



[1] s (主语) +v(谓语) +o(宾语) 或 s +v 『下面的主语简称为s 谓语简称为v 宾语简称 为o 』

[2]s+be(即is am are)∕v+n(名词) +adj(形容词)


含有两套主谓的结构, 并且句子含有并列连词的句子叫并列句即

s +v +并列连词+s +v 关于并列连词我们只要记住5个就足够应付高考了

就是 but and or so for 一定只要牢记这5个



s +v +引导词+s +v 『什么是引导词就是像what how which that where 之类的』

主从复合句包括 定语从句 名词性从句 状语从句,, 其中名词性从句又包括主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 同位语从句』

第一章 【定语从句】


[1]什么是定语从句。。。。。。这个从句一般在名词或代词后面起修饰作用 这俩词我们叫做先行词

5]the way +that∕不填∕从句不缺成分用in which 缺成分用which

『关于成分缺不缺这里我要啰嗦一句 一定要背我开头写的三种句型缺一个s 或v 都是缺成分

定语从句主要看从句里面缺不缺成分 缺就要用之前写的那6个词that which什么的

不缺可是要用where when why

例子君{1}I grew up in the small village, where I was born 从句主谓完整成分不缺故用where

{2}I grew up in the small village, which I was born in从句中有个in ,in 哪里呢??很明显缺了什么东西,再加上前面有逗号不能用that ,先行词是物所以只能用which


1) 引导非限制性定语从句,且放句首时只能用as 不用which 『我们很熟悉的As we know ,。。。 As you can ,。。。』

2) 前面有the same/such/so时只能用as 『这点非常隐蔽,题中总是没看到 反正我是这样的』

3〕当翻译成 “ 正如??? 那样”时,只能用as

总而言之定语从句的做题规律 找先行词 → 指人还是指物 → 句子缺不缺成分



[1]一般现在时。。。(do,does ,is ,am ,are)→→被动→→do/does/is/am/are+done


1) 表习惯 eg.He is blamed by his mother every day.

2) 客观真理 eg.The sun rises in the earth.

3) 名言警句 eg.He said failure is the mothe of success.

\[2]现在进行时。。。be +v-ing→→被动→→be+being +done


有个典型的例题给你做,解析在后面,大家可以把答案回复在楼中,(毕竟光看不练也不行啊 eg.1

―Mom,where is my blue shirt.

―It ——,

so you would better wear another one.

A.was washed B.washed C.washes D.is washed E.is being washed


。。。have/has done→→被动→→have/has been done 『ps. 这个时态与过去和现在都有关系』


1) 过去发生的事情延续到现在

2) 过去发生的事情对现在的影响

标志『就是看到这些词组就毫不犹豫题都不要看直接选现在完成时』 1.since

2.recently 最近(过去到现在这一段时间)

3.in/over past/last+days/months/years『必须有加号后的days ,months 之类的否则为一般过去时的标志』

4.till now 直到现在 5.so far=up to now至今

5.before(单独用)eg.I have seen the film before.

6.for +时间段『但这不一定是,而且很容易成为老师出题的陷阱』


★eg.She —— in London for 10 years,but she never regrets returing to China. A.worked B.has worked C.had worked D.works

4]一般过去时。。。(v+ed)/did→→被动→→was/were done



1. last+n(month ,year ,summer... ) 2. ...ago

3. in/over the past/last.后面不接东西 eg.1.I saw the film 3 years ago.

2.I saw the film the other day(单).(=a few days(复) ago)几天前

[5]过去进行时。。。was/ were+doing→→被动→→was/were being done.


eg. —Did you catch what I said ,just now?

—Sorry,I —— a text message (短信) A.answered B.had answered C.was answering D.have answered 今天的答案是EAC ,你选对了吗

[6]过去完成时 had+done→→被动→→had been done


[7]一般将来时。。。will/(shall 主要用于第一人称)+do


①表纯时间的将来;表临时的决定→eg.—Mr smith is ill in hospital

—Oh ,really?In that case(如果这样)I will go and see him.

②be going to do→表有计划有安排的进行

自然现象;根据迹象表明要发生的 eg.Look at the cloud(云)!It is going to rain.

③表时间,条件,让步的状语从句中不能出现将来时态,要用一般现在表将来『这点必须牢记,考试经常会看到,具体以后会讲』 eg.I will tell him when he comes back.『这也是我们常说的 主将从现 』

④be to do sth 表将来,表示的是 企图,目的,命令,警告.

▲if/when 从句中用be to表将来,不能用will do

⑤be about to 『将要』

▲was/is about to do when...『这个东西接从句引导词一定是when 』

[8]将来进行时态。。。will be doing 『木什么特殊用法,看句意』

[9]将来完成时。。。will have done 『参考小语法中的 by the time 』

[10]现在完成进行时。。。have/has been doing

从过去到现在而且还在进行 eg.I have been studying English (for 8 years).



. 有 when ; while ; as ;since ;before/after;until ;

还有很重要的▲一... 就... (6种)as soon as;immediately ;directly ;the moment;on/upon...;Handly...when.../No sooner...than;instantly


首先要注意,特别注意▲,时间,条件,让步状语从句中不能用将来时态(will ),要用一般现在表将来.

①一... 就...

了解一个题目就可以,还有要把我上面写的那六个 一... 就... 背下来

eg. —— he arrived at the office ,he started his work. A.Before B.Unless C.Since D.the moment

②when while as『当... 时候』



eg.when he arrived(瞬间动词) ,we were watching TV.


eg.I was about to go out when(就在这时;突然)phone rang.

⑶▲既然 eg.How can you learn English well when you are unwilling to remember the new word ?


⑴然而,表转折 eg.I like English while he likes chinese.


eg.While the problem is difficult ,we will think out a way to solve it.

⑶当... 时候,用于延续的时间

T2. ★▁▁▁crossing the rood,he was knocked. A.when B.while C.As


“一边... 一边...”两个动作,同一人,同一时间,不直接接非谓语

eg.As we walked,we talked.(我们边走边谈)


(1)it is +时间段+ since + 过去时(公式)

(2)It is 5 years since he worked here. 其中worked 是延续性动词,所以翻译成 自从不...

It is 5 years since he left here . 其中life 离开时短暂性动词,所以翻译成 自从... 以来 『这就是语法在阅读中的考察,看你翻译分不分得清』

5〉until 否定句中翻译成 ...直到... 才

肯定句中翻译成 ...直到... 为止

eg. I didnˊt leave until he came back . leave(瞬间动词)

I didnˊt stayed here until he came back. stayed(延续性动词)

▲.改强调句.It was ▏not until he came back▕ that I left.

改倒装 .Not until he came back ▏did I leave .


5〉until 否定句中翻译成 ...直到... 才

肯定句中翻译成 ...直到... 为止

eg. I didnˊt leave until he came back . leave(瞬间动词)

I didnˊt stayed here until he came back. stayed(延续性动词)

▲.改强调句.It was ▏not until he came back▕ that I left.

改倒装 .Not until he came back ▏did I leave .




归类之前我们还是要注意,特别注意▲,时间,条件,让步状语从句中不能用将来时态(will ),要用一般现在表将来,而且可以用省略.

1〉if(如果) unless (除非) once (一旦)

eg.I wonˊt take part in the activity unless she invits me.

I wonˊt take part in the activity unless(I am) invited. 因为I am 与主语相同,所以可以省略.

eg.The illness can cured if (the illness is可省)___ early. A.treat B.to treat C.treated D.treating

2〉易忽略的引导词有▲1. provide/providing = if = suppose/supposing(可替换)后接可that

eg.Suppose (=if) I were him ,I would accept .

▲2. as(so ) long as 只要

▲3.in case 以防万一 ▲4.on condition that 只要


▲注意,特别注意,时间,条件,让步状语从句中不能用将来时态(will ),要用一般现在表将来,而且可以用省略.


1〉表„虽然‟的,,though although as while (都翻译为 虽然 )

eg.1 though/although/while the problem is difficult,we can solve it.(▲此处不能用as ,as 引导让步状语从句时不能放句首,而且从句要倒装。。这点后面讲到)

2〉Child as/though(句中二者都可以用) he is,he knows a lot.===Though(句首绝对不用as ,可以用though) he is a chil d ,he knows a lot.

3〉as 引导让步状语从句一定要倒装,情况分两种。

1) 表语前置 eg.Child as he is,he knows a lot.『关于什么是表语我们理解成is ,am ,are 后面的内容就可以了』

2) 副词前置 ,没别的就一个 much 大家把这一个例句背下来就可以了

▲eg.Much as he tried,he failed again.===Though he tried much,he failed again. 这里有个关于倒装的规律 though 可倒可不倒 although ,while 不倒 as 必须倒 『而且用while 引导让步状语从句时只能放句首』{2}

even if/even though 即使

{3}wether/if 是否{4}▲表示 无论... ;不管...

eg1.whatever 与no matter what的区分,他们意思都表示为“无论什么”,最简单的区分方法是.. 看有无逗号

1.Whatever he says is unbelievable.(无逗号只能用whatever ,此句为名词性从句)

2.whatever/no matter what he says,I wonˊt believe.(有逗号,两个都可以)此外whichever whoever whomever同样适用 值得一提的有两个地方▲注意▲1.只要是从句,有逗号隔开的,就不能用 what 和that

▲注意▲2.however(引导词)+ adj/adv.


because (原因)「as ,since , now that 」(都表事实的原因)翻译成“既然”『PS. 其实我觉得翻译成“因为”也不错』

eg.As you are a student ,you should keep study first.

[5].地点状语从句..wherever 『别拼写错误』

[6].比较状语从句. 最常用的 than ,还有 (as... )as eg.He is as old as you 与.. 一样『引导词是后面那个as 』

[7].方式状语从句.as eg.You should do it as I told you to(do it). 『后面是不定式的省略,翻译为“像... 那样”』

[8].目的状语从句.eg.He get up early so that he could catch the train.

He get up early so that he caught the train.

大家看看这两句话有什么不同 C 这是必须要背下来的

关于上面的1. 完成式『必须记』...1〉表在主句动作发生之前

2〉完成式不能作表语,定语. 一般不作主语

eg1.The work ▁▁▁,he went out to play.

A.finished B.to finish C.finishing D.having finished

解,很明显这个空是作the work的定语的,所以首先排除D ,又因为是被动(工作当然是被完成啦),所以排除BC

2. 不定式(了解就行,不一定要记)

不定式to 主 被

一般式 to do(表目的,将来) to be done

进行式 to be doing(无被动,表进行,只能用在某些动词之后,如happen ,pretend )

完成式 to have done(只能用在某些动词之后,如happen ,pretend ) to have been done


进行式的例子1.He pretend to be reading when I came in .

完成式的例子1.He happened to have seen the film ,so he told us something about it.

3. 过去分词done 不能作主 谓 宾

表完成 表被动


其实我们只要知道两类就可以解决大部分问题 一类是带逗号的非谓


不管哪一类,这个非谓语都跟句子的主语有关 记住这句话 ▲▼●◆■★跟句子的主语有关★■◆●▼▲


看个例子 The house ▁▁▁now there is to be used as a library.

A.is built B.built C.being built D.to build


[The house](s) ▁▁▁now there [is to be used](v)[as a library](状从).

这个句子里有主 有谓,不缺成分,那 ▁▁▁now there是什么成分呢?→哎!!那就是非谓语啦!!

▲注意这样的非谓语是夹在主谓之间的,类似于这种结构→ 主(非谓语)谓 ,而且主谓之间没有引导词,并列连词

所以写这种非谓语题 第一步,划成分看是否为非谓语



看上面那个例子,确定是要填非谓语排除A ,再看房子当然是被建立所以排除D ,有因为now there,可知是正在被建,所以选C 大家造了吗,不造没关系,再来个例子

The problem ▁▁▁ at tomorrowˊs meeting is important. A.discussed B.being discussed C.having discussed D.to discuss E.to be discussed


The problem (主语) is (谓语) ▁▁▁ at tomorrowˊs meeting夹在主谓之间,而且没有引导词,没有并列连词,所以是非谓语,再看与主语的联系,问题当然是被讨论,所以排除CD ,再看那句中有个tomorrow ,所以很明显选E 啦


3. ▁▁▁ the news ,We all jumped with joy.

A.Heard B.to hear C.Having heard D.Hearing


4. ▁▁▁my homework,I went out to play basketball. A.Finished B.To finish C.Having finished D.Finishing

看非谓语与句子主句的主语的关系, 我当然是主动完成作业, 排除A ,又因为非谓语发生的动作在主句动作发生之前,而且没有作定语,表语,主语,所以答案选C..

非谓语中 只能 接不定式(to do)的词 agree,ask,determine,fail,

表希望的词(hope,wish,desire,expect,long to do,long for)

happen ,intend,premise,pretend,plan,refuse,want.....(就记这么多)

只能接v-ing 的词

avoid (避免),deny (否认),imagine (想象),

表建议的词(advice,suggest,recommend,propose )

appreciate(欣赏) ,mind(介意) ,finish(完成) ,escape (逃跑),miss (错过),stand (忍受)还有bear ,encourage (鼓励),urge (敦促),permit (允许),allow (允许), forbid (禁止)

既能接to do又能接v-ing 的

forget to do sth 忘记去做某事 remember to do sth 记得去做某事

forget doing sth 忘记做了某事 remember doing sth 记得做了某事 以此类推regret

总结to do就是事情没做

v-ing 就是事情做了 注意这个stop stop to do sth 停下来去做某事 stop doing sth 停下正在做的事


主:Teaching is my job. To teach you is my job.

宾:She likes to shop this afternoon. she likes shopping in the afternoon.

表:My job is teaching.

My job is to teach you.


不定式『注意逗号』 eg.He ran to the classroom ,only to find there was no one in it.

主句之后用逗号隔开的不定式 表意料之外的结果

eg.He gets up early to catch the first bus. 没有逗号隔开的 表目的

eg 。To catch the first bus,he gets up early. 主句之前用逗号隔开的 还是表目的

v-ing 『有无逗号无所谓』

eg.It rained heavily for 5 days(,)damaging the crops as well as the house.(农作物和房屋)


sb/sth is said/reported/believed/considered + to + do (将来)

sb/sth is said/reported/believed/considered + to + be doing (现在)(这些词必须要有to )

sb/sth is said/reported/believed/considered + to +have done (过去) eg.Bell is considered to have invented the telephone

She is said to be studying French because she wants to study fashion in Paris. 『be said to据说』



常见的形容词有:open 开着的,closed 关着的

lost ,missing ,gone 不见了的,没有了的,丢失了的

seated 作好了的


所有身体部位所发出的的动作,用被动 eg.The boy lay on his back ,his teeth closed.

★1. 有逗号隔开的非谓语动词一定要和句子的主语有逻辑关系(也就是主被动关系)

2. 如果非谓语与句子的主语没有逻辑关系,则要在非谓语动词前面加上适当地逻辑主句,或者改为从句『非谓语是可以改从句的』 eg.Mary being late again,Mr Wang get angry.

非谓语being late 迟到 与主语Mr Wang 没有逻辑关系,所以要加一个逻辑主语Mary ,意为 Mary 又迟到,王先生变得生气. 一般形式:There/It be + n

eg.It being sunday ,we had no classes in the afternoon.

T1. ▁▁▁for a long time ,most of the crops in this area died from lacking water.

A.Being no rain B.There was no rain C.To be no rain D.There being no rain

解,由前面我写的那么多东西可知,首先排除AC ,又因为for a long time 很长一段时间缺水,现在也缺当然选D 啦


feel/see/taste/hear/observe/notice/watch + o(宾语) + oc(宾补) + doing表正在进行

+ done 表被动完成

+ 省略to 的不定式 do 表全过程

eg.We often hear him sing in the hall.

often 表经常的,整个事情,全过程都是他在唱歌 所以后面的sing 是省略to 的不定式

改被动→ He is often heard to sing in the hall.★这时候的to 就不能省略了

★注意,感官动词和make 变为被动时,后面的不定式要加上to 『其他情况不变』



eg1. ▁▁▁in thought ,he almost ran into the car in front of him .

A.To lose B.Having lost C.Lost D.Losing

eg2. ▁▁▁her keys,she had to wait out outside for husband.

A.Losing B.Having lost C.lost D.To lose

eg3. ▁▁▁with a sudden job loss ,would you consider it a failure or an opportunity?

A.Having faced B.Facing C.Faced D.To faced

第五章 名词性从句


1. 同位语从句(据说湖南高考不考)

eg.Mr smith ,our pressident,will give us a speech.

这个句子中Mr smith和our pressident所指的都是一个人,所以他们是同位语.

▲news,information ,word (作消息,语言的时候是不可数,此时没有a word 和 words ),fact ,truth ,idea ,advice ,recommendation ,suggest ,tip ,evidence ,proof (证据),这些不可数的抽象名词后 一定 是+that+从句


The news that/which he told us yesterday turned out true(定语从句)

The news that our team won the match is true.(同位语从句)


2. 主语从句




eg. ▁▁▁we need is time A.That B.Which C.What D.When

解 【▁▁▁we need】 is time 很明显括号内是从句,这个从句在句子中所占的成分是主语,所以这是个主语从句

we need 后面少了个sth ,根据作从句的题要密切关心从句的成分,从句缺成分,排除D 又根据that 在名词性从句中一定不充当成分,排除A

剩下BC 怎么选??对于湖南的考生我告诉你,高考中 which 和 what 二选一时,选what ,不要问为什么,我老师告我的;也可以用传说中的语感也是秒选

回到正题怎么科学地选出来,必须句子中有复数名词,而且要有选择的意思才能用which ,其他都用what 所以啦,这题就选C 别看我写这么多,如果你理解了,写题目就是 秒杀

eg. ▁▁▁we ˊll go outing depends on the weather. A.That B.What C.If D.Whether

我们继续刚才的步骤,看从句we ˊll go outing→不缺成分,排除B→看句意,that 是不充当成分的也是没有意义的,根据depends on 我们可知前面缺了个 表 是否 的If/whether

★在名词性从句中,If 和 whether 一起出现且表示 是否 的时候用whether ,这条绝对没错,可以用IF 的地方可以用whether ,不能用If 的地方也能用whether ,具体地方就不说了,有点多,大家会用就行

3. 表语从句

首先要知道 系动词 be 表变化的(get,become,grow,go 这个特指由好变坏,turn ) 表保持的(keep,stay,remain )

感官动词(feel 、look ,sound ,taste ,smell )

The reason的后表语从句用that

eg.The reason why he was absent last week is that he was ill. 这里面有个定从又有个表从你们看得出来吧


A is to B what C is to D 意思是:A 之于B 正如C 之于D eg.Air is to human what water is to fish


1 )It is 5 years since he worked here. 其中worked 是延续性动词,所以翻译成 自从不...

关于个,有同学觉得应翻译为 他在这里工作五年了,但是经过我査书后,发现这是不对的

应该翻译为 他自从不在那儿工作已经5年了 通俗点就是他不在那工作5年了

因为since 引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词为延续性动词,所以从句表示的时间是从那个持续性动作结束时算起


5〉until 否定句中翻译成 ...直到... 才

肯定句中翻译成 ...直到... 为止

eg. I didnˊt leave until he came back . leave(瞬间动词)

I didnˊt stayed here until he came back. stayed(延续性动词)

▲.改强调句.It was ▏not until he came back▕ that I left.

改倒装 .Not until he came back ▏did I leave .


关于这里有个错误 I didnˊt stayed here until he came back. stayed(延续性动词) 这个句子改为

I stayed here until he came back. stayed(延续性动词)

不好意思多打了个didn ˊt

有同学说为啥要在后面写个leave (瞬间动词), stayed(延续性动词) ,其实这个不记也罢,反正没考点,这只是个规律而已 2〉易忽略的引导词有▲1. provide/providing = if = suppose/supposing(可替换)后接可that

eg.Suppose (=if) I were him ,I would accept .

▲2. as(so ) long as 只要

▲3.in case 以防万一

▲4.on condition that 只要

这个地方我写了个 后接可that 这个我也忘了是干啥的了(表要打我),只有不重要的才会被忘记对不对,所以细心的大家把那小句删了吧


eg.There are so many gifts in the shop ,but I canˊt decide ▁▁▁I should buy for my father‟s day. A.that B.what C.which

再重复一遍 必须句子中有复数名词,而且要有选择的意思才能用which ,其他才用what eg.Today is Fatherˊs day ,but I donˊt know what I should do.

eg1. ▁▁▁ comes in first should open the window to let some fesh air in.

A.Who B.Whoever C.No matter who D.Whomever

eg2.I ˊll give the ticket to ▁▁▁ comes first.

A.Who B.Whoever C.No matter who D.Whomever

eg3. ▁▁▁ broke the window is still unknown.

A.Who B.Whoever C.No matter who D.Whomever


看有无逗号 无逗号只能用wh —ever 有逗号no matter wh- 和 wh-ever 都可以

那怎么区分wh-和wh-ever 呢??

很简单,以who ,whom ,whoever ,whomever 为例

who/whom 在语气中要带有疑问的意思 例如 I donˊt know who/whom you mean.我不知道你指的是谁

而whoever 既能引导让步状语从句,也能引导名词性从句


whomever 既能引导让步状语从句,也能引导名词性从句




When you see the gas prices rising,▁▁▁I am so glad that I am blessed to have a vehicle in which to get around.

A.to say B.say C.saying D.having said



这个句子中的 When you see the gas prices rising 是个从句

that I am blessed to have a vehicle in which to get around. 也是个从句

剩下的只有▁▁▁I am so glad ,如果我们选非谓语那么这个句子一套主谓也没有,这还是个句子吗??当然不是!!

所以这道题可以马上排除ACD ,选B

注意▲,一个句子中出现从句,那么另一个部分,必须有主句,★祈使句也可以充当主句★本题就是祈使句充当主句 再来一个

▁▁▁careful when you taken an exam A.Bing B.To be C.Be D.Having been

今天更得有点少,所以给大家简单滴解决 强调句


将句子中的 It ˊs 和 that 去掉,句子依旧完整 eg.It ˊs not only his work hard but also his persistence(坚持) that leads to his success.

来我们将句子中的 It ˊs 和 that 去掉,就变成 not only his work hard but also his persistence(坚持) leads to his success.句子依旧完整,所以这是个强调句.



①can/could (这两个词在情态动词中是可以互换的,意思,用法都一样,下同) ⒈表能力 eg. —Could you help me with my book.

—Yes I can.

⒉可能性,意为 有可能『是对曾经发生的事情下的结论,或者说 是由过去的经验得出的可能性』

eg.Even a clever man can make a stupid mistake.即使一个智者都有可能犯下愚蠢的错误

⒊★推测★ 『语气强烈』只能用于否定句和疑问句,不能用于肯定句 表示 不可能

否 —Who is that man?

—It canˊt be Mr Wang .Mr Wang is away on business(出差不在)

疑 —Can it be Mr Wang?

—It may be Mr Wang.Isaw him in red this morning.

▲注意 Can 不肯 4. 表请求许可

eg.Can you help me? ②may/might


⒈★推测★ 不能用于疑问句 eg.It may not be true.这可能不是真的(may not可能不)

eg.You may be right.你可能是对的

▲注意 may 不问

2. 固定句型

may/might as well do sth 不妨做某事===would better do

⒊请求, 许可 May I sit here? 我可以坐在这吗?

You may come in now. 你现在可以进来了.


⒈表示意愿,决心(意为 一定 ) eg.I ˊll catch up with you.我一定会赶上你

You will succeed. 你一定会成功

⒉表倾向性,习惯性 表倾向性时 有 一定,绝对的意思

eg.Some students will go to school without breakfast 一些学生不吃早饭就去学校(表示这种习惯)

Fish will die without water 鱼离开水就会死 (表示鱼的一种倾向--离开水就会死的这种倾向)


—The phone is ringing

—Oh,I ˊll answer it.

⒋Would you please do sth? 主语必须第二人称


⒈命令,要求(翻译为 一定,必须) eg.You must finish your work first.

⒉★推测★ 只能用于肯定句 ▲注意 must 只肯 eg.He must be playing volleyball. He must have seen the film.

▲⒊翻译为 非要 ,表现出不耐烦的语气(这点很重要)

Must you disturb me again and again? 你非要一次又一次地打扰我吗?


—May I use your computer?

肯定回答 —Yes ,you can/may.

否定回答 —No ,you mustnˊt.

—Must I hand in the paper?我一定要交这试卷吗? 否定回答 —No ,you neednˊt.

说了这么多 推测 我们可以总结出一个口诀 !can 不肯,may 不问,must 只肯!



二他一定在玩游戏 三他也许在玩游戏,但我不确定 大家翻译出来吧



Shall he wait outside? 要他在外面等吗?


I shall come back on time.我保证准时回家


尤其是当句中出现 法律条文,规章制度时 如这些词 law rules regulation(法规) judge 就要注意很大的几率用shall


⒈表责任 , 义务 意为 应该

▲⒉惊讶,意料之外 翻译为 竟然

eg.It is unbelieveable that a taecher should make such a mistake.一个老师竟然犯这样一个错误太令人不敢相信了.

⒊推测, 这是按时间表或经验来推测 eg.It is now 8:30,He should be in the office.

⑦dare 敢

need 需要

这两个词既可以是情态动词又可以是实义动词『实义动词就是我们平常见到的那些动词像 jump run之类的』


⒉做实义动词的时候dare 后的to 可以省略→→dare to do === dare do 意为 敢于

⒊只有need to do 没有need do 但是可以有needn't do『因为在肯定句中不能用作情态动词啊,在否定句里可以啊


The girl▁▁▁out alone at night.

A.dares go B.dare go C.darenˊt go D.darenˊt to go E.doesn't dare to go F.doesn't dare go G.dare to go

这里注意dare 作情态动词后面的动词都是原形 做实义动词后面多接带to 的不定式,而且to 可以省略

根据 在肯定句中不能用作情态动词 排除BG 选出C

根据 做实义动词dare 后的to 可以省略→→doesn't dare to do ===doesn't dare do 可以选出AEF 综上答案是ACEF 如果BG 要改正确呢?很简单将dare 改为 dares 就可以了

★情态动词表推测(全) ⒈can/may/must/should 的推测 前面已总结 ⒉could have done 本能够做某事 (实际上没做)

should have done 本应该做某事 (实际上没做)

shouldn ˊt have done 本不应该做某事(实际上做了)

need have done 本需要做 (实际上没做)

needn't have done 本不必做 (实际上做了)

couldn ˊt have done 不可能做了某事

表祝福的只有wish 和 may

Wish you success(n). May you succeed(v).


今天的答案 ⒈He canˊt be reading books.

⒉He must be playing games

⒊He may be playing games but Iˊm not sure.

回复 有情人有天涯 :这是为了避免用语重复 Which is the course ▁▁▁ we are to take? 这个句子开头已经有了一个Which 难道后面还用which 吗,所以要用that who开头同理 后面用that

第七章 特殊句型 以及 代词

一. 强调句

基本结构 It + be + 被强调部分 + that


▲It + is +介词短语+that....


1.It is five oˊclock ▁▁▁he came back.

2.It was at five oˊclock ▁▁▁he came back.

A.that B.when C.what D.where



将句子中的 It ˊs 和 that 去掉,句子依旧完整

所以经过上步骤 1句变为 five oˊclock he came back.

2句变为 at five oˊclock he came back. 很明显第一个句子缺少个介词,导致five oˊclock 和he came back连不成一个句子,所以2句才是强调句

根据这次说的It + is +介词短语+that....这种结构一眼就可以看出来了句2是强调句,


第一题呢?其实是个定语从句,所以排除C (定语从句的题首先排除what ,因为定语从句中不可能出现what )从句主谓完整不缺成分,排除A ,根据先行词是时间用when 地点用where 所以选择答案B



公式 引导词 + it + is/was + that

eg.I want to know ▁▁▁ helped him with the task.

A.who is it that B.who it is C.who it is that D.who is that C


公式 疑问词 + is + it + that...

eg.Who ▁▁▁helped him with the task ? A.is it B.is it that C.it is that B


——Where did you meet Mr smith?

——It was at the hotel▁▁▁he stayed. A.that B.what C.when D.where D

像这种题按之前的去掉It ˊs 和 that 变成 at the hotel he stayed.看起来貌似句意完整,再加上里面有个介词at 更加觉得是强调句了

但是这不是,stay 在这里是个不及物动词后面不需要接宾语,所以这里句子主语he 谓语stayed 那么多出来的at the hotel 既不是非谓语又不是从句,那这个句子肯定句意不完整,所以绝对不是强调句,而是定语从句,根据先行词是时间用when 地点用where ,选D 楼主经常在这里被这里坑

我讲解的时候说这么多,其实在做题的时候只要看到是小对话形式,首先就要看是不是定语从句而不是去想强调句,有时出题人就是用It is 开头来迷惑你的




当表语前置时,Be 动词和主语需要完全倒装 也就是 表语+Be动词+主语 的形式


当出现选项中有倒装的选择题时,此题必定考察倒装。因此不是倒装的选项可以排除,而当句首为表语时 选项中只有Be 动词才是完全倒装(Be 动词+主语)。如果是实意动词时,只能为部分倒装(助动词+主语+实意动词)



代词比较需要掌握的有one it that


1)one (they,them)----指代上文出现的名词,同一事物[后不接定语从句] 2) it (ones)----指代与上文是同一类,但不是同一个事物[前面可以接形容词修饰,后面可以接定语从句] 3) that(those)----前面不能有形容词修饰也不能充当先行词

ps :这里括号里的词与前面的词相同,由前面的词转变而来

a......one 在one 的前面必须是不定冠词

the......that 在that 的前面必须是定冠词

PS :后面能接定语从句的人称代词只有HE 和 I


接下来就是比较难的both all none no one=nobody each neither either nothing

例句:There are many trees on_____ sides of the road

_____ side

※both (两者都) each (每个都)后面接复数 both of (两者中的一个)[二选一]后用单数

※前面出现了范围名词如„students‟则用none 表示„没有人‟。none 后面可以接of 比如none of students

1) who*s in the office?

2)what*s in the box?

以上两句因为没有范围限制。所以我们应该用nothing 或者no one=nobody来指代

!!!!!接下来是关于怎么弄清在有代词修饰的主语是单或是复!!!!! We ____ have an English-English dictionary

____ of us has an English-English dictinary PS:of 后面的词不是主语

因为of 后面的词不能做主语 实际上这里做主语的使我们要填的副词。所以需要记下那些副词接复数那些接单数


后面接复数:each of,none of,either of,neither of



在图片中。。你们那个2逼学长还犯错了- -

all of us don*t like 意为 我们中所有人都不喜欢

not all of us like 意为 不是我们中间所有人都不喜欢(还有一些人喜欢)

这里我要提一下all of us don*t like和not all of us like都表示为不是我们中间所有人都不喜欢,都是部分否定

关于什么是完全倒装,就是将普通句子中 主+谓 的形式改为 谓+主 例如 The bus comes here 改成倒装 Here comes the bus ,the bus是主语comes 是谓语,

那其他形式就是部分到装咯,形式为 助动词+主语 例如 Seldom does he go out for dinner 这句子中主谓位置没有变换,注意选项中的部分倒装一般会有do does did had ...具体例子如下面的题大家只要记住完全倒装就行了,其他都是部分倒装,在选项中一般会设置两个倒装,两个不倒装,首先排除不倒装的选项


1. 当表地点,方位的副词放在句首,并且主语为名词的时候,主谓要完全倒装


表地点,方位的副词或短语 例如in the north of the city ,in the centre of the square 或者直接的north

并且主语为名词的时候 主语必须是名词不能是代词 例如 Here comes he(代词) 这句话是错的 Here comes the bus(名词)这就对了

主谓要完全倒装 就是主谓要完全调换位置 例如 The bus comes here 改成 Here comes the bus ,comes 和the bus调换位置 eg.In the centre of the square stands(v ) a monument(s )

eg.In the north of the city lies(v ) a chemical factory(s )

2. 当表语前置时,be 动词(就是is am are...)和主语要完全倒装

eg. 20 patients ▎were ▎Outside the doctor‟s clinic.

改倒装 Outside the doctor‟s clinic ▎were ▎20 patients.

T1.So frightened ▁▁▁ that she could say nothing. A.she was B.did she feel C.felt she

根据首先排除不倒装的选项,排除A ,再根据上述, 本来是She was so feightened that....改倒装变为So frightened was she,表语前置但是这里没有was 所以构不成完全倒装,只能选择部分倒装的B ▲当表语前置时,没有be 动词不能完全倒装

eg.Growing at the foot of these hills ▁▁▁ some unknow grass(草).

A.has been B.have been C.is D.are C

eg.No sooner ▁▁▁ than he started his work

A.did he arrived B.he arrived C.had he arrived D.he had arrived


▲eg.▁▁▁fired ,these items will still work.

A.If you will be B.will you be C.should you be D.you should be


3.So I am/can/do/have 形式so+s+v 没有倒装(的确如此)

So am/can/do/have I 形式so+v+s 有倒装 (用于肯定句后表示·也)

A.one it that


I lost my pen last night,I canˊt find it ,so I plan to buy a new one,like that of yours.


it (复数形式they ,them ) 指代上文出现的名词,表示同一个事物,『句中的it 指的就是上文的pen

one (复数形式ones ) 与上文出现的名词同类但不是同一个,前面可以有adj 修饰,后面可以接定从

that (复数形式those ) 前不能有adj 修饰,不能充当先行词 eg.She wants to buy a gift for her father,one that is not expensive but practical.

▲前面出现不定代词a ,后面要你填代词,就选one

公式 a .... one...

同理 the....that... eg.The house made of steel lasts longer than that of wood.

▲能接定语从句的人称代词只有I 和he

1.He ,who doesn*t get to the Great Wall,is not a true man.不到长城非好汉

2.I ,who am your good friend,will always stand by you.作为你的好朋友我将总是支持你


①I can‟t help it 我没办法

eg.If I could help it(有办法) ,I wouldn‟t work day and night these days.

②make it 成功 eg.Hold on and you will make it.

③you‟ve got it 你猜对了

I‟ve got it 我明白了

④As he put it..... (这里的put it = say) 翻译为正如他所说


eg1. —Who is it?

—it′s me. eg2.The baby is crying it must be hungry.

B both, all, none, no one=nobody,each,either,neither,nothing

列出这么些词主要是为了用简单的方法区分他们 ⑴ There are many trees on ▁▁▁sides of the rood There are many trees on ▁▁▁side of the rood

▲both的意思为 两者都

each 的意思为 每个都


▲either的意思为 两个中的一个(二选一的意思), neither 的意思为 两个中的一个不(还是二选一的意思),这两个词后面的名词用单数,第二个空可以填这两个词

⑵—How many students won the scholarship?

—▁▁▁Because they didn‟pass cthe final test. 前面出现范围students ,所以用none ,如果没有范围就用no one=nobody

关于什么是范围!!大家看个对比 Who is in the office? 谁在办公室?这句话没有范围,因为没有划定出一个特定的东西这个who 可能是人是鬼是动物是外星人,完全没有范围!因此我们的回答就要用no one=nobody

How many students won the scholarship?多少学生赢得奖学金,一看就有范围,范围就是学生,没有其他东西,因此回答就要用none

谁 ▎在办公室

多少学生 ▎赢得奖学金?

⑵ 后面用名词用复数的词:all both each

后面用名词用单数的词:each none either neither(而且这四个词后面都可以接of ,如each of)⑷▲both,all ,every ,在否定句中只能表部分否定,翻译为 并非都不

eg.All of us don‟t like我们并非都不喜欢,绝对不能翻译为 我们都不喜欢

Not all of us like 上同C.other,the other,others,the others,another规律,one...another.../some...others 1.eg.I don‟t like this dress ,please show me▁▁▁.

▲.在句子中有购物时,都有another ,表示未知数的另外一个,翻译为 另一个

⑶ 2.There are 27 students in class.one among them seven are boys the others are girls. There are 27 students in class.one among them seven are boys the other students are girls.

『ps. 形容词性物主代词 例如your+n,her+n;名词性物主代词 例如yours ,hers ,这两个词可以挂等号』

所以在这个句子中我们可以知道 the others=the other students

所以就有个公式 other+n = others关于是否用the ,这又要看范围,有范围就用the ,如句中的27 students


I have two pens,one is red,the other is black.前面有范围two pens所以要有the ,但是只有两支,一支是红的,另一只是黑的,说另一支时是单数,所以用the other.

⑷ D.some any

1〉否定,疑问,条件状语从句中,用any ,意为,一些/任何

2〉肯定句中也能用any ,eg.I will do anything for you

3▲另外三天,another 3 days=3 other days=3 more days

another+n 意为 另外的...

1. 进行时态与always ,constantly 不停地,continously 连续的,连用时。。表赞赏或不满 eg.He is always thinking of other 他总是为他人考虑(表赞赏) 2. 2. 。。注意。。雷区。。

run out ,belong to ,consist of ,agree with ,suffer from ,come 的所有短语,都没有被动,不接宾语,要接宾语只能加介词。例如run out of sth 。 3. 表位置移动的动词的进行时态,往往表将来。

进行时态表将来的词:play (表演),take (带去),stay (逗留,呆在某地)尤其是finish ,用进行时一定表将来,意为“将完成”

4. 4.By the time + 句子(时间状语从句)其中一般现在表将来,现在完成表将来完成

eg.By the time we got(过)there ,the plane had taken(过去完成) off.

By the time you return(现) ,we will have reviewed unit 3(将来完成).

上面是个公式只要看到by the time 就这么用

5. 5.be said to do (表将来,据说要做某事)

be said to have done(表完成,据说已经做了)

be said to be doing (表进行,据说正在做)

6. 6.It/This/That ╭is the first/most(序数词/最高级)...that...have done..

╰was ..........................................had done.

7. 7. 现在完成时和现在完成进行时二选一的话选后者

1. 在做感叹句的题时。

how 后面紧跟adj→→how+adj/adv how+adj+a/an+n

how+many/much/few/little + n 只要记这一个其他情况都用what

2. 在感叹句上so 和how 的用法一样,such 和what 一样

3.both A and B 后面一定用复数

就近原则的情况4种 1)not only A but also B 2)not A but B 3)neither A nor B 4)either A or B

4.during which time (在那段时间),in which case,whose 可以做定语,非谓语也可以作定语

5.out of the question === impossible 不可能

out of question === no doult 毫无疑问

6.what 和how 不引导定语从句因此在定语从句的题中首先排除这两货

7. 祈使句+and,后面用将来时 eg. Hurry up, and you will catch the bus




[1] s (主语) +v(谓语) +o(宾语) 或 s +v 『下面的主语简称为s 谓语简称为v 宾语简称 为o 』

[2]s+be(即is am are)∕v+n(名词) +adj(形容词)


含有两套主谓的结构, 并且句子含有并列连词的句子叫并列句即

s +v +并列连词+s +v 关于并列连词我们只要记住5个就足够应付高考了

就是 but and or so for 一定只要牢记这5个



s +v +引导词+s +v 『什么是引导词就是像what how which that where 之类的』

主从复合句包括 定语从句 名词性从句 状语从句,, 其中名词性从句又包括主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 同位语从句』

第一章 【定语从句】


[1]什么是定语从句。。。。。。这个从句一般在名词或代词后面起修饰作用 这俩词我们叫做先行词

5]the way +that∕不填∕从句不缺成分用in which 缺成分用which

『关于成分缺不缺这里我要啰嗦一句 一定要背我开头写的三种句型缺一个s 或v 都是缺成分

定语从句主要看从句里面缺不缺成分 缺就要用之前写的那6个词that which什么的

不缺可是要用where when why

例子君{1}I grew up in the small village, where I was born 从句主谓完整成分不缺故用where

{2}I grew up in the small village, which I was born in从句中有个in ,in 哪里呢??很明显缺了什么东西,再加上前面有逗号不能用that ,先行词是物所以只能用which


1) 引导非限制性定语从句,且放句首时只能用as 不用which 『我们很熟悉的As we know ,。。。 As you can ,。。。』

2) 前面有the same/such/so时只能用as 『这点非常隐蔽,题中总是没看到 反正我是这样的』

3〕当翻译成 “ 正如??? 那样”时,只能用as

总而言之定语从句的做题规律 找先行词 → 指人还是指物 → 句子缺不缺成分



[1]一般现在时。。。(do,does ,is ,am ,are)→→被动→→do/does/is/am/are+done


1) 表习惯 eg.He is blamed by his mother every day.

2) 客观真理 eg.The sun rises in the earth.

3) 名言警句 eg.He said failure is the mothe of success.

\[2]现在进行时。。。be +v-ing→→被动→→be+being +done


有个典型的例题给你做,解析在后面,大家可以把答案回复在楼中,(毕竟光看不练也不行啊 eg.1

―Mom,where is my blue shirt.

―It ——,

so you would better wear another one.

A.was washed B.washed C.washes D.is washed E.is being washed


。。。have/has done→→被动→→have/has been done 『ps. 这个时态与过去和现在都有关系』


1) 过去发生的事情延续到现在

2) 过去发生的事情对现在的影响

标志『就是看到这些词组就毫不犹豫题都不要看直接选现在完成时』 1.since

2.recently 最近(过去到现在这一段时间)

3.in/over past/last+days/months/years『必须有加号后的days ,months 之类的否则为一般过去时的标志』

4.till now 直到现在 5.so far=up to now至今

5.before(单独用)eg.I have seen the film before.

6.for +时间段『但这不一定是,而且很容易成为老师出题的陷阱』


★eg.She —— in London for 10 years,but she never regrets returing to China. A.worked B.has worked C.had worked D.works

4]一般过去时。。。(v+ed)/did→→被动→→was/were done



1. last+n(month ,year ,summer... ) 2. ...ago

3. in/over the past/last.后面不接东西 eg.1.I saw the film 3 years ago.

2.I saw the film the other day(单).(=a few days(复) ago)几天前

[5]过去进行时。。。was/ were+doing→→被动→→was/were being done.


eg. —Did you catch what I said ,just now?

—Sorry,I —— a text message (短信) A.answered B.had answered C.was answering D.have answered 今天的答案是EAC ,你选对了吗

[6]过去完成时 had+done→→被动→→had been done


[7]一般将来时。。。will/(shall 主要用于第一人称)+do


①表纯时间的将来;表临时的决定→eg.—Mr smith is ill in hospital

—Oh ,really?In that case(如果这样)I will go and see him.

②be going to do→表有计划有安排的进行

自然现象;根据迹象表明要发生的 eg.Look at the cloud(云)!It is going to rain.

③表时间,条件,让步的状语从句中不能出现将来时态,要用一般现在表将来『这点必须牢记,考试经常会看到,具体以后会讲』 eg.I will tell him when he comes back.『这也是我们常说的 主将从现 』

④be to do sth 表将来,表示的是 企图,目的,命令,警告.

▲if/when 从句中用be to表将来,不能用will do

⑤be about to 『将要』

▲was/is about to do when...『这个东西接从句引导词一定是when 』

[8]将来进行时态。。。will be doing 『木什么特殊用法,看句意』

[9]将来完成时。。。will have done 『参考小语法中的 by the time 』

[10]现在完成进行时。。。have/has been doing

从过去到现在而且还在进行 eg.I have been studying English (for 8 years).



. 有 when ; while ; as ;since ;before/after;until ;

还有很重要的▲一... 就... (6种)as soon as;immediately ;directly ;the moment;on/upon...;Handly...when.../No sooner...than;instantly


首先要注意,特别注意▲,时间,条件,让步状语从句中不能用将来时态(will ),要用一般现在表将来.

①一... 就...

了解一个题目就可以,还有要把我上面写的那六个 一... 就... 背下来

eg. —— he arrived at the office ,he started his work. A.Before B.Unless C.Since D.the moment

②when while as『当... 时候』



eg.when he arrived(瞬间动词) ,we were watching TV.


eg.I was about to go out when(就在这时;突然)phone rang.

⑶▲既然 eg.How can you learn English well when you are unwilling to remember the new word ?


⑴然而,表转折 eg.I like English while he likes chinese.


eg.While the problem is difficult ,we will think out a way to solve it.

⑶当... 时候,用于延续的时间

T2. ★▁▁▁crossing the rood,he was knocked. A.when B.while C.As


“一边... 一边...”两个动作,同一人,同一时间,不直接接非谓语

eg.As we walked,we talked.(我们边走边谈)


(1)it is +时间段+ since + 过去时(公式)

(2)It is 5 years since he worked here. 其中worked 是延续性动词,所以翻译成 自从不...

It is 5 years since he left here . 其中life 离开时短暂性动词,所以翻译成 自从... 以来 『这就是语法在阅读中的考察,看你翻译分不分得清』

5〉until 否定句中翻译成 ...直到... 才

肯定句中翻译成 ...直到... 为止

eg. I didnˊt leave until he came back . leave(瞬间动词)

I didnˊt stayed here until he came back. stayed(延续性动词)

▲.改强调句.It was ▏not until he came back▕ that I left.

改倒装 .Not until he came back ▏did I leave .


5〉until 否定句中翻译成 ...直到... 才

肯定句中翻译成 ...直到... 为止

eg. I didnˊt leave until he came back . leave(瞬间动词)

I didnˊt stayed here until he came back. stayed(延续性动词)

▲.改强调句.It was ▏not until he came back▕ that I left.

改倒装 .Not until he came back ▏did I leave .




归类之前我们还是要注意,特别注意▲,时间,条件,让步状语从句中不能用将来时态(will ),要用一般现在表将来,而且可以用省略.

1〉if(如果) unless (除非) once (一旦)

eg.I wonˊt take part in the activity unless she invits me.

I wonˊt take part in the activity unless(I am) invited. 因为I am 与主语相同,所以可以省略.

eg.The illness can cured if (the illness is可省)___ early. A.treat B.to treat C.treated D.treating

2〉易忽略的引导词有▲1. provide/providing = if = suppose/supposing(可替换)后接可that

eg.Suppose (=if) I were him ,I would accept .

▲2. as(so ) long as 只要

▲3.in case 以防万一 ▲4.on condition that 只要


▲注意,特别注意,时间,条件,让步状语从句中不能用将来时态(will ),要用一般现在表将来,而且可以用省略.


1〉表„虽然‟的,,though although as while (都翻译为 虽然 )

eg.1 though/although/while the problem is difficult,we can solve it.(▲此处不能用as ,as 引导让步状语从句时不能放句首,而且从句要倒装。。这点后面讲到)

2〉Child as/though(句中二者都可以用) he is,he knows a lot.===Though(句首绝对不用as ,可以用though) he is a chil d ,he knows a lot.

3〉as 引导让步状语从句一定要倒装,情况分两种。

1) 表语前置 eg.Child as he is,he knows a lot.『关于什么是表语我们理解成is ,am ,are 后面的内容就可以了』

2) 副词前置 ,没别的就一个 much 大家把这一个例句背下来就可以了

▲eg.Much as he tried,he failed again.===Though he tried much,he failed again. 这里有个关于倒装的规律 though 可倒可不倒 although ,while 不倒 as 必须倒 『而且用while 引导让步状语从句时只能放句首』{2}

even if/even though 即使

{3}wether/if 是否{4}▲表示 无论... ;不管...

eg1.whatever 与no matter what的区分,他们意思都表示为“无论什么”,最简单的区分方法是.. 看有无逗号

1.Whatever he says is unbelievable.(无逗号只能用whatever ,此句为名词性从句)

2.whatever/no matter what he says,I wonˊt believe.(有逗号,两个都可以)此外whichever whoever whomever同样适用 值得一提的有两个地方▲注意▲1.只要是从句,有逗号隔开的,就不能用 what 和that

▲注意▲2.however(引导词)+ adj/adv.


because (原因)「as ,since , now that 」(都表事实的原因)翻译成“既然”『PS. 其实我觉得翻译成“因为”也不错』

eg.As you are a student ,you should keep study first.

[5].地点状语从句..wherever 『别拼写错误』

[6].比较状语从句. 最常用的 than ,还有 (as... )as eg.He is as old as you 与.. 一样『引导词是后面那个as 』

[7].方式状语从句.as eg.You should do it as I told you to(do it). 『后面是不定式的省略,翻译为“像... 那样”』

[8].目的状语从句.eg.He get up early so that he could catch the train.

He get up early so that he caught the train.

大家看看这两句话有什么不同 C 这是必须要背下来的

关于上面的1. 完成式『必须记』...1〉表在主句动作发生之前

2〉完成式不能作表语,定语. 一般不作主语

eg1.The work ▁▁▁,he went out to play.

A.finished B.to finish C.finishing D.having finished

解,很明显这个空是作the work的定语的,所以首先排除D ,又因为是被动(工作当然是被完成啦),所以排除BC

2. 不定式(了解就行,不一定要记)

不定式to 主 被

一般式 to do(表目的,将来) to be done

进行式 to be doing(无被动,表进行,只能用在某些动词之后,如happen ,pretend )

完成式 to have done(只能用在某些动词之后,如happen ,pretend ) to have been done


进行式的例子1.He pretend to be reading when I came in .

完成式的例子1.He happened to have seen the film ,so he told us something about it.

3. 过去分词done 不能作主 谓 宾

表完成 表被动


其实我们只要知道两类就可以解决大部分问题 一类是带逗号的非谓


不管哪一类,这个非谓语都跟句子的主语有关 记住这句话 ▲▼●◆■★跟句子的主语有关★■◆●▼▲


看个例子 The house ▁▁▁now there is to be used as a library.

A.is built B.built C.being built D.to build


[The house](s) ▁▁▁now there [is to be used](v)[as a library](状从).

这个句子里有主 有谓,不缺成分,那 ▁▁▁now there是什么成分呢?→哎!!那就是非谓语啦!!

▲注意这样的非谓语是夹在主谓之间的,类似于这种结构→ 主(非谓语)谓 ,而且主谓之间没有引导词,并列连词

所以写这种非谓语题 第一步,划成分看是否为非谓语



看上面那个例子,确定是要填非谓语排除A ,再看房子当然是被建立所以排除D ,有因为now there,可知是正在被建,所以选C 大家造了吗,不造没关系,再来个例子

The problem ▁▁▁ at tomorrowˊs meeting is important. A.discussed B.being discussed C.having discussed D.to discuss E.to be discussed


The problem (主语) is (谓语) ▁▁▁ at tomorrowˊs meeting夹在主谓之间,而且没有引导词,没有并列连词,所以是非谓语,再看与主语的联系,问题当然是被讨论,所以排除CD ,再看那句中有个tomorrow ,所以很明显选E 啦


3. ▁▁▁ the news ,We all jumped with joy.

A.Heard B.to hear C.Having heard D.Hearing


4. ▁▁▁my homework,I went out to play basketball. A.Finished B.To finish C.Having finished D.Finishing

看非谓语与句子主句的主语的关系, 我当然是主动完成作业, 排除A ,又因为非谓语发生的动作在主句动作发生之前,而且没有作定语,表语,主语,所以答案选C..

非谓语中 只能 接不定式(to do)的词 agree,ask,determine,fail,

表希望的词(hope,wish,desire,expect,long to do,long for)

happen ,intend,premise,pretend,plan,refuse,want.....(就记这么多)

只能接v-ing 的词

avoid (避免),deny (否认),imagine (想象),

表建议的词(advice,suggest,recommend,propose )

appreciate(欣赏) ,mind(介意) ,finish(完成) ,escape (逃跑),miss (错过),stand (忍受)还有bear ,encourage (鼓励),urge (敦促),permit (允许),allow (允许), forbid (禁止)

既能接to do又能接v-ing 的

forget to do sth 忘记去做某事 remember to do sth 记得去做某事

forget doing sth 忘记做了某事 remember doing sth 记得做了某事 以此类推regret

总结to do就是事情没做

v-ing 就是事情做了 注意这个stop stop to do sth 停下来去做某事 stop doing sth 停下正在做的事


主:Teaching is my job. To teach you is my job.

宾:She likes to shop this afternoon. she likes shopping in the afternoon.

表:My job is teaching.

My job is to teach you.


不定式『注意逗号』 eg.He ran to the classroom ,only to find there was no one in it.

主句之后用逗号隔开的不定式 表意料之外的结果

eg.He gets up early to catch the first bus. 没有逗号隔开的 表目的

eg 。To catch the first bus,he gets up early. 主句之前用逗号隔开的 还是表目的

v-ing 『有无逗号无所谓』

eg.It rained heavily for 5 days(,)damaging the crops as well as the house.(农作物和房屋)


sb/sth is said/reported/believed/considered + to + do (将来)

sb/sth is said/reported/believed/considered + to + be doing (现在)(这些词必须要有to )

sb/sth is said/reported/believed/considered + to +have done (过去) eg.Bell is considered to have invented the telephone

She is said to be studying French because she wants to study fashion in Paris. 『be said to据说』



常见的形容词有:open 开着的,closed 关着的

lost ,missing ,gone 不见了的,没有了的,丢失了的

seated 作好了的


所有身体部位所发出的的动作,用被动 eg.The boy lay on his back ,his teeth closed.

★1. 有逗号隔开的非谓语动词一定要和句子的主语有逻辑关系(也就是主被动关系)

2. 如果非谓语与句子的主语没有逻辑关系,则要在非谓语动词前面加上适当地逻辑主句,或者改为从句『非谓语是可以改从句的』 eg.Mary being late again,Mr Wang get angry.

非谓语being late 迟到 与主语Mr Wang 没有逻辑关系,所以要加一个逻辑主语Mary ,意为 Mary 又迟到,王先生变得生气. 一般形式:There/It be + n

eg.It being sunday ,we had no classes in the afternoon.

T1. ▁▁▁for a long time ,most of the crops in this area died from lacking water.

A.Being no rain B.There was no rain C.To be no rain D.There being no rain

解,由前面我写的那么多东西可知,首先排除AC ,又因为for a long time 很长一段时间缺水,现在也缺当然选D 啦


feel/see/taste/hear/observe/notice/watch + o(宾语) + oc(宾补) + doing表正在进行

+ done 表被动完成

+ 省略to 的不定式 do 表全过程

eg.We often hear him sing in the hall.

often 表经常的,整个事情,全过程都是他在唱歌 所以后面的sing 是省略to 的不定式

改被动→ He is often heard to sing in the hall.★这时候的to 就不能省略了

★注意,感官动词和make 变为被动时,后面的不定式要加上to 『其他情况不变』



eg1. ▁▁▁in thought ,he almost ran into the car in front of him .

A.To lose B.Having lost C.Lost D.Losing

eg2. ▁▁▁her keys,she had to wait out outside for husband.

A.Losing B.Having lost C.lost D.To lose

eg3. ▁▁▁with a sudden job loss ,would you consider it a failure or an opportunity?

A.Having faced B.Facing C.Faced D.To faced

第五章 名词性从句


1. 同位语从句(据说湖南高考不考)

eg.Mr smith ,our pressident,will give us a speech.

这个句子中Mr smith和our pressident所指的都是一个人,所以他们是同位语.

▲news,information ,word (作消息,语言的时候是不可数,此时没有a word 和 words ),fact ,truth ,idea ,advice ,recommendation ,suggest ,tip ,evidence ,proof (证据),这些不可数的抽象名词后 一定 是+that+从句


The news that/which he told us yesterday turned out true(定语从句)

The news that our team won the match is true.(同位语从句)


2. 主语从句




eg. ▁▁▁we need is time A.That B.Which C.What D.When

解 【▁▁▁we need】 is time 很明显括号内是从句,这个从句在句子中所占的成分是主语,所以这是个主语从句

we need 后面少了个sth ,根据作从句的题要密切关心从句的成分,从句缺成分,排除D 又根据that 在名词性从句中一定不充当成分,排除A

剩下BC 怎么选??对于湖南的考生我告诉你,高考中 which 和 what 二选一时,选what ,不要问为什么,我老师告我的;也可以用传说中的语感也是秒选

回到正题怎么科学地选出来,必须句子中有复数名词,而且要有选择的意思才能用which ,其他都用what 所以啦,这题就选C 别看我写这么多,如果你理解了,写题目就是 秒杀

eg. ▁▁▁we ˊll go outing depends on the weather. A.That B.What C.If D.Whether

我们继续刚才的步骤,看从句we ˊll go outing→不缺成分,排除B→看句意,that 是不充当成分的也是没有意义的,根据depends on 我们可知前面缺了个 表 是否 的If/whether

★在名词性从句中,If 和 whether 一起出现且表示 是否 的时候用whether ,这条绝对没错,可以用IF 的地方可以用whether ,不能用If 的地方也能用whether ,具体地方就不说了,有点多,大家会用就行

3. 表语从句

首先要知道 系动词 be 表变化的(get,become,grow,go 这个特指由好变坏,turn ) 表保持的(keep,stay,remain )

感官动词(feel 、look ,sound ,taste ,smell )

The reason的后表语从句用that

eg.The reason why he was absent last week is that he was ill. 这里面有个定从又有个表从你们看得出来吧


A is to B what C is to D 意思是:A 之于B 正如C 之于D eg.Air is to human what water is to fish


1 )It is 5 years since he worked here. 其中worked 是延续性动词,所以翻译成 自从不...

关于个,有同学觉得应翻译为 他在这里工作五年了,但是经过我査书后,发现这是不对的

应该翻译为 他自从不在那儿工作已经5年了 通俗点就是他不在那工作5年了

因为since 引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词为延续性动词,所以从句表示的时间是从那个持续性动作结束时算起


5〉until 否定句中翻译成 ...直到... 才

肯定句中翻译成 ...直到... 为止

eg. I didnˊt leave until he came back . leave(瞬间动词)

I didnˊt stayed here until he came back. stayed(延续性动词)

▲.改强调句.It was ▏not until he came back▕ that I left.

改倒装 .Not until he came back ▏did I leave .


关于这里有个错误 I didnˊt stayed here until he came back. stayed(延续性动词) 这个句子改为

I stayed here until he came back. stayed(延续性动词)

不好意思多打了个didn ˊt

有同学说为啥要在后面写个leave (瞬间动词), stayed(延续性动词) ,其实这个不记也罢,反正没考点,这只是个规律而已 2〉易忽略的引导词有▲1. provide/providing = if = suppose/supposing(可替换)后接可that

eg.Suppose (=if) I were him ,I would accept .

▲2. as(so ) long as 只要

▲3.in case 以防万一

▲4.on condition that 只要

这个地方我写了个 后接可that 这个我也忘了是干啥的了(表要打我),只有不重要的才会被忘记对不对,所以细心的大家把那小句删了吧


eg.There are so many gifts in the shop ,but I canˊt decide ▁▁▁I should buy for my father‟s day. A.that B.what C.which

再重复一遍 必须句子中有复数名词,而且要有选择的意思才能用which ,其他才用what eg.Today is Fatherˊs day ,but I donˊt know what I should do.

eg1. ▁▁▁ comes in first should open the window to let some fesh air in.

A.Who B.Whoever C.No matter who D.Whomever

eg2.I ˊll give the ticket to ▁▁▁ comes first.

A.Who B.Whoever C.No matter who D.Whomever

eg3. ▁▁▁ broke the window is still unknown.

A.Who B.Whoever C.No matter who D.Whomever


看有无逗号 无逗号只能用wh —ever 有逗号no matter wh- 和 wh-ever 都可以

那怎么区分wh-和wh-ever 呢??

很简单,以who ,whom ,whoever ,whomever 为例

who/whom 在语气中要带有疑问的意思 例如 I donˊt know who/whom you mean.我不知道你指的是谁

而whoever 既能引导让步状语从句,也能引导名词性从句


whomever 既能引导让步状语从句,也能引导名词性从句




When you see the gas prices rising,▁▁▁I am so glad that I am blessed to have a vehicle in which to get around.

A.to say B.say C.saying D.having said



这个句子中的 When you see the gas prices rising 是个从句

that I am blessed to have a vehicle in which to get around. 也是个从句

剩下的只有▁▁▁I am so glad ,如果我们选非谓语那么这个句子一套主谓也没有,这还是个句子吗??当然不是!!

所以这道题可以马上排除ACD ,选B

注意▲,一个句子中出现从句,那么另一个部分,必须有主句,★祈使句也可以充当主句★本题就是祈使句充当主句 再来一个

▁▁▁careful when you taken an exam A.Bing B.To be C.Be D.Having been

今天更得有点少,所以给大家简单滴解决 强调句


将句子中的 It ˊs 和 that 去掉,句子依旧完整 eg.It ˊs not only his work hard but also his persistence(坚持) that leads to his success.

来我们将句子中的 It ˊs 和 that 去掉,就变成 not only his work hard but also his persistence(坚持) leads to his success.句子依旧完整,所以这是个强调句.



①can/could (这两个词在情态动词中是可以互换的,意思,用法都一样,下同) ⒈表能力 eg. —Could you help me with my book.

—Yes I can.

⒉可能性,意为 有可能『是对曾经发生的事情下的结论,或者说 是由过去的经验得出的可能性』

eg.Even a clever man can make a stupid mistake.即使一个智者都有可能犯下愚蠢的错误

⒊★推测★ 『语气强烈』只能用于否定句和疑问句,不能用于肯定句 表示 不可能

否 —Who is that man?

—It canˊt be Mr Wang .Mr Wang is away on business(出差不在)

疑 —Can it be Mr Wang?

—It may be Mr Wang.Isaw him in red this morning.

▲注意 Can 不肯 4. 表请求许可

eg.Can you help me? ②may/might


⒈★推测★ 不能用于疑问句 eg.It may not be true.这可能不是真的(may not可能不)

eg.You may be right.你可能是对的

▲注意 may 不问

2. 固定句型

may/might as well do sth 不妨做某事===would better do

⒊请求, 许可 May I sit here? 我可以坐在这吗?

You may come in now. 你现在可以进来了.


⒈表示意愿,决心(意为 一定 ) eg.I ˊll catch up with you.我一定会赶上你

You will succeed. 你一定会成功

⒉表倾向性,习惯性 表倾向性时 有 一定,绝对的意思

eg.Some students will go to school without breakfast 一些学生不吃早饭就去学校(表示这种习惯)

Fish will die without water 鱼离开水就会死 (表示鱼的一种倾向--离开水就会死的这种倾向)


—The phone is ringing

—Oh,I ˊll answer it.

⒋Would you please do sth? 主语必须第二人称


⒈命令,要求(翻译为 一定,必须) eg.You must finish your work first.

⒉★推测★ 只能用于肯定句 ▲注意 must 只肯 eg.He must be playing volleyball. He must have seen the film.

▲⒊翻译为 非要 ,表现出不耐烦的语气(这点很重要)

Must you disturb me again and again? 你非要一次又一次地打扰我吗?


—May I use your computer?

肯定回答 —Yes ,you can/may.

否定回答 —No ,you mustnˊt.

—Must I hand in the paper?我一定要交这试卷吗? 否定回答 —No ,you neednˊt.

说了这么多 推测 我们可以总结出一个口诀 !can 不肯,may 不问,must 只肯!



二他一定在玩游戏 三他也许在玩游戏,但我不确定 大家翻译出来吧



Shall he wait outside? 要他在外面等吗?


I shall come back on time.我保证准时回家


尤其是当句中出现 法律条文,规章制度时 如这些词 law rules regulation(法规) judge 就要注意很大的几率用shall


⒈表责任 , 义务 意为 应该

▲⒉惊讶,意料之外 翻译为 竟然

eg.It is unbelieveable that a taecher should make such a mistake.一个老师竟然犯这样一个错误太令人不敢相信了.

⒊推测, 这是按时间表或经验来推测 eg.It is now 8:30,He should be in the office.

⑦dare 敢

need 需要

这两个词既可以是情态动词又可以是实义动词『实义动词就是我们平常见到的那些动词像 jump run之类的』


⒉做实义动词的时候dare 后的to 可以省略→→dare to do === dare do 意为 敢于

⒊只有need to do 没有need do 但是可以有needn't do『因为在肯定句中不能用作情态动词啊,在否定句里可以啊


The girl▁▁▁out alone at night.

A.dares go B.dare go C.darenˊt go D.darenˊt to go E.doesn't dare to go F.doesn't dare go G.dare to go

这里注意dare 作情态动词后面的动词都是原形 做实义动词后面多接带to 的不定式,而且to 可以省略

根据 在肯定句中不能用作情态动词 排除BG 选出C

根据 做实义动词dare 后的to 可以省略→→doesn't dare to do ===doesn't dare do 可以选出AEF 综上答案是ACEF 如果BG 要改正确呢?很简单将dare 改为 dares 就可以了

★情态动词表推测(全) ⒈can/may/must/should 的推测 前面已总结 ⒉could have done 本能够做某事 (实际上没做)

should have done 本应该做某事 (实际上没做)

shouldn ˊt have done 本不应该做某事(实际上做了)

need have done 本需要做 (实际上没做)

needn't have done 本不必做 (实际上做了)

couldn ˊt have done 不可能做了某事

表祝福的只有wish 和 may

Wish you success(n). May you succeed(v).


今天的答案 ⒈He canˊt be reading books.

⒉He must be playing games

⒊He may be playing games but Iˊm not sure.

回复 有情人有天涯 :这是为了避免用语重复 Which is the course ▁▁▁ we are to take? 这个句子开头已经有了一个Which 难道后面还用which 吗,所以要用that who开头同理 后面用that

第七章 特殊句型 以及 代词

一. 强调句

基本结构 It + be + 被强调部分 + that


▲It + is +介词短语+that....


1.It is five oˊclock ▁▁▁he came back.

2.It was at five oˊclock ▁▁▁he came back.

A.that B.when C.what D.where



将句子中的 It ˊs 和 that 去掉,句子依旧完整

所以经过上步骤 1句变为 five oˊclock he came back.

2句变为 at five oˊclock he came back. 很明显第一个句子缺少个介词,导致five oˊclock 和he came back连不成一个句子,所以2句才是强调句

根据这次说的It + is +介词短语+that....这种结构一眼就可以看出来了句2是强调句,


第一题呢?其实是个定语从句,所以排除C (定语从句的题首先排除what ,因为定语从句中不可能出现what )从句主谓完整不缺成分,排除A ,根据先行词是时间用when 地点用where 所以选择答案B



公式 引导词 + it + is/was + that

eg.I want to know ▁▁▁ helped him with the task.

A.who is it that B.who it is C.who it is that D.who is that C


公式 疑问词 + is + it + that...

eg.Who ▁▁▁helped him with the task ? A.is it B.is it that C.it is that B


——Where did you meet Mr smith?

——It was at the hotel▁▁▁he stayed. A.that B.what C.when D.where D

像这种题按之前的去掉It ˊs 和 that 变成 at the hotel he stayed.看起来貌似句意完整,再加上里面有个介词at 更加觉得是强调句了

但是这不是,stay 在这里是个不及物动词后面不需要接宾语,所以这里句子主语he 谓语stayed 那么多出来的at the hotel 既不是非谓语又不是从句,那这个句子肯定句意不完整,所以绝对不是强调句,而是定语从句,根据先行词是时间用when 地点用where ,选D 楼主经常在这里被这里坑

我讲解的时候说这么多,其实在做题的时候只要看到是小对话形式,首先就要看是不是定语从句而不是去想强调句,有时出题人就是用It is 开头来迷惑你的




当表语前置时,Be 动词和主语需要完全倒装 也就是 表语+Be动词+主语 的形式


当出现选项中有倒装的选择题时,此题必定考察倒装。因此不是倒装的选项可以排除,而当句首为表语时 选项中只有Be 动词才是完全倒装(Be 动词+主语)。如果是实意动词时,只能为部分倒装(助动词+主语+实意动词)



代词比较需要掌握的有one it that


1)one (they,them)----指代上文出现的名词,同一事物[后不接定语从句] 2) it (ones)----指代与上文是同一类,但不是同一个事物[前面可以接形容词修饰,后面可以接定语从句] 3) that(those)----前面不能有形容词修饰也不能充当先行词

ps :这里括号里的词与前面的词相同,由前面的词转变而来

a......one 在one 的前面必须是不定冠词

the......that 在that 的前面必须是定冠词

PS :后面能接定语从句的人称代词只有HE 和 I


接下来就是比较难的both all none no one=nobody each neither either nothing

例句:There are many trees on_____ sides of the road

_____ side

※both (两者都) each (每个都)后面接复数 both of (两者中的一个)[二选一]后用单数

※前面出现了范围名词如„students‟则用none 表示„没有人‟。none 后面可以接of 比如none of students

1) who*s in the office?

2)what*s in the box?

以上两句因为没有范围限制。所以我们应该用nothing 或者no one=nobody来指代

!!!!!接下来是关于怎么弄清在有代词修饰的主语是单或是复!!!!! We ____ have an English-English dictionary

____ of us has an English-English dictinary PS:of 后面的词不是主语

因为of 后面的词不能做主语 实际上这里做主语的使我们要填的副词。所以需要记下那些副词接复数那些接单数


后面接复数:each of,none of,either of,neither of



在图片中。。你们那个2逼学长还犯错了- -

all of us don*t like 意为 我们中所有人都不喜欢

not all of us like 意为 不是我们中间所有人都不喜欢(还有一些人喜欢)

这里我要提一下all of us don*t like和not all of us like都表示为不是我们中间所有人都不喜欢,都是部分否定

关于什么是完全倒装,就是将普通句子中 主+谓 的形式改为 谓+主 例如 The bus comes here 改成倒装 Here comes the bus ,the bus是主语comes 是谓语,

那其他形式就是部分到装咯,形式为 助动词+主语 例如 Seldom does he go out for dinner 这句子中主谓位置没有变换,注意选项中的部分倒装一般会有do does did had ...具体例子如下面的题大家只要记住完全倒装就行了,其他都是部分倒装,在选项中一般会设置两个倒装,两个不倒装,首先排除不倒装的选项


1. 当表地点,方位的副词放在句首,并且主语为名词的时候,主谓要完全倒装


表地点,方位的副词或短语 例如in the north of the city ,in the centre of the square 或者直接的north

并且主语为名词的时候 主语必须是名词不能是代词 例如 Here comes he(代词) 这句话是错的 Here comes the bus(名词)这就对了

主谓要完全倒装 就是主谓要完全调换位置 例如 The bus comes here 改成 Here comes the bus ,comes 和the bus调换位置 eg.In the centre of the square stands(v ) a monument(s )

eg.In the north of the city lies(v ) a chemical factory(s )

2. 当表语前置时,be 动词(就是is am are...)和主语要完全倒装

eg. 20 patients ▎were ▎Outside the doctor‟s clinic.

改倒装 Outside the doctor‟s clinic ▎were ▎20 patients.

T1.So frightened ▁▁▁ that she could say nothing. A.she was B.did she feel C.felt she

根据首先排除不倒装的选项,排除A ,再根据上述, 本来是She was so feightened that....改倒装变为So frightened was she,表语前置但是这里没有was 所以构不成完全倒装,只能选择部分倒装的B ▲当表语前置时,没有be 动词不能完全倒装

eg.Growing at the foot of these hills ▁▁▁ some unknow grass(草).

A.has been B.have been C.is D.are C

eg.No sooner ▁▁▁ than he started his work

A.did he arrived B.he arrived C.had he arrived D.he had arrived


▲eg.▁▁▁fired ,these items will still work.

A.If you will be B.will you be C.should you be D.you should be


3.So I am/can/do/have 形式so+s+v 没有倒装(的确如此)

So am/can/do/have I 形式so+v+s 有倒装 (用于肯定句后表示·也)

A.one it that


I lost my pen last night,I canˊt find it ,so I plan to buy a new one,like that of yours.


it (复数形式they ,them ) 指代上文出现的名词,表示同一个事物,『句中的it 指的就是上文的pen

one (复数形式ones ) 与上文出现的名词同类但不是同一个,前面可以有adj 修饰,后面可以接定从

that (复数形式those ) 前不能有adj 修饰,不能充当先行词 eg.She wants to buy a gift for her father,one that is not expensive but practical.

▲前面出现不定代词a ,后面要你填代词,就选one

公式 a .... one...

同理 the....that... eg.The house made of steel lasts longer than that of wood.

▲能接定语从句的人称代词只有I 和he

1.He ,who doesn*t get to the Great Wall,is not a true man.不到长城非好汉

2.I ,who am your good friend,will always stand by you.作为你的好朋友我将总是支持你


①I can‟t help it 我没办法

eg.If I could help it(有办法) ,I wouldn‟t work day and night these days.

②make it 成功 eg.Hold on and you will make it.

③you‟ve got it 你猜对了

I‟ve got it 我明白了

④As he put it..... (这里的put it = say) 翻译为正如他所说


eg1. —Who is it?

—it′s me. eg2.The baby is crying it must be hungry.

B both, all, none, no one=nobody,each,either,neither,nothing

列出这么些词主要是为了用简单的方法区分他们 ⑴ There are many trees on ▁▁▁sides of the rood There are many trees on ▁▁▁side of the rood

▲both的意思为 两者都

each 的意思为 每个都


▲either的意思为 两个中的一个(二选一的意思), neither 的意思为 两个中的一个不(还是二选一的意思),这两个词后面的名词用单数,第二个空可以填这两个词

⑵—How many students won the scholarship?

—▁▁▁Because they didn‟pass cthe final test. 前面出现范围students ,所以用none ,如果没有范围就用no one=nobody

关于什么是范围!!大家看个对比 Who is in the office? 谁在办公室?这句话没有范围,因为没有划定出一个特定的东西这个who 可能是人是鬼是动物是外星人,完全没有范围!因此我们的回答就要用no one=nobody

How many students won the scholarship?多少学生赢得奖学金,一看就有范围,范围就是学生,没有其他东西,因此回答就要用none

谁 ▎在办公室

多少学生 ▎赢得奖学金?

⑵ 后面用名词用复数的词:all both each

后面用名词用单数的词:each none either neither(而且这四个词后面都可以接of ,如each of)⑷▲both,all ,every ,在否定句中只能表部分否定,翻译为 并非都不

eg.All of us don‟t like我们并非都不喜欢,绝对不能翻译为 我们都不喜欢

Not all of us like 上同C.other,the other,others,the others,another规律,one...another.../some...others 1.eg.I don‟t like this dress ,please show me▁▁▁.

▲.在句子中有购物时,都有another ,表示未知数的另外一个,翻译为 另一个

⑶ 2.There are 27 students in class.one among them seven are boys the others are girls. There are 27 students in class.one among them seven are boys the other students are girls.

『ps. 形容词性物主代词 例如your+n,her+n;名词性物主代词 例如yours ,hers ,这两个词可以挂等号』

所以在这个句子中我们可以知道 the others=the other students

所以就有个公式 other+n = others关于是否用the ,这又要看范围,有范围就用the ,如句中的27 students


I have two pens,one is red,the other is black.前面有范围two pens所以要有the ,但是只有两支,一支是红的,另一只是黑的,说另一支时是单数,所以用the other.

⑷ D.some any

1〉否定,疑问,条件状语从句中,用any ,意为,一些/任何

2〉肯定句中也能用any ,eg.I will do anything for you

3▲另外三天,another 3 days=3 other days=3 more days

another+n 意为 另外的...

1. 进行时态与always ,constantly 不停地,continously 连续的,连用时。。表赞赏或不满 eg.He is always thinking of other 他总是为他人考虑(表赞赏) 2. 2. 。。注意。。雷区。。

run out ,belong to ,consist of ,agree with ,suffer from ,come 的所有短语,都没有被动,不接宾语,要接宾语只能加介词。例如run out of sth 。 3. 表位置移动的动词的进行时态,往往表将来。

进行时态表将来的词:play (表演),take (带去),stay (逗留,呆在某地)尤其是finish ,用进行时一定表将来,意为“将完成”

4. 4.By the time + 句子(时间状语从句)其中一般现在表将来,现在完成表将来完成

eg.By the time we got(过)there ,the plane had taken(过去完成) off.

By the time you return(现) ,we will have reviewed unit 3(将来完成).

上面是个公式只要看到by the time 就这么用

5. 5.be said to do (表将来,据说要做某事)

be said to have done(表完成,据说已经做了)

be said to be doing (表进行,据说正在做)

6. 6.It/This/That ╭is the first/most(序数词/最高级)...that...have done..

╰was ..........................................had done.

7. 7. 现在完成时和现在完成进行时二选一的话选后者

1. 在做感叹句的题时。

how 后面紧跟adj→→how+adj/adv how+adj+a/an+n

how+many/much/few/little + n 只要记这一个其他情况都用what

2. 在感叹句上so 和how 的用法一样,such 和what 一样

3.both A and B 后面一定用复数

就近原则的情况4种 1)not only A but also B 2)not A but B 3)neither A nor B 4)either A or B

4.during which time (在那段时间),in which case,whose 可以做定语,非谓语也可以作定语

5.out of the question === impossible 不可能

out of question === no doult 毫无疑问

6.what 和how 不引导定语从句因此在定语从句的题中首先排除这两货

7. 祈使句+and,后面用将来时 eg. Hurry up, and you will catch the bus


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