


摘要: 本文将为大家介绍圣诞节的由来,中英双语版,希望对大家积累托福阅读背景知识有所帮助。




Every year on December 25 in the world the majority of Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus day.

Christmas did not start the church, about 100 years after Jesus ascended to heaven only. It is said: the first Christmas in the year 138, by the Bishop of Rome, St. Clement held the initiative. The church contains the history of the first Christmas in the year 336 AD. As the next remember not in the Bible when Jesus was born, it is different all over the Christmas period. 440 years until the year before by the Holy See will be in December

25, for Christmas. Year in 1607, church leaders around the world gathered in Bethlehem, to be further identified, from most parts of the world's Christians are on December 25 for Christmas. In the nineteenth century, the popularity of Christmas cards, Santa Claus, Christmas began to pop up.

As the Bible records Jesus was born at night, so that the traditional December 24 for the day and night "Christmas" or "Silent Night."



摘要: 本文将为大家介绍圣诞节的由来,中英双语版,希望对大家积累托福阅读背景知识有所帮助。




Every year on December 25 in the world the majority of Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus day.

Christmas did not start the church, about 100 years after Jesus ascended to heaven only. It is said: the first Christmas in the year 138, by the Bishop of Rome, St. Clement held the initiative. The church contains the history of the first Christmas in the year 336 AD. As the next remember not in the Bible when Jesus was born, it is different all over the Christmas period. 440 years until the year before by the Holy See will be in December

25, for Christmas. Year in 1607, church leaders around the world gathered in Bethlehem, to be further identified, from most parts of the world's Christians are on December 25 for Christmas. In the nineteenth century, the popularity of Christmas cards, Santa Claus, Christmas began to pop up.

As the Bible records Jesus was born at night, so that the traditional December 24 for the day and night "Christmas" or "Silent Night."


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