
Hello, everyone, I'm Ma Lichao. After hearing my partner Qiu Sha’s introduction, I think everybody has some knowledge about Renaissance art. Then, let me introduce specific literature and art achievement. First is literature, the three greatest writers are Dante... Petrarch... Boccaccio ... .. Their works are separately as follows.......

In their books, they attack the church’s darkness and corruption, promote people's freedom, hope to realize the human liberation. Then, here are three greatest artists, they are respectively Raphael... Michelangelo... Da Vinci... Raphael's masterpieces are The Sistine Madonna, school of Athens... Michelangelo's masterpieces are David, Moses...Da Vinci's masterpieces are the Mona Lisa’s smile, the last supper, The Sistine Notre Dame... Now, let me give some detailed introduction of the most famous art .

First is school of Athens, it’s a big wall painting. It describes a scene of academic discussion among the philosophers, scientists, and artists in the college. Look the center, the men walking and discussing are Plato and his disciple, Aristotle. They’re in a fierce debate. Though, Plato's teacher, Socrates has already dead when he started college, but for showing inheritance of the philosophy, the artist drew Socrates on the left picture. And on the right is the astronomer Ptolemy, the bent man drawing geometry is Archimedes. Behind them, wearing the dark hat is the painter himself. He focused on details such as pillar, statues and reliefs, to add a beautiful grave for college hall. On the niche of the hall, there are two statues. The right is the Greek god of wisdom, Athena and the left is the god of light, Apollo. His character’s clothes are red, white, yellow, purple, and match the light yellow background of marble well.

Then, I will introduce Mona Lisa’ smile. Different viewers or in different times to see, it seems to be different. Sometimes I feel she has gentle smile and kind of happy, sometimes seems to be serious, and sometimes a little sad. The shadow of the Mona Lisa's face makes her eyes and lips covered with a layer(层) of the veil(面纱).A Canadian artist Susan said, Mona Lisa’ lip is truly a man's bare back. This view is fresh and absurd, but argument is powerful. Da Vinci, who set a painter, sculptor, architect, engineers and scientists, and a variety of talent at himself, was a strange man. He liked to wear pink coat, freely painted colorfully on the beard. And he was a left-handed, liked writing from right to left backward, so others must use a mirror to read what he wrote. So with the aid of the mirror is a way of reading the picture. After rotated(旋转) 90 degrees from the mirror, Mona Lisa’ smiling lip, happens to be a strong man back and the corner of his left arm and elbow(肘部).Besides, expressing physical beauty and calling for the awareness of human nature, is a master of philosophy(哲学) of life, and his artistic value. All this reflect the painter’s attention of the people themselves, also accord with(符合) the connotation(内涵) of humanism at that time.

Next, we continue to appreciate the following paint, The Sistine Notre Dame.

Triangular structure composed of Notre Dame and christians is solemn equilibrium .The posture of the virgin and Jesus is handsome and has the strength, shows the greatest mother’s love. The image shows the virgin holding the son from the cloud landing. There are an old man and a woman on both sides of the curtain. The male elder is the Pope, Sith Kurt. He looks up, with the attitude of welcoming the virgin. Young woman is Eva,a believer of virgin. She drops her eyes and face down to the side, kind of shyness, expressed worship(敬拜) to the virgin. Located in the center, the virgin is plump and

dignified , with peaceful facial expression. In this famous paintings, Raphael masters the beauty, love and respect all right; shows the elegant, gentle and lovely, harmonious style, so that people feel pure and fresh, leave people with a sublimation(升华)of the spirit to enjoy.

Now, we will admire the last one, it’s the last supper. There are totally 13 people around the table, it’s Jesus and his disciples together for the last dinner. At the dinner table, he suddenly felt annoyed and told his disciples, one of them will betray him. But Jesus did not say he is Judah, all the disciples also don't know who will betray Jesus. The other twelve disciples are divided into four groups, Jesus sitting in the middle of the table. He spread out his hand at a sad position, signing that some of the disciples betrayed him. Most of his disciples jumped up in the excitement, but Jesus is so quiet. We can see his clear outline in the setting wall of the window. Through the window, we saw the quiet scenery. In the group at Jesus’s right, we see a dark face, his back leaning. His elbows are on the table, holding a purse. We know that he is the traitor, Judahs. Judah's purse is a symbol of him, it reminds us that he is the man who keeps money for Jesus and the other disciples, purse containing thirty pieces of silver he betray Jesus for. Next to the shadow of Judah is Peter, we can also see his silver hair and a pair of white hands.

Peter’s right hand is hanging in the hip and holding a knife, as if to point behind to Judah. John's head is hanging to Peter. In all of the disciples, he is the love of Jesus. John is as calm as Jesus, because he has understood Jesus's words.Little Jacob is at Jesus’s left, and he tries to understand the terrible words. He exclaimed with hands out wide. From Jacob's shoulder, we see St.Thomas and puzzled Thomas. He showed his surprise

through the vertical finger. At the other side of the little Jacob, Philip rely on Jesus, with his hands on her chest as if to say: "you know my heart, you know I will never betray you." The six disciples around Jesus is the central person of the story. On the right side, the last remaining three disciples are discussing about that sentence Jesus said. Their fingers are pointing to the middle of the table. The theme of this works is to praise the great moral character ,drag out an ignoble existence of traitors, the ugly face and soul of betray, fully expressing the artist's love and hate , thus giving us analysis about people themselves. From the pictures above, we can feel the respect for the people and thirst for human

liberation, then let me talk about the Renaissance’s influence on later generations. First, it promoted Europe's religious reform, hit the authority of the Roman church, broke through the theology of the imprison, liberated the people's thought, built refreshing academic air for the development of natural science, and provide the materialism method. Second, a large number of the Greek classical works and thoughts spread and develop further. People began to thoroughly get rid of the traditional concept, so it provides abundant thoughts of nutrients for the birth of modern natural science.

Above is my speech, now, let’s invite my partner Song Chan to answer your question.Thanks!

Hello, everyone, I'm Ma Lichao. After hearing my partner Qiu Sha’s introduction, I think everybody has some knowledge about Renaissance art. Then, let me introduce specific literature and art achievement. First is literature, the three greatest writers are Dante... Petrarch... Boccaccio ... .. Their works are separately as follows.......

In their books, they attack the church’s darkness and corruption, promote people's freedom, hope to realize the human liberation. Then, here are three greatest artists, they are respectively Raphael... Michelangelo... Da Vinci... Raphael's masterpieces are The Sistine Madonna, school of Athens... Michelangelo's masterpieces are David, Moses...Da Vinci's masterpieces are the Mona Lisa’s smile, the last supper, The Sistine Notre Dame... Now, let me give some detailed introduction of the most famous art .

First is school of Athens, it’s a big wall painting. It describes a scene of academic discussion among the philosophers, scientists, and artists in the college. Look the center, the men walking and discussing are Plato and his disciple, Aristotle. They’re in a fierce debate. Though, Plato's teacher, Socrates has already dead when he started college, but for showing inheritance of the philosophy, the artist drew Socrates on the left picture. And on the right is the astronomer Ptolemy, the bent man drawing geometry is Archimedes. Behind them, wearing the dark hat is the painter himself. He focused on details such as pillar, statues and reliefs, to add a beautiful grave for college hall. On the niche of the hall, there are two statues. The right is the Greek god of wisdom, Athena and the left is the god of light, Apollo. His character’s clothes are red, white, yellow, purple, and match the light yellow background of marble well.

Then, I will introduce Mona Lisa’ smile. Different viewers or in different times to see, it seems to be different. Sometimes I feel she has gentle smile and kind of happy, sometimes seems to be serious, and sometimes a little sad. The shadow of the Mona Lisa's face makes her eyes and lips covered with a layer(层) of the veil(面纱).A Canadian artist Susan said, Mona Lisa’ lip is truly a man's bare back. This view is fresh and absurd, but argument is powerful. Da Vinci, who set a painter, sculptor, architect, engineers and scientists, and a variety of talent at himself, was a strange man. He liked to wear pink coat, freely painted colorfully on the beard. And he was a left-handed, liked writing from right to left backward, so others must use a mirror to read what he wrote. So with the aid of the mirror is a way of reading the picture. After rotated(旋转) 90 degrees from the mirror, Mona Lisa’ smiling lip, happens to be a strong man back and the corner of his left arm and elbow(肘部).Besides, expressing physical beauty and calling for the awareness of human nature, is a master of philosophy(哲学) of life, and his artistic value. All this reflect the painter’s attention of the people themselves, also accord with(符合) the connotation(内涵) of humanism at that time.

Next, we continue to appreciate the following paint, The Sistine Notre Dame.

Triangular structure composed of Notre Dame and christians is solemn equilibrium .The posture of the virgin and Jesus is handsome and has the strength, shows the greatest mother’s love. The image shows the virgin holding the son from the cloud landing. There are an old man and a woman on both sides of the curtain. The male elder is the Pope, Sith Kurt. He looks up, with the attitude of welcoming the virgin. Young woman is Eva,a believer of virgin. She drops her eyes and face down to the side, kind of shyness, expressed worship(敬拜) to the virgin. Located in the center, the virgin is plump and

dignified , with peaceful facial expression. In this famous paintings, Raphael masters the beauty, love and respect all right; shows the elegant, gentle and lovely, harmonious style, so that people feel pure and fresh, leave people with a sublimation(升华)of the spirit to enjoy.

Now, we will admire the last one, it’s the last supper. There are totally 13 people around the table, it’s Jesus and his disciples together for the last dinner. At the dinner table, he suddenly felt annoyed and told his disciples, one of them will betray him. But Jesus did not say he is Judah, all the disciples also don't know who will betray Jesus. The other twelve disciples are divided into four groups, Jesus sitting in the middle of the table. He spread out his hand at a sad position, signing that some of the disciples betrayed him. Most of his disciples jumped up in the excitement, but Jesus is so quiet. We can see his clear outline in the setting wall of the window. Through the window, we saw the quiet scenery. In the group at Jesus’s right, we see a dark face, his back leaning. His elbows are on the table, holding a purse. We know that he is the traitor, Judahs. Judah's purse is a symbol of him, it reminds us that he is the man who keeps money for Jesus and the other disciples, purse containing thirty pieces of silver he betray Jesus for. Next to the shadow of Judah is Peter, we can also see his silver hair and a pair of white hands.

Peter’s right hand is hanging in the hip and holding a knife, as if to point behind to Judah. John's head is hanging to Peter. In all of the disciples, he is the love of Jesus. John is as calm as Jesus, because he has understood Jesus's words.Little Jacob is at Jesus’s left, and he tries to understand the terrible words. He exclaimed with hands out wide. From Jacob's shoulder, we see St.Thomas and puzzled Thomas. He showed his surprise

through the vertical finger. At the other side of the little Jacob, Philip rely on Jesus, with his hands on her chest as if to say: "you know my heart, you know I will never betray you." The six disciples around Jesus is the central person of the story. On the right side, the last remaining three disciples are discussing about that sentence Jesus said. Their fingers are pointing to the middle of the table. The theme of this works is to praise the great moral character ,drag out an ignoble existence of traitors, the ugly face and soul of betray, fully expressing the artist's love and hate , thus giving us analysis about people themselves. From the pictures above, we can feel the respect for the people and thirst for human

liberation, then let me talk about the Renaissance’s influence on later generations. First, it promoted Europe's religious reform, hit the authority of the Roman church, broke through the theology of the imprison, liberated the people's thought, built refreshing academic air for the development of natural science, and provide the materialism method. Second, a large number of the Greek classical works and thoughts spread and develop further. People began to thoroughly get rid of the traditional concept, so it provides abundant thoughts of nutrients for the birth of modern natural science.

Above is my speech, now, let’s invite my partner Song Chan to answer your question.Thanks!


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