


A. Listen and write the words.

A: Whose pencil is this? B: It’s __________. Thank you. A: Whose pen is it? Is it __________? B: No, it __________. I think it’s __________. A: Is this your pen? C: No, it’s __________.

B. Listen and check () (5 points)

(5 points)

B. Listen and write the days.

(5 points)

1. stay at home and do homework 2. go shopping with mom 3. come back to school 4. visit sister 5. go to the zoo

Wednesday and Thursday

6. make a cake for mom


A. “a”, ”b” or “c”.

1. ( ) I will ________ a movie tomorrow.

a. watch b. watches c. watched

2. ( ) Is this your shirt? No, it’s not ________ .

a. my b. mine c. me

3. ( ) I like basketball. It’s the ________ sport.

a. more exciting b. most exciting c. exciting

4. ( ) ________ is she? She is my English teacher.

a. What b. Whose c. Who

5. ( ) The elephant is ________ than the rabbit.

a. bigger b. big c. biger

B. Write adjective comparatives and superlatives. 1. 2.


more expensive

(10 points)

(10 points)

the most expensive the heaviest

3. 4. 5.



more beautiful


(10 points )


C. Match D. Fill in the blanks with the following words.

(5 points)

I will go swimming with Sam. We will eat lunch in the ____________ near the park. We will go home by________. Then we will go to the _____________ with Mom and Dad. On Sunday I will get up late. In the afternoon I will _________ Aunt Jane. We will __________ a birthday cake for Mom. Then we will go to the party.

E. Check “ Yes” or “ No”. A: Hi, Jim.

B: Hi, Carl. Do you know there is a concert tomorrow? A: Really? I like concerts. Who will play in the concert?

(10 points)

B: Lucy will play the piano. Betty will play the flute. I will play the guitar.

But Paul is sick. Nobody will play the drums. I’m very worried. A: I know Frank can play the drums. You can ask him. B: Can he play?

A: Yes, he can play the drums very well. B: OK, I will ask him.

A: What time will the concert start? B: At 8 o’clock in the evening. A: Thank you. I’ll come. Good bye. B: Good bye.

Reading (10 points)

Sally is 10 years old. She has a sister. Her name is Jane. She’s 7 years old. Sally likes to play with her sister. Every day they go to school and go home together. Tomorrow is Saturday. They will go shopping in the morning. They’ll buy some flowers for mom because mom likes flowers best. In the afternoon, they will go swimming. Sally swims very well. But Jane is not good at swimming. She likes volleyball. She is a player on school team. In the evening, they will go to a birthday party. They will have fun tomorrow.

1. ( ) What day is today?

a. Monday b. Friday c. Saturday

2. ( ) How many sisters does Sally have?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3

3. ( ) Who is good at swimming?

a. Sally’s mom b. Jane c. Sally

4. ( ) Who goes to school with Sally every day?

a. Jane b. Sally c. Nobody

5. ( ) What is Jane’s favorite sport?

a. swimming b. volleyball c. football

6. ( ) Will they go to a birthday party in the afternoon? a. Yes, they will. b. No, they won’t.

7. ( ) Will they have fun tomorrow? a. Yes, they will. b. No, they won’t. 8. 9.

Who is older, Sally or Jane?

What does mom like best?


What will they buy tomorrow?

Teacher’s Guide

Listening I. Listen and write the words.

A: Whose pencil is this?

B: It’s B: No, it A: Is this your pen? II.

Listen and check.

There are 30 students in my class. David is the tallest boy. His favorite sport is basketball. Jack is tall, too, but he doesn’t like to play basketball. His favorite sport is badminton. Ann’s favorite sport is swimming. She got the first prize last year. Mary is the tallest girl in my class. Her favorite sport is volleyball. My name is Peter. I like to play table tennis very much.


Listen and write the days.

Next week I will not go to school. I’m very happy. I will visit my sister on Monday. On Tuesday I will go shopping with my mom. On Wednesday and Thursday, I will stay at home and do my homework. Friday is my mom’s birthday. I will make a cake for her. She must be very happy. On Saturday, my parents will take me to the zoo. I like pandas very much. The next day I will come back to school.



A. Listen and write the words.

A: Whose pencil is this? B: It’s __________. Thank you. A: Whose pen is it? Is it __________? B: No, it __________. I think it’s __________. A: Is this your pen? C: No, it’s __________.

B. Listen and check () (5 points)

(5 points)

B. Listen and write the days.

(5 points)

1. stay at home and do homework 2. go shopping with mom 3. come back to school 4. visit sister 5. go to the zoo

Wednesday and Thursday

6. make a cake for mom


A. “a”, ”b” or “c”.

1. ( ) I will ________ a movie tomorrow.

a. watch b. watches c. watched

2. ( ) Is this your shirt? No, it’s not ________ .

a. my b. mine c. me

3. ( ) I like basketball. It’s the ________ sport.

a. more exciting b. most exciting c. exciting

4. ( ) ________ is she? She is my English teacher.

a. What b. Whose c. Who

5. ( ) The elephant is ________ than the rabbit.

a. bigger b. big c. biger

B. Write adjective comparatives and superlatives. 1. 2.


more expensive

(10 points)

(10 points)

the most expensive the heaviest

3. 4. 5.



more beautiful


(10 points )


C. Match D. Fill in the blanks with the following words.

(5 points)

I will go swimming with Sam. We will eat lunch in the ____________ near the park. We will go home by________. Then we will go to the _____________ with Mom and Dad. On Sunday I will get up late. In the afternoon I will _________ Aunt Jane. We will __________ a birthday cake for Mom. Then we will go to the party.

E. Check “ Yes” or “ No”. A: Hi, Jim.

B: Hi, Carl. Do you know there is a concert tomorrow? A: Really? I like concerts. Who will play in the concert?

(10 points)

B: Lucy will play the piano. Betty will play the flute. I will play the guitar.

But Paul is sick. Nobody will play the drums. I’m very worried. A: I know Frank can play the drums. You can ask him. B: Can he play?

A: Yes, he can play the drums very well. B: OK, I will ask him.

A: What time will the concert start? B: At 8 o’clock in the evening. A: Thank you. I’ll come. Good bye. B: Good bye.

Reading (10 points)

Sally is 10 years old. She has a sister. Her name is Jane. She’s 7 years old. Sally likes to play with her sister. Every day they go to school and go home together. Tomorrow is Saturday. They will go shopping in the morning. They’ll buy some flowers for mom because mom likes flowers best. In the afternoon, they will go swimming. Sally swims very well. But Jane is not good at swimming. She likes volleyball. She is a player on school team. In the evening, they will go to a birthday party. They will have fun tomorrow.

1. ( ) What day is today?

a. Monday b. Friday c. Saturday

2. ( ) How many sisters does Sally have?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3

3. ( ) Who is good at swimming?

a. Sally’s mom b. Jane c. Sally

4. ( ) Who goes to school with Sally every day?

a. Jane b. Sally c. Nobody

5. ( ) What is Jane’s favorite sport?

a. swimming b. volleyball c. football

6. ( ) Will they go to a birthday party in the afternoon? a. Yes, they will. b. No, they won’t.

7. ( ) Will they have fun tomorrow? a. Yes, they will. b. No, they won’t. 8. 9.

Who is older, Sally or Jane?

What does mom like best?


What will they buy tomorrow?

Teacher’s Guide

Listening I. Listen and write the words.

A: Whose pencil is this?

B: It’s B: No, it A: Is this your pen? II.

Listen and check.

There are 30 students in my class. David is the tallest boy. His favorite sport is basketball. Jack is tall, too, but he doesn’t like to play basketball. His favorite sport is badminton. Ann’s favorite sport is swimming. She got the first prize last year. Mary is the tallest girl in my class. Her favorite sport is volleyball. My name is Peter. I like to play table tennis very much.


Listen and write the days.

Next week I will not go to school. I’m very happy. I will visit my sister on Monday. On Tuesday I will go shopping with my mom. On Wednesday and Thursday, I will stay at home and do my homework. Friday is my mom’s birthday. I will make a cake for her. She must be very happy. On Saturday, my parents will take me to the zoo. I like pandas very much. The next day I will come back to school.


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