
摘 要




啤酒废水 → 污水提升泵房→细隔栅 → 调节池 → UASB反应器

→CASS池 → 巴氏计量槽 → 处理水



关键词:啤酒废水处理 高浓度有机废水



This design is one beer waste water treatment. The degree of the design is in a preliminary phase. The main distinguishing feature of the beer waste water is that it contains the massive organic matters, so it belongs to the high concentration organic waste water, therefore its biochemical oxygen demand is also high. And in this waste water also contains few NH4-Nand S-2, it belongs to the goal of removals too.

The water which needs to be treatment in the beer waste water treatment plant is 4000m3/din near future and 7000m3/din a long-term. Various target in the raw waste water is: the concentration of BOD is 960mg/L, the concentration of COD is 1700mg/L, the concentration of SS is 500mg/L, the concentration of NH4-N is 30mg/ L , the concentration of S-2is 20mg/L. For the beer waste water's BOD is high, it could pollute the enviroment if drained before treatment, so it request the beer waste water which drained must be strictly treated to the two effluence standard in the country, which is as following: BOD≤30mg/ L, COD≤100mg/ L, SS≤70mg/ L,NH4-N≤15mg/ L, S-2≤1.0mg/ L.

After the analysis, the quality of this processing water belongs to the waste water that easy biology degrade and not have the obvious poison, could use two levels of biological treatments to cause the water drained meet the designated standard. First level of processing mainly uses the physical methods, which removes the suspended matter and the inorganic substance.In the sewage.Second levels of processing mainly uses the biology methods, consists of UASB of demand oxygen biology methods and CASS of anaerobic oxygen biology methods, which could remove BOD, COD,NH4-Nand S-2in the waste water. The technological process of this design is:

Beer waste water → Screens → The sewage lift pump house →Screens → Requality tank → Reaction tank of UASB → Precipitating tank of erects style → Tank of CASS → Gauge measurement → Treatment water

The entire technological process have the characteristics of lower investment, good treatment effect, easy technology process,using small area, running steady, and consuming lower energy.

The content of the design includes: design project description, design instruction booklet, calculation booklet, the floor-plan, the elevation general arrangement, the sewage lift pump

house (construction drawing depth), the horizontal section chart of reaction tank of UASB, the horizontal section chart of concentration tank of erects style, the horizontal section chart of CASS tank.

Keyword: Beer waste water treatment

High concentration of organic waste water

UASB(Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket)process

CASS(Cyclic Actiavated Sludge System)processs

摘 要




啤酒废水 → 污水提升泵房→细隔栅 → 调节池 → UASB反应器

→CASS池 → 巴氏计量槽 → 处理水



关键词:啤酒废水处理 高浓度有机废水



This design is one beer waste water treatment. The degree of the design is in a preliminary phase. The main distinguishing feature of the beer waste water is that it contains the massive organic matters, so it belongs to the high concentration organic waste water, therefore its biochemical oxygen demand is also high. And in this waste water also contains few NH4-Nand S-2, it belongs to the goal of removals too.

The water which needs to be treatment in the beer waste water treatment plant is 4000m3/din near future and 7000m3/din a long-term. Various target in the raw waste water is: the concentration of BOD is 960mg/L, the concentration of COD is 1700mg/L, the concentration of SS is 500mg/L, the concentration of NH4-N is 30mg/ L , the concentration of S-2is 20mg/L. For the beer waste water's BOD is high, it could pollute the enviroment if drained before treatment, so it request the beer waste water which drained must be strictly treated to the two effluence standard in the country, which is as following: BOD≤30mg/ L, COD≤100mg/ L, SS≤70mg/ L,NH4-N≤15mg/ L, S-2≤1.0mg/ L.

After the analysis, the quality of this processing water belongs to the waste water that easy biology degrade and not have the obvious poison, could use two levels of biological treatments to cause the water drained meet the designated standard. First level of processing mainly uses the physical methods, which removes the suspended matter and the inorganic substance.In the sewage.Second levels of processing mainly uses the biology methods, consists of UASB of demand oxygen biology methods and CASS of anaerobic oxygen biology methods, which could remove BOD, COD,NH4-Nand S-2in the waste water. The technological process of this design is:

Beer waste water → Screens → The sewage lift pump house →Screens → Requality tank → Reaction tank of UASB → Precipitating tank of erects style → Tank of CASS → Gauge measurement → Treatment water

The entire technological process have the characteristics of lower investment, good treatment effect, easy technology process,using small area, running steady, and consuming lower energy.

The content of the design includes: design project description, design instruction booklet, calculation booklet, the floor-plan, the elevation general arrangement, the sewage lift pump

house (construction drawing depth), the horizontal section chart of reaction tank of UASB, the horizontal section chart of concentration tank of erects style, the horizontal section chart of CASS tank.

Keyword: Beer waste water treatment

High concentration of organic waste water

UASB(Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket)process

CASS(Cyclic Actiavated Sludge System)processs


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