

一、单项选择: 从下列各题后所给的四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(10)

( )1. My father______ill yesterday.

A. isn't B. aren't C. wasn't D. weren't

( )2. ______your parents at home last week﹖

A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Were

( )3. The twins______in Dalian last year. They______here now.

A. are; were B. were; are C. was; are D. were; was

( )4. ______

A. Was; before B. Is; before C. Was; after D. Is; after

( )5. —Who was on duty last Friday﹖


A. I am B. I was C. Yes, I was D. No, I wasn't


1. I _________ (have) an exciting party last weekend.

2. _________ she _________(practice) her guitar yesterday?

No, she _________.

3. What ________ Tom ________ (do) on Saturday evening?

He ________(watch) TV and __________(read) an interesting book.

4. They all _________(go) to the mountains yesterday morning.

5. She _________(not visit) her aunt last weekend.

She ________ (stay) at home and _________(do) some cleaning.


1. 我过了一个忙碌但却刺激的周末。

I _________ _________ __________ __________ exciting weekend.

2. Jenny喜欢看书。昨晚她看了一本英语书。

Jenny likes _________ __________. She _________ an English book last


3. Emma每天都看电视。可是昨天他没有看。

Emma__________ TV every day. But he _________ ________ ________


4. 上周六他们做什么了?他们做作业和购物了。

What ________ they _________ _________ Saturday?

They _________ __________ homework and _________ __________.

5. 今天早上方方得做饭,因为他父亲不在家。

This morning Fangfang ____ ____ ____ ____ because his father _____ _____

____ yesterday.


1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)Lucy ________ _______ her

homework at home.

2、He found some meat in the fridge(冰箱).(变一般疑问句)

___________ he __________ ___________ meat in the fridge?

3、There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句)_______ there _______

orange in the cup?

4. Frank read an interesting book about history. (一般疑问句)

_______ Frank _______ an interesting book about history?

5. Why not go out for a walk? (同义句) _______ ________ ________ out for

a walk?

五、 改错题(20)

1.How is Jane yesterday? _____________________

2.He go to school by bus last week. ____________________________

3.He often goes home at 6:00 last month. ____________________________

4.I can fly kites seven years ago. ______________________________

5.Did you saw him just now. ____________________________________


Tom did not like doing his homework,because he liked to do some 1 things

after school.And his teacher always 2 a lot of mistakes in his homework.

Then one day,his maths teacher 3 at Tom’s homework and saw that he got all

his answers right.He was very 4 and surprised(惊奇).The next morning before

class,he called Tom 5 his desk and 6 to him,“You got all your homework right

this time.Did your father help you?”Sometimes Tom’s father helped him with

his homework, 7 this time he didn’t help Tom because he 8 at home.So Tom

answered,“NO,Sir.He Was busy last night,so I 9 to do it 10 .”

( )1.A.others B.another C.the other D.other

( )2.A.made B.found C.looked at D.looked

( )3.A.laughed B.knocked C.looked D.saw

( )4.A.please B.pleased C.pleasure D.sad

( )5.A.to B.for C.in D.at

( )6.A.talked B.asked C.spoke D.said

( )7.A.and B.but C.so D.or

( )8.A.isn’t B.won’t be C.wasn’t D.can’t be

( )9.A.wanted B.mustn’t C.liked D.had

( )10.A.itself B.of them C.myself D.himself

一、单项选择:1---5 CDBAB

二、1.had 2. Did; practice; didn't

3.did; do; watched; read 4.went

三、1.spent a busy but 2.reading books; read

3.watches; didn't watch TV 4.did; do last; did their; went shopping

5.had to cook breakfast; wasn't at home

四、1.didn't do 2. Did; find any 3. Was; any

4. Did; read 5. Why don't you go

五、1.is------was 2.go-------went 3.goes------went

4.can-------could 5.saw------see

六、1----5 DBCBA 6------10 DBCDC

1. We often______(play) in the playgound.

2. He _____(get) up at six o’clock.

3. _____you ______(brush) your teeth every morning.

4. What (do) ______he usually (do)______ after school?

5. Danny _____(study) English,Chinese,Maths,Science and Art an school.

6. Mike sometimes ________(go) to the park with his sister.

7. At eight at night, she __________(watch) TV with his parents.

8. ________ Mike________(read) English every day?

9. How many lessons_________your classmate________(have) on Monday?

10. What time_________his mother_________(do) the housework?

1. Do you often play football after school? (肯定回答)

2. I have many books. (改为否定句)

3. Gao Shan’s sister likes playing table tennis (改为否定句)

4. She lives in a small town near New York. (改为一般疑问句)

5. I watch TV every day. (改为一般疑问句)

6. David has got a goal. (改为一般疑问句)

7. We have four lessons.(否定句)

8. Nancy doesn’t run fast (肯定句)

9. My dog runs fast.



10. Mike has two letters for him.



11. I usually play football on Friday afternoon.



12. Su Yang usually washes some clothes on Saturday.



13. Mingming usually waters the flowers every day



14. Tom does his homework at home.




1. plays

2. gets

3. do brush

4. does do

5. studies

6. goes

7. watches

8. does read

9. does have

10. does do

11. do have


Yes,I do

I don’t have many books.

Gan shan’s sisters doesn’t like play table tennis.

She doesn’t live in a small village Near New york.

Do you watch TV every day?

Has David got a boat?

We don’t have four lesons.

Nanry runs fast.

My dog doesn't run fast

Does your dog run fast?

Does Mike have two letters for him?

Mike doesn’t have two letters for him.

I usually don’t play football on Friday afternooon.

Do you ususally play football on Friday afternoon?

Hat do you usually do on Friday afternoon.


1.定 义:现在进行时表示正在发生或进行的动作。

2.标志词:(1) 时间状语 now 、at the moment

(2) 句前有提示词look 、listen 、look at …

3.谓语动词的构成:be +动词-ing

注意: see-seeing draw-drawing listen-listening







变一般很简单,把be 提到句子前,否定句也不难,be后要把not添。还有一点要注意,动作提问doing替。


一. 写出下列动词的现在分词形式。

help_______ come_______ swim_______ eat _______ give_______ find _______ sit _______ write_______ tie_______ make _______ play_______ clean _______ catch_______ walk_______ ride _______ run_______

draw_______ listen_______ begin _______ dance_______ watch_______ sleep_______ see_______ have _______


1.Look ! The boy (read) books.

2.The girls (have) breakfast now.

3. — he (clean) the blackboard?

— No, he isn’t.

4.Tom football on the playground at the moment .

5.Listen! They (sing) in the muisc room.


1.我们正在看电视。We TV.

2.Tom 在图书馆看书。

Tom books in the library.


Kangkang is playing basketball .

4.他此刻正在睡觉。He is sleeping .

5.玛利亚在做什么?What Maria now?

6.你在做作业吗?you your homework ?


1.I am running on the playground .(变否定句)

I on the playground .

2.She is dancing in the gym.(变一般疑问句,并做肯定回答)

dancing in the gym ? 划线部分提问)

they at the moment ?


1. I watch TV every day. I _________________TV now.

2. She works in a hospital. She _________________ in hospital.

3. Do you read this book? ____ you ________ this book.

4.Tom and Sam have lunch at about twelve.

Kitty and Ben ______________ lunch at about twelve.

5. They clean the room in the evening.

They ______________the room now.


1.、The students _____ ______ (listen) to the teacher now.

2. 、 Li Lei______ ________ (watch) TV now.

3. 、 She____ _______ (look) at a nice picture now.

4.、Look! The boys______ ________ (play) basketball.

5.、Listen! They____ _________ (sing) a song.

6.、A cat _____ ________ (run) up the tree now.

7.、I ____ ________ (get) up now.

8.、Her mother_____ _________ (wash) the dishes now.

9. 、He ______ _______ (go) to the park now.

10. 、They ____ ______ (sit) in the park.

11. 、My mother ________ ______ (clean) the room now.

12.、 She ______ ______(drink) some milk.

13. 、A cat_______ _______(sleep) behind the door.

14.、 Billy and Bob_______ ________(play) football.

15、. They_____ _______ (have) fun together.


( ) 1.What are you doing? I’m_____ an interesting book.

A. looking B. seeing C. reading

( ) 2. What ___ your sister doing? She _____ cleaning the floor.

A. are, is B does, is C. is, is

( ) 3. Kate is ___ her green dress now .

A. putting on B puts on C wear

( ) 4. Is she___ her homework? No, she___.

A. do, doesn’t B does, isn’t C doing, is D doing, isn’t

( ) 5. Look! The cousins _____ new sweaters.

A. are wearing B. wearing C. are wear D. is wearing

( ) 6. Don’t talk here. My father and mother _____.

A. is sleeping B. are sleeping C. sleeping D. sleep

( ) 7 Listen! The birds ___ in the tree .

A sing B singing C is singing D are singing

( ) 8. Who _____ over there now?

A. drawing B. is draw C. is drawing D. draw

( ) 9. The students _____ an English class.

A. have B. having C. is having D. are having

( ) 10. Listen! The baby _____ in the room.

A. crying B. cried C. is crying D. cries

( ) 11.I am____ to the radio.

A. am listening B. listening C.am listen

( ) 12.She _____ the piano.

A is playing B are playing C playing

( )..We ____ on the chair.

A. is sitting B are siting C. are sitting

( )14.Lily _____ on the playground.

A. am running B. running C. is running

( )15. They ____ in the pool.

A. are swimming B. are swimming C. swimming


一、单项选择: 从下列各题后所给的四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(10)

( )1. My father______ill yesterday.

A. isn't B. aren't C. wasn't D. weren't

( )2. ______your parents at home last week﹖

A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Were

( )3. The twins______in Dalian last year. They______here now.

A. are; were B. were; are C. was; are D. were; was

( )4. ______

A. Was; before B. Is; before C. Was; after D. Is; after

( )5. —Who was on duty last Friday﹖


A. I am B. I was C. Yes, I was D. No, I wasn't


1. I _________ (have) an exciting party last weekend.

2. _________ she _________(practice) her guitar yesterday?

No, she _________.

3. What ________ Tom ________ (do) on Saturday evening?

He ________(watch) TV and __________(read) an interesting book.

4. They all _________(go) to the mountains yesterday morning.

5. She _________(not visit) her aunt last weekend.

She ________ (stay) at home and _________(do) some cleaning.


1. 我过了一个忙碌但却刺激的周末。

I _________ _________ __________ __________ exciting weekend.

2. Jenny喜欢看书。昨晚她看了一本英语书。

Jenny likes _________ __________. She _________ an English book last


3. Emma每天都看电视。可是昨天他没有看。

Emma__________ TV every day. But he _________ ________ ________


4. 上周六他们做什么了?他们做作业和购物了。

What ________ they _________ _________ Saturday?

They _________ __________ homework and _________ __________.

5. 今天早上方方得做饭,因为他父亲不在家。

This morning Fangfang ____ ____ ____ ____ because his father _____ _____

____ yesterday.


1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句)Lucy ________ _______ her

homework at home.

2、He found some meat in the fridge(冰箱).(变一般疑问句)

___________ he __________ ___________ meat in the fridge?

3、There was some orange in the cup.(变一般疑问句)_______ there _______

orange in the cup?

4. Frank read an interesting book about history. (一般疑问句)

_______ Frank _______ an interesting book about history?

5. Why not go out for a walk? (同义句) _______ ________ ________ out for

a walk?

五、 改错题(20)

1.How is Jane yesterday? _____________________

2.He go to school by bus last week. ____________________________

3.He often goes home at 6:00 last month. ____________________________

4.I can fly kites seven years ago. ______________________________

5.Did you saw him just now. ____________________________________


Tom did not like doing his homework,because he liked to do some 1 things

after school.And his teacher always 2 a lot of mistakes in his homework.

Then one day,his maths teacher 3 at Tom’s homework and saw that he got all

his answers right.He was very 4 and surprised(惊奇).The next morning before

class,he called Tom 5 his desk and 6 to him,“You got all your homework right

this time.Did your father help you?”Sometimes Tom’s father helped him with

his homework, 7 this time he didn’t help Tom because he 8 at home.So Tom

answered,“NO,Sir.He Was busy last night,so I 9 to do it 10 .”

( )1.A.others B.another C.the other D.other

( )2.A.made B.found C.looked at D.looked

( )3.A.laughed B.knocked C.looked D.saw

( )4.A.please B.pleased C.pleasure D.sad

( )5.A.to B.for C.in D.at

( )6.A.talked B.asked C.spoke D.said

( )7.A.and B.but C.so D.or

( )8.A.isn’t B.won’t be C.wasn’t D.can’t be

( )9.A.wanted B.mustn’t C.liked D.had

( )10.A.itself B.of them C.myself D.himself

一、单项选择:1---5 CDBAB

二、1.had 2. Did; practice; didn't

3.did; do; watched; read 4.went

三、1.spent a busy but 2.reading books; read

3.watches; didn't watch TV 4.did; do last; did their; went shopping

5.had to cook breakfast; wasn't at home

四、1.didn't do 2. Did; find any 3. Was; any

4. Did; read 5. Why don't you go

五、1.is------was 2.go-------went 3.goes------went

4.can-------could 5.saw------see

六、1----5 DBCBA 6------10 DBCDC

1. We often______(play) in the playgound.

2. He _____(get) up at six o’clock.

3. _____you ______(brush) your teeth every morning.

4. What (do) ______he usually (do)______ after school?

5. Danny _____(study) English,Chinese,Maths,Science and Art an school.

6. Mike sometimes ________(go) to the park with his sister.

7. At eight at night, she __________(watch) TV with his parents.

8. ________ Mike________(read) English every day?

9. How many lessons_________your classmate________(have) on Monday?

10. What time_________his mother_________(do) the housework?

1. Do you often play football after school? (肯定回答)

2. I have many books. (改为否定句)

3. Gao Shan’s sister likes playing table tennis (改为否定句)

4. She lives in a small town near New York. (改为一般疑问句)

5. I watch TV every day. (改为一般疑问句)

6. David has got a goal. (改为一般疑问句)

7. We have four lessons.(否定句)

8. Nancy doesn’t run fast (肯定句)

9. My dog runs fast.



10. Mike has two letters for him.



11. I usually play football on Friday afternoon.



12. Su Yang usually washes some clothes on Saturday.



13. Mingming usually waters the flowers every day



14. Tom does his homework at home.




1. plays

2. gets

3. do brush

4. does do

5. studies

6. goes

7. watches

8. does read

9. does have

10. does do

11. do have


Yes,I do

I don’t have many books.

Gan shan’s sisters doesn’t like play table tennis.

She doesn’t live in a small village Near New york.

Do you watch TV every day?

Has David got a boat?

We don’t have four lesons.

Nanry runs fast.

My dog doesn't run fast

Does your dog run fast?

Does Mike have two letters for him?

Mike doesn’t have two letters for him.

I usually don’t play football on Friday afternooon.

Do you ususally play football on Friday afternoon?

Hat do you usually do on Friday afternoon.


1.定 义:现在进行时表示正在发生或进行的动作。

2.标志词:(1) 时间状语 now 、at the moment

(2) 句前有提示词look 、listen 、look at …

3.谓语动词的构成:be +动词-ing

注意: see-seeing draw-drawing listen-listening







变一般很简单,把be 提到句子前,否定句也不难,be后要把not添。还有一点要注意,动作提问doing替。


一. 写出下列动词的现在分词形式。

help_______ come_______ swim_______ eat _______ give_______ find _______ sit _______ write_______ tie_______ make _______ play_______ clean _______ catch_______ walk_______ ride _______ run_______

draw_______ listen_______ begin _______ dance_______ watch_______ sleep_______ see_______ have _______


1.Look ! The boy (read) books.

2.The girls (have) breakfast now.

3. — he (clean) the blackboard?

— No, he isn’t.

4.Tom football on the playground at the moment .

5.Listen! They (sing) in the muisc room.


1.我们正在看电视。We TV.

2.Tom 在图书馆看书。

Tom books in the library.


Kangkang is playing basketball .

4.他此刻正在睡觉。He is sleeping .

5.玛利亚在做什么?What Maria now?

6.你在做作业吗?you your homework ?


1.I am running on the playground .(变否定句)

I on the playground .

2.She is dancing in the gym.(变一般疑问句,并做肯定回答)

dancing in the gym ? 划线部分提问)

they at the moment ?


1. I watch TV every day. I _________________TV now.

2. She works in a hospital. She _________________ in hospital.

3. Do you read this book? ____ you ________ this book.

4.Tom and Sam have lunch at about twelve.

Kitty and Ben ______________ lunch at about twelve.

5. They clean the room in the evening.

They ______________the room now.


1.、The students _____ ______ (listen) to the teacher now.

2. 、 Li Lei______ ________ (watch) TV now.

3. 、 She____ _______ (look) at a nice picture now.

4.、Look! The boys______ ________ (play) basketball.

5.、Listen! They____ _________ (sing) a song.

6.、A cat _____ ________ (run) up the tree now.

7.、I ____ ________ (get) up now.

8.、Her mother_____ _________ (wash) the dishes now.

9. 、He ______ _______ (go) to the park now.

10. 、They ____ ______ (sit) in the park.

11. 、My mother ________ ______ (clean) the room now.

12.、 She ______ ______(drink) some milk.

13. 、A cat_______ _______(sleep) behind the door.

14.、 Billy and Bob_______ ________(play) football.

15、. They_____ _______ (have) fun together.


( ) 1.What are you doing? I’m_____ an interesting book.

A. looking B. seeing C. reading

( ) 2. What ___ your sister doing? She _____ cleaning the floor.

A. are, is B does, is C. is, is

( ) 3. Kate is ___ her green dress now .

A. putting on B puts on C wear

( ) 4. Is she___ her homework? No, she___.

A. do, doesn’t B does, isn’t C doing, is D doing, isn’t

( ) 5. Look! The cousins _____ new sweaters.

A. are wearing B. wearing C. are wear D. is wearing

( ) 6. Don’t talk here. My father and mother _____.

A. is sleeping B. are sleeping C. sleeping D. sleep

( ) 7 Listen! The birds ___ in the tree .

A sing B singing C is singing D are singing

( ) 8. Who _____ over there now?

A. drawing B. is draw C. is drawing D. draw

( ) 9. The students _____ an English class.

A. have B. having C. is having D. are having

( ) 10. Listen! The baby _____ in the room.

A. crying B. cried C. is crying D. cries

( ) 11.I am____ to the radio.

A. am listening B. listening C.am listen

( ) 12.She _____ the piano.

A is playing B are playing C playing

( )..We ____ on the chair.

A. is sitting B are siting C. are sitting

( )14.Lily _____ on the playground.

A. am running B. running C. is running

( )15. They ____ in the pool.

A. are swimming B. are swimming C. swimming


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