
Teaching plan

Topic : Letter learning

Teaching Aids : a video,cards,PPT.

Teaching Aims: A, Let the pupils sing the ABC song.

B: Make the pupils can listen to ,speak,read,and write the first 7 letters ,A,B,C,and D.

C,Make the pupils become more interested in learning English.

Teaching Contents: letters: A(a), B(b), C(c), and D(d).

Teaching Important: The letters learning.

Teaching Difficult: Pupils can listen to ,speak,read,and write the letters.

Procedure: 1,Greeting.

2,Warming up:

-----T: Do you kids know the abc in Pinyin?


-----T: Do you want to know the ABC song in English? -----Ss:............

-----T: let's watch a video and listen to the song.


------T:Do you know how many letters there are in the song? ------Ss:...........

------T: Great! What are the first 7 letters?

------Ss: ..........

------T: Good job! They are A,B,C,and D. Before our learning,let's do some guessing.

3,Presentation: 1,----T: Which letter is like children's slide? Could you pick it out from these cards? -----Ss:..........

-----T: Is this letter the right answer? OK. Let's check it out.

------T: Year, a clever boy! That is A. Read after me. Can you read it aloud? ------Ss:......

------T: Perfect! Let's look at the upper case letter and the lower case letter. Can you kids just propose a riddle about this letter? ------Ss:.........

------T: OK.The riddle can be like this.......

2,------T: Let's just guess! What is this picture standing for?



3.-----T: Let's find your friend! What is the upper case letter A 's friend? That is the lower case letter a ! So, can you find others?

4-----T: Let's sort the letters! Where is the letter B?B is between A and C! So, can you just find others?

4. Summing----up in teaching


Teaching plan

Topic : Letter learning

Teaching Aids : a video,cards,PPT.

Teaching Aims: A, Let the pupils sing the ABC song.

B: Make the pupils can listen to ,speak,read,and write the first 7 letters ,A,B,C,and D.

C,Make the pupils become more interested in learning English.

Teaching Contents: letters: A(a), B(b), C(c), and D(d).

Teaching Important: The letters learning.

Teaching Difficult: Pupils can listen to ,speak,read,and write the letters.

Procedure: 1,Greeting.

2,Warming up:

-----T: Do you kids know the abc in Pinyin?


-----T: Do you want to know the ABC song in English? -----Ss:............

-----T: let's watch a video and listen to the song.


------T:Do you know how many letters there are in the song? ------Ss:...........

------T: Great! What are the first 7 letters?

------Ss: ..........

------T: Good job! They are A,B,C,and D. Before our learning,let's do some guessing.

3,Presentation: 1,----T: Which letter is like children's slide? Could you pick it out from these cards? -----Ss:..........

-----T: Is this letter the right answer? OK. Let's check it out.

------T: Year, a clever boy! That is A. Read after me. Can you read it aloud? ------Ss:......

------T: Perfect! Let's look at the upper case letter and the lower case letter. Can you kids just propose a riddle about this letter? ------Ss:.........

------T: OK.The riddle can be like this.......

2,------T: Let's just guess! What is this picture standing for?



3.-----T: Let's find your friend! What is the upper case letter A 's friend? That is the lower case letter a ! So, can you find others?

4-----T: Let's sort the letters! Where is the letter B?B is between A and C! So, can you just find others?

4. Summing----up in teaching



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