

1. Don ’t worry. I am sure __________our team. Our team will win !

a. that b. if c. whether

2. ________ delicious the mooncakes _________!

a. How; taste b. What; tastes c. How; taste

3. I don’t know __________ my spoken English.

a. how to improve b. what to improve c. how improving

4. _______ do you study for a test ? - ________ the text.

a. How; by read b. How; by reading c. What; in reading

5. Do you know _________ the day after tomorrow?

a. when does he come b. whether will he come c. whether he’ll come

6. __________ entered the college, but also he has got an award.

a. Not only he has b. Not only has he c. Not only does he

7. -_____I______ her mother has not received any call. We are worried very much. a. Not only; but also b. Neither; nor c. Both; and

8. I wonder _____ he will come tomorrow. ____ he comes, I’ll tell you.

a. if; whether b. whether; whether c. if; if

9. This book only ___ me nine yuan and I ___ ten months reading it.

a. cost; spend b. cost; spent c. spent; cost

10. I ____ chat with your friends, but now I _____ using wechat more often. a. used to; used to b. used to; am used to c. am used to; am used to

11. _____your father ______ take you to concerts ?–yes; he did.

a. Did; use to b. Did; used to c. Are; used to

12. He _______ give a speech in front of his classmates.

a. dares not to b. dare not c. not dares to

13. It was _______ lovely weather _____ we decided to spend the day on the beach. a. such a; that b. such; that c. so; that

14. Is the ring made ______ gold ?–yes, it is made _____ china.

a. from; of b. of; from c. of; in

15. Smoking ______ in public places.

a. should is allowed to b. should be allowed to c. shouldn’t be allowed to

16. Chinese _______ by more and more people in the wordl now.

a. was spoken b. is spoken c. are spoken

17. Are the visitors all from _______?-no, there are only 5 _____ in the group. a. Germany; Germans b. Germany; Germany c. German; Germans

18. Mslee said he _____ teaching Englis because he loved children.

a. Turned up b. took up c. gave up

19. MrDavid is from ___ France. He is ______ European.

a. the; a b. /; an c. /; a

20. - ____ fun the water festival is ! –yeah. And _____ delicious the food there is ! a. How; what b. What; how c. How; how

21. This kind of paper is made _____ wood,but these boxes are made ____ paper. a. of; of b. from; of c. of; from

22. A number of students ____ playing on the ground but I don ’t know what the

exact number ______. A. are; is b. are; are c. is; is

23. Could you please ___ care of my dog while I’m away ? - ______.

a. takes; Yes b. take; Yes, please. C. take; Sure.

24. Where is linda ?I’m not sure. She _____ in the laboratory.

a. must be b. might be c. can be

25. Do you know who the case ______? –li ming.

a. was belonged to b. belongs to c. is belong to

26. This book ____ tom’s father’s, because his name is on the book.

a. might be b. can’t be c. must be

27. This kind of machine _____ cutting meat in big restaurants.

a. is used for b. is made from c. is made into

28. ______ bookcase is this ? –it must be _____.

a. Who ’; Tom b. who’s; Tom’s c. whose; Tom’s

29. I think a bridge _____ over the river.

a. will build b. should is build c. should be built

30. Everyone is supposed _____ a seat belt in the car.

a. wearing b. wear c. to wear

31. I prefer _____ at home rather than ____ out for a walk.

a. to stay; go b. to stay; going c. staying; go

32. I like the program running man ____ is showed on Zhejiangtv.

a. who b. that c. what

33. Liu yang is the first woman astronaut ____ has ever traveled in space. a. who b. what c. which

34. Please don’t do that. You’ll make your mother _____ if you do it.

a. unhappily b. unhappy c. happiness

35. ______you work, the greater progress you will make.

a. The harder b. The hardest c. The hard

36. So much work usually makes them _____ very tired.

a. to feel b. feels c. feeling

37. The little boy _____ by the big one this morning.

a. made cry b. was made cry c. was made to cry

38. It ’s not easy _______ a foreign language well.

a. learned b. learn c. to learn

39. He spoke ____ fast _____ no one could follow him.

a. very; that b. such; that c. so; that

40. What makes you _____ so ____ ?

a. feel; lucky b. to feel; luck c. to feel; lucky

41. Do you know ___ li xianqing has passed the driving test ?I heard he has passed it. a. what b. where c. if

42. _______ you do, we’ll support you.

b. however b. whatever c. wherever

43. Sun yang works hard on his work. _____________.

a. So he is; so his brother is b. So he does; so his brother is c. So he does; so does his brother

44. In class we _____into several groups to have a discussion.

a. divide b. are divided c. divided

45. My daughter ________ fruits, but now she likes eating apples and oranges. a. used to eat b. didn’t use to eat c. usedn’t to eating

46. I don’t know ______________.

a. that I can finish my work by then b. if can I finish the work by then c. whether I can finish the work by then.

47. We are supposed to read books as _____ as we can.

a. Much b. more c. many

48. Jack, you are much more active than you ________, right ?yes, now I _______ many after-school activities every day.

a. Used to; am used to b. are used to; used to c. used to; used to

49. When I was on the way to school, I saw the sun ______ in the east.

a. Rise b. rising c. raising

50. He found ______ interesting to study math.

a. It b. them c. /


1. Different people have different __________(敌人).

2. Now she is used to ________(拥抱) someone when she meet someone for the first time.

3. ___________(欧洲人) like direct questions.

4. My parents are __________(骄傲) of me.

5. Yesterday he _____________(放置)out the flowers on the table.

6. Knowledge is ___________(力量)。Health is _____________(财富).

7. This play was first _________________(表演)in411 BCC.

8. The tea is ______________(生产)by accident.

9. I _____________(更喜欢)listening to a piece of smooth music.

10. My mother heard a child ___________(哭).

11. Five __________(狼)are standing in front of the door.

12. It ’s _______________(不礼貌)to keep others waiting.



I think that…… In my opinion, …… As far as Iknow, ……

Why not you + 动词原形 it ’s better for us to ……


Firstly, ……; secondly, ……; thirdly, ……. lastly, ……

On the one hand; on the other hand


In a word all in all


1. Don ’t worry. I am sure __________our team. Our team will win !

a. that b. if c. whether

2. ________ delicious the mooncakes _________!

a. How; taste b. What; tastes c. How; taste

3. I don’t know __________ my spoken English.

a. how to improve b. what to improve c. how improving

4. _______ do you study for a test ? - ________ the text.

a. How; by read b. How; by reading c. What; in reading

5. Do you know _________ the day after tomorrow?

a. when does he come b. whether will he come c. whether he’ll come

6. __________ entered the college, but also he has got an award.

a. Not only he has b. Not only has he c. Not only does he

7. -_____I______ her mother has not received any call. We are worried very much. a. Not only; but also b. Neither; nor c. Both; and

8. I wonder _____ he will come tomorrow. ____ he comes, I’ll tell you.

a. if; whether b. whether; whether c. if; if

9. This book only ___ me nine yuan and I ___ ten months reading it.

a. cost; spend b. cost; spent c. spent; cost

10. I ____ chat with your friends, but now I _____ using wechat more often. a. used to; used to b. used to; am used to c. am used to; am used to

11. _____your father ______ take you to concerts ?–yes; he did.

a. Did; use to b. Did; used to c. Are; used to

12. He _______ give a speech in front of his classmates.

a. dares not to b. dare not c. not dares to

13. It was _______ lovely weather _____ we decided to spend the day on the beach. a. such a; that b. such; that c. so; that

14. Is the ring made ______ gold ?–yes, it is made _____ china.

a. from; of b. of; from c. of; in

15. Smoking ______ in public places.

a. should is allowed to b. should be allowed to c. shouldn’t be allowed to

16. Chinese _______ by more and more people in the wordl now.

a. was spoken b. is spoken c. are spoken

17. Are the visitors all from _______?-no, there are only 5 _____ in the group. a. Germany; Germans b. Germany; Germany c. German; Germans

18. Mslee said he _____ teaching Englis because he loved children.

a. Turned up b. took up c. gave up

19. MrDavid is from ___ France. He is ______ European.

a. the; a b. /; an c. /; a

20. - ____ fun the water festival is ! –yeah. And _____ delicious the food there is ! a. How; what b. What; how c. How; how

21. This kind of paper is made _____ wood,but these boxes are made ____ paper. a. of; of b. from; of c. of; from

22. A number of students ____ playing on the ground but I don ’t know what the

exact number ______. A. are; is b. are; are c. is; is

23. Could you please ___ care of my dog while I’m away ? - ______.

a. takes; Yes b. take; Yes, please. C. take; Sure.

24. Where is linda ?I’m not sure. She _____ in the laboratory.

a. must be b. might be c. can be

25. Do you know who the case ______? –li ming.

a. was belonged to b. belongs to c. is belong to

26. This book ____ tom’s father’s, because his name is on the book.

a. might be b. can’t be c. must be

27. This kind of machine _____ cutting meat in big restaurants.

a. is used for b. is made from c. is made into

28. ______ bookcase is this ? –it must be _____.

a. Who ’; Tom b. who’s; Tom’s c. whose; Tom’s

29. I think a bridge _____ over the river.

a. will build b. should is build c. should be built

30. Everyone is supposed _____ a seat belt in the car.

a. wearing b. wear c. to wear

31. I prefer _____ at home rather than ____ out for a walk.

a. to stay; go b. to stay; going c. staying; go

32. I like the program running man ____ is showed on Zhejiangtv.

a. who b. that c. what

33. Liu yang is the first woman astronaut ____ has ever traveled in space. a. who b. what c. which

34. Please don’t do that. You’ll make your mother _____ if you do it.

a. unhappily b. unhappy c. happiness

35. ______you work, the greater progress you will make.

a. The harder b. The hardest c. The hard

36. So much work usually makes them _____ very tired.

a. to feel b. feels c. feeling

37. The little boy _____ by the big one this morning.

a. made cry b. was made cry c. was made to cry

38. It ’s not easy _______ a foreign language well.

a. learned b. learn c. to learn

39. He spoke ____ fast _____ no one could follow him.

a. very; that b. such; that c. so; that

40. What makes you _____ so ____ ?

a. feel; lucky b. to feel; luck c. to feel; lucky

41. Do you know ___ li xianqing has passed the driving test ?I heard he has passed it. a. what b. where c. if

42. _______ you do, we’ll support you.

b. however b. whatever c. wherever

43. Sun yang works hard on his work. _____________.

a. So he is; so his brother is b. So he does; so his brother is c. So he does; so does his brother

44. In class we _____into several groups to have a discussion.

a. divide b. are divided c. divided

45. My daughter ________ fruits, but now she likes eating apples and oranges. a. used to eat b. didn’t use to eat c. usedn’t to eating

46. I don’t know ______________.

a. that I can finish my work by then b. if can I finish the work by then c. whether I can finish the work by then.

47. We are supposed to read books as _____ as we can.

a. Much b. more c. many

48. Jack, you are much more active than you ________, right ?yes, now I _______ many after-school activities every day.

a. Used to; am used to b. are used to; used to c. used to; used to

49. When I was on the way to school, I saw the sun ______ in the east.

a. Rise b. rising c. raising

50. He found ______ interesting to study math.

a. It b. them c. /


1. Different people have different __________(敌人).

2. Now she is used to ________(拥抱) someone when she meet someone for the first time.

3. ___________(欧洲人) like direct questions.

4. My parents are __________(骄傲) of me.

5. Yesterday he _____________(放置)out the flowers on the table.

6. Knowledge is ___________(力量)。Health is _____________(财富).

7. This play was first _________________(表演)in411 BCC.

8. The tea is ______________(生产)by accident.

9. I _____________(更喜欢)listening to a piece of smooth music.

10. My mother heard a child ___________(哭).

11. Five __________(狼)are standing in front of the door.

12. It ’s _______________(不礼貌)to keep others waiting.



I think that…… In my opinion, …… As far as Iknow, ……

Why not you + 动词原形 it ’s better for us to ……


Firstly, ……; secondly, ……; thirdly, ……. lastly, ……

On the one hand; on the other hand


In a word all in all


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