person. = Different people have different ideas.

Constant viewing of rock videos stunts and distorts children’s emotional development.=Constant viewing of rock videos is harmful to children’s emotional development.



1. 图画/图标描述段

①From the picture (graph, chart, table, pie, bar), we know that_____(图表内容总概括).②On the one hand, the left/first picture tells us that_____(情况一,图一/表一的内容).③On the other hand, (the right/second)picture informs us

that_____( 情况二,图二/表二的内容).④It can easily be seen that_____(揭示图画/表寓意).

2. 意义阐述段

①Judging from the pictures, we can clearly infer that the drawer’s intention is_____(主题句).②_____(扩展句).③For one thing/First of all/Firstly,_____(第一个层面). ④For another/Besides/Moreover/In addition/Secondly,_____(第二个层面). ⑤Thus/As a result/Therefore/Finally,_____(总结句).

3. 原因阐释段

①There are many reasons responsible for this phenomenon/case/instance and the following are the typical ones. ② The first reason is that_____(理由一). ③The second reason is that_____(理由二). ④The third reason is that/A case in point is that/The typical example is that_____(理由三).

4. 建议措施段

①Considering all these reasons/this situation/Confronted with such a problem, I think we need to take some positive measures. ②On the one hand,_____(方法/建议一). ③On the other hand, it is necessary for us to_____(方法/建议二). ④Thus/Only in this way, can_____(总结自己的观点/建议/态度).

5. 趋势预测段

①Accordingly, it is vital for us to derive positive implications from these thought provoking drawings. ②On the one hand, we can frequently use them to enlighten that_____(主题). ③On the other hand, we should be sensible enough

to_____(观点/态度). ④Only by_____(段落总结句), and only in this way can we have a brilliant future.

6. 举例说明段

①There are many cases/examples to explain_____(主题句). ②Take_____as a typical example./The first example is that_____(阐述例子)_____,(可进一步阐述). ③The second example is that/In addition/Here is a counter example./Opposite case in point is that/On the contrary_____(第二个例子的内容或举一个反面例子). ④Therefore,/Only_____can_____(总结主题句/段落总结句).

7. 观点阐释段

①Nowadays, a heated debate about_____(主题) is under way in China. ②A close inspection of this argument would reveal how flimsy (groundless ) it is. ③As a matter of fact,_____(进一步说明).

8. 现象/现状说明段

①With the rapid advances of_____in recent years,_____has_____(引出现象). ②However,_____has_____, as_____(提出问题). ③As a result,_____(指出影响),which has aroused close social attention from all walks of life.


①Some people are in favor of the idea of doi ng_____(主题). ②They point out the fact that _____(支持的第一个原因). ③They also argue that_____(支持的另一个原因).④There might be some element of truth in these people’s belief. ⑤However, other people stand on a different ground. ⑥They consider it harmful to do_____. ⑦They firmly point out that_____(反对的理由).


①Judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that_____(得出结论). ②The reason for this, as far as I am concerned is that_____(给出原因).③It is

high time that we_____(发出倡议).



What does the author intend to convey by describing +图画内容?


The pictures above vividly describe+名词


But is this what the author means to tell us? Certainly not.


The author’s real purpose is not the fact itself, but to lead us to find what hides behind the ice berg.



Among all the touching facts relating to„that I have heard, noticed, and experienced, the most impressive one is„

在我所听到、看到和经历过得所有和这个话题相关的例子之中,最有说服力的是„„ Numerous examples can be given, but this/these will suffice.



The benefits are in large measure canceled out by the problems.弊大于利。 The disadvantages cannot weigh against the benefits.利大于弊。


Obviously, a variety of complicated factors contribute to the phenomenon, with the following one being the foremost.


I can think of no better reasons for the phenomenon other than the following two.



A is an indispensable part of B A是B 不可或缺的一部分

Advertising has become an indispensable part of our lives and it has been exerting profound influence on the way we live, work, play and learn.

sth. plays a vital role in...某事在„„中起关键作用

It is universally acknowledged that education plays a vital role in individual success.

sth. is in the best interests of sb 做某事符合„„的利益

Preserving the endangered animals is in the best interests of humanity. get a clear perspective of 对„„有更清晰的认识

That is the best way for students to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do.


„ is attended by„某种好的现象伴随着某种坏的现象

The staggering advancement of technology is attended by serve pollution of the ecosystem.

A can be attributed to B A可以归因于B

The proliferation of traffic accidents can be in large measure attributed to the traffic law not being stringent enough.

be confronted with sth. 面对„„构成威胁

Today, we are confronted with a plethora of violent and pornographic shows.

pose a threat 对„„构成威胁

At present, the proliferation of non-biodegradable rubbish poses a threat to humanity.

1. 使用笼统词

英语语言中笼统词有do, make, get, think, take, tell等,笼统词的重要特点在于意义广泛,搭配性强,构成词组后可以替代众多具体动词。虽然不能精确表达一个动作,却能大致表达意思。在一些具体动词写不出来的时候,用这些笼统词取代,也能收到异曲同工的效果。例如:那旧沙发该扔掉了。

The old sofa will have to discard. = The old sofa will have to go.

这一句中,如果想不起来discard, 就用go 代替,即The old sofa will have to go. Go的使用让句子更为生动了,discard 意为“扔掉,废弃”,而go 的本意是表明人的来去,用到此处the old sofa 也有了生命,生动了起来。考研作文中,在词汇量不足或是单词不会写的时候,适当使用这些词汇,可以让句子表达完整。下面我们一起学习一下这些词汇。

have: I experienced a terrible day. = He had a bad day.

We had Lucy’s English training. =We sweated through Lucy’s English training. take: I will subscribe to the local newspaper. = I will take the local newspaper. make: What time do you calculate it? = What time do you make it?

think:I suppose you like your job. = I think you like your job.




I had a nightmare last night. = I had a bad dream last night.

nightmare使用频率不太高,因此不太好记。而其同义词bad dream却很容易记。以后者取代前者丝毫不影响原句的意义。

The governor declared a state of emergency. = The governor claimed a state of emergency. He witnessed the accident. = He saw the accident.

The crucial point is whether we should go ahead with the project. = The important point is whether we should go ahead with the project.

"It was an enormous culture shock, " She says. = “It was a big culture shock. “ She says.

They discontinued the work at five. = They stopped the work at five.



History is useful. = History is not useless.

The knife is blunt. = The knife is not sharp.

This is expensive. = This is not cheap.

She is talkative. = She is never quiet.



I don‘t capture the meaning of his words. = I don’t know what he said.


He refused. = He said “no”.

Surfing the Internet has become a prevailing phenomenon. = Suring the Internet has become a phenomenon that can be seen everywhere.

People’s view varies from person to person. = Different people have different ideas.

Constant viewing of rock videos stunts and distorts children’s emotional development.=Constant viewing of rock videos is harmful to children’s emotional development.




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