
写作 1

假设你有位朋友叫Kitty, 表格中列出了她的一些情况,请根据此写一篇英文短文。

要求: 3. 字数在100字左右; 4. 不得使用真实姓名和校名等。

I have a good friend. Her name is Kitty. She has a round face. Her smiling eyes make her look smart.

In her class, she works the hardest. She has a good sense of humour. She often tells funny jokes and makes us laugh. When I am with her, I’m always very happy. She is also very friendly. She likes to help people and can get on well with others.

She has many hobbies. She likes traveling. Last year, she went to Beijing with her parents. There she visited many places of interest and had a good time.

In the future, she wants to be a social worker. Now she is in the Help Hands Club and is ready to offer help any time. She thinks it’s meaningful to help others.


Jason 是我的好朋友,他也是我的同班同学。请按照表格中对他的简介,以“My best friend ”




My best friend

Jason is my best friend. He is a 12-year-old boy. He has a round face and wears glasses. He always wears a smile on his face.

He is kind and helpful. He always gives his seat to someone in need on the bus. He is also generous. He is ready to share things with others.

His ideal school starts at 9 a.m. and finishes at 3 p.m. He can have a lot of time to do after-school activities. Every year he can go on a school trip and likes to put the photos of the trip on the Internet.

He has many hobbies. For example, he is crazy about DIY. He takes a course in DIY and attends lessons every Saturday. He knows a lot about DIY . He can make a fruit salad and paper roses as well. He is very pleased with his DIY jobs.


提示:你们班将于本周六参观扬州名胜。请你以班长的名义写一封信, 向全班同学发出邀请,并对行程


要点:1. 上午8:00 校门口集合上车;参观瘦西湖(the Slender West Lake),个园( the Bamboo Garden)


2. 中饭后,到茱萸湾(the Zhuyu Park) 看熊猫并欣赏美景; 3. 傍晚,到东关街购物,品尝扬州小吃。

4. 每人费用100元。参观后会把照片放在网上供同学们浏览。

注意:1. 词数100左右。开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;

2. 邀请信须包括所有内容要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使其连贯、通顺。

Dear classmates,

Our class will visit some places of interest in Yangzhou this Saturday ,16 November .

Here is our plan .

We will meet at 8 o’clock at the school gate .It will take us about twenty minutes to get to the Slender West Lake .We will take photos in front of the Bamboo Garden.

After lunch, We will got the Zhunyu Park by bus. We will not only have a look at the pandas but also enjoy the views.

Later in the afternoon , we’ll do some shopping in Dongguan Street. It’s also interesting to have a taste of Yangzhou local food.

The cost is about 150 yuan per student .

It will be a great day. I hope all of you will have a good time then.

Best wishes



父亲节要到了,Simon 打算DIY ,为爸爸安装一个书架作为礼物。100字左右

1.材料准备:斧头hammer, 胶水,木板……

2. 制作过程: 1. 请Daniel 帮助… 2. 花了3小时… 3. 遇到了一些问题… 4. 感受 1… 2…. Father ’s birthday is coming , so I decided to put up a bookshelf for my father because he loves reading and has many books .

I ordered the building materials online. My best friend Daniel came to help me and brought some tools. We read the instructions first and quickly started to work. Daniel is good at DIY and he is really helpful . It took us only an hour to finish the work. I had a little trouble using the hammer. Daiel taught me how to use it properly and we had fun working together .

We also tried to paint the bookshelf blue----my father’ s favourite colour . When we finished , it looked really cool .

I feel happy with my work and I believe my father will be proud of it as well .

写作 1

假设你有位朋友叫Kitty, 表格中列出了她的一些情况,请根据此写一篇英文短文。

要求: 3. 字数在100字左右; 4. 不得使用真实姓名和校名等。

I have a good friend. Her name is Kitty. She has a round face. Her smiling eyes make her look smart.

In her class, she works the hardest. She has a good sense of humour. She often tells funny jokes and makes us laugh. When I am with her, I’m always very happy. She is also very friendly. She likes to help people and can get on well with others.

She has many hobbies. She likes traveling. Last year, she went to Beijing with her parents. There she visited many places of interest and had a good time.

In the future, she wants to be a social worker. Now she is in the Help Hands Club and is ready to offer help any time. She thinks it’s meaningful to help others.


Jason 是我的好朋友,他也是我的同班同学。请按照表格中对他的简介,以“My best friend ”




My best friend

Jason is my best friend. He is a 12-year-old boy. He has a round face and wears glasses. He always wears a smile on his face.

He is kind and helpful. He always gives his seat to someone in need on the bus. He is also generous. He is ready to share things with others.

His ideal school starts at 9 a.m. and finishes at 3 p.m. He can have a lot of time to do after-school activities. Every year he can go on a school trip and likes to put the photos of the trip on the Internet.

He has many hobbies. For example, he is crazy about DIY. He takes a course in DIY and attends lessons every Saturday. He knows a lot about DIY . He can make a fruit salad and paper roses as well. He is very pleased with his DIY jobs.


提示:你们班将于本周六参观扬州名胜。请你以班长的名义写一封信, 向全班同学发出邀请,并对行程


要点:1. 上午8:00 校门口集合上车;参观瘦西湖(the Slender West Lake),个园( the Bamboo Garden)


2. 中饭后,到茱萸湾(the Zhuyu Park) 看熊猫并欣赏美景; 3. 傍晚,到东关街购物,品尝扬州小吃。

4. 每人费用100元。参观后会把照片放在网上供同学们浏览。

注意:1. 词数100左右。开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;

2. 邀请信须包括所有内容要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使其连贯、通顺。

Dear classmates,

Our class will visit some places of interest in Yangzhou this Saturday ,16 November .

Here is our plan .

We will meet at 8 o’clock at the school gate .It will take us about twenty minutes to get to the Slender West Lake .We will take photos in front of the Bamboo Garden.

After lunch, We will got the Zhunyu Park by bus. We will not only have a look at the pandas but also enjoy the views.

Later in the afternoon , we’ll do some shopping in Dongguan Street. It’s also interesting to have a taste of Yangzhou local food.

The cost is about 150 yuan per student .

It will be a great day. I hope all of you will have a good time then.

Best wishes



父亲节要到了,Simon 打算DIY ,为爸爸安装一个书架作为礼物。100字左右

1.材料准备:斧头hammer, 胶水,木板……

2. 制作过程: 1. 请Daniel 帮助… 2. 花了3小时… 3. 遇到了一些问题… 4. 感受 1… 2…. Father ’s birthday is coming , so I decided to put up a bookshelf for my father because he loves reading and has many books .

I ordered the building materials online. My best friend Daniel came to help me and brought some tools. We read the instructions first and quickly started to work. Daniel is good at DIY and he is really helpful . It took us only an hour to finish the work. I had a little trouble using the hammer. Daiel taught me how to use it properly and we had fun working together .

We also tried to paint the bookshelf blue----my father’ s favourite colour . When we finished , it looked really cool .

I feel happy with my work and I believe my father will be proud of it as well .


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