


1 Chinese jujube fallen petal fruit drop


1.1 Chinese jujube characteristics of itself


Jujube flower bud is differentiation, the formation, spend large amount, makes the nutrition cost more. Annual growth cycle in Chinese jujube, flower bud differentiation, growth, flowering, fruit branches and young fruit development are almost at the same time, phenophase serious overlap, each organ between

nutrient competition is intense, vegetative growth and reproductive growth of sharp contradictions, the jujube tree fallen petal, severe fruit drop.


1.2 zaoyuan site conditions and management level


Good site conditions, high management level, full of nutrition, jujube fruit rate is higher; When light is insufficient, nutritional deficiencies fallen petal fruit drop seriously.


1.3 flowering of weather conditions



Jujube flower needs certain temperature, the optimum temperature is 23 ~ 25 ℃, the temperature is over 27 ℃, 20 ℃ below the blossom fruit. Suitable humidity was 70% ~ 70%, and the air is too dry, the relative humidity is below 40% ~ 40%, and affect the fruit. Flowering more than wind, high temperature will appear "JiaoHua" phenomenon, affected pollen development. Under low temperature (20 ℃) and wet weather, there will be rain soaked, stigma secretions dilution or loss, lower the pollen germination rate.


Two measures of increasing fruit-bearing rate


2.1 improve the nutrition level of trees



2.1.1 strengthen soil water management. Good flat zaoyuan site conditions, when the spring drought should be timely watering, and combined with the soil fertilization. Fertilizer application amount for soil fertility, tree size, tree potential strength. General 1 kg basal dressing 1.5 ~ 2.0 kg. Provinces tree fym 50 kg per year, urea 0.5 ~ 1.0 kg. Plowing under appropriately. Upland jujube water

management is mainly water conservation project, covering plastic film and hoe weeding water saving, etc. Fertilizer is mainly combined with autumn commune basal dressing, before or after the rain the rain fertilizer, planting green manure and guest pressure weeds, etc. Mountain jujube thin soil layer and soil quality is poorer, usually should be renovated terraces, plane trees, enlarge hole to hole and water storage or cannon shock method such as soil improvement, improve the nutrition level of trees.


2.1.2 reasonable pruning. Jujube is a very bright light tree species, rational pruning can adjust the relationship between Chinese jujube growth and as

a result, improving canopy ventilation pervious to light conditions, promote flower bud differentiation, improve fruit-bearing rate. Therefore, pruning is jujube flower and fruit in one of the technical measures that nots allow to ignore. Especially jujube growth and flower bud differentiation and flowering results of the phenological period of overlap, shall promptly carry out head and secondary branch sprouting into jujube pick heart, etc.


2.1.3 the prevention and control plant diseases and insect pests. In the process of fruit growth and development, many of the diseases and insect pests can cause falling fruit drop. Often cause a great deal of fallen petal fruit diseases have jujube rust,

date sheet, etc.; Pests have peach small armyworm budworm, jujube, jujube inchworm, dung beetles, jujube pest tortoiseshell wax, jujube leaf mite, etc. Strengthening prevention and control of plant diseases and insect pests, to strengthen, promote fruit tree potential is very important.


2.2 regulate nutrient allocation


2.2.1 flowering open armour. Armor, in the critical

period of flowering and fruit can alleviate aboveground nutrient competition between growth and blossom fruit, improve the fruit rate. Jujube on coated and young fruit period, a period in the northern Chinese date area about occurrence peak in early June and July. Open at about 20 cm from the ground, for the first time to shave off a circle old bark, show pink phloem after the cut with a sharp knife around the trunk link up and down for 2 weeks, as deep as the xylem and the phloem tissue cutting strip. The whole ring strip width to be consistent, to smooth edge. Strip width mouth can completely healed within a month, for degree, generally 0.5 1.0 cm, small and weak trees should be narrow, the tree should be wide and strong tree.


Don't by hand or after open a tool touch the cambium a mouth parts, to ensure a mouth can heal in time,

at the same time should pay attention to prevent beetle damage, generally USES coated, wipe mud or tied to a mouth protection method such as plastic article.


2.2.2 growth branch pick the heart. Pick heart inhibit vegetative growth, improve the relationship between vegetative growth and reproductive growth, improved the distribution of photosynthetic product,

make the nutrients relative to focus on results, thus improve fruit-bearing rate. Jujube head picking dates such as heart period usually grow to a certain section, after several dates head can keep commonly 2 ~ 6 secondary branch to pick the heart. Pick heart strength varies between species and tree potential, tree potential strong heart can be heavy to pick, LiZao lignification jujube hang results ability of varieties should be heavy heart. Secondary branch the heart time is increases with the increasing growth of the mind, heart and picked on a branch location and so on, for a heavy heart picked jujube head, secondary branch grows longer, its secondary branch can be appropriately to stay longer. Jujube secondary branch in the first part for 6 ~ 9 day, in the upper secondary branch can keep 3 ~ 5 day. Also, jujube crane can also increases with the increasing growth of heart, picked for strong growth potential over the heads of the jujube jujube hang, generally in 40 cm pick heart, other dates can leave 15 ~ 20 cm to pick a heart.


2.3 create a good pollination condition


2.3.1 configuration appropriate pollination tree. Most jujube varieties to parthenocarpy and strong the flowers. In production practice, a single varieties of jujube most area can achieve a higher yield. But cross-pollination can significantly improve fruit rate. Pollen degeneration, especially stamens dysplasia, some varieties are more need to configure the pollination tree. Such as near have a continous golden-silk jujube jujube fruit rate can be improved; Shiva spot jujube, jujube configuration yiwu horse jujube jujube configuration has the obvious effect to increase



2.3.2 flowering bees. Jujube for typical entomophilous flower, rich nectar, fragrant. The bee is the best pollinators. Put the number of bees and jujube jujube area and the number of bees and each activity, the hives are evenly placed in zaoyuan, hive distance less than 300 m. Bees in 11 ℃, 16 ~ 29 ℃ is most active. Such as flowering wind speed, low temperature or precipitation, less bee activities, the effect is poor. In addition, zaoyuan put during the bees, to sevin, strain is strictly prohibited to bees high toxic pesticides.


2.3.3 flowering spraying and spraying sucrose solution. Date of pollination and pollen germination is related to temperature, humidity. Jujube region of northern China, flowering often meet high temperature, dry weather, easy to appear "JiaoHua" phenomenon. Therefore, flowering water can increase the air humidity, lower temperature, increasing fruit-bearing rate. Water year commonly 2 ~ 3 times, a severe drought year 3 ~ 5 times.


2.4 spraying growth regulator and micronutrient fertilizer



1.5倍以上。盛花期喷布10~20mg/kg萘乙酸;花期和幼果期各喷1次10~20mg/kg 2,4-D,也可提高坐果率。在盛花期喷布0.05%~0.20%硼酸或0.3%硼酸钠可促进花粉管萌发,提高坐果率。盛花期喷布300mg/kg稀土、0.2%~0.3%硫酸锌、0.2%~0.3%硫酸亚铁等微肥,均有不同程度提高坐果率的作用。

Gibberellic acid has the effect of stimulation of pollen germination and ovary enlargement, general coated cloth injection in 10 to 20 mg/kg gibberellin, spray once every 5 ~ 6 d, can improve the fruit rate

1.5 times or more. Spray coated cloth 10 to 20 mg/kg (naphthalene acetic acid; Flowering and young fruit period each 1 times 10 to 20 mg/kg 2, 4-d, also can improve the fruit rate. Coated abrasive cloth is 0.05% ~ 0.20% boric acid or in 0.3% sodium borate can promote germination of the pollen tube, improve the fruit rate. Spray coated cloth 300 mg/kg, 0.2% ~ 0.3% rare earth zinc sulfate, ferrous sulfate and other micronutrient fertilizer (0.2% ~ 0.3%, to some extent the role of increasing fruit-bearing rate.



1 Chinese jujube fallen petal fruit drop


1.1 Chinese jujube characteristics of itself


Jujube flower bud is differentiation, the formation, spend large amount, makes the nutrition cost more. Annual growth cycle in Chinese jujube, flower bud differentiation, growth, flowering, fruit branches and young fruit development are almost at the same time, phenophase serious overlap, each organ between

nutrient competition is intense, vegetative growth and reproductive growth of sharp contradictions, the jujube tree fallen petal, severe fruit drop.


1.2 zaoyuan site conditions and management level


Good site conditions, high management level, full of nutrition, jujube fruit rate is higher; When light is insufficient, nutritional deficiencies fallen petal fruit drop seriously.


1.3 flowering of weather conditions



Jujube flower needs certain temperature, the optimum temperature is 23 ~ 25 ℃, the temperature is over 27 ℃, 20 ℃ below the blossom fruit. Suitable humidity was 70% ~ 70%, and the air is too dry, the relative humidity is below 40% ~ 40%, and affect the fruit. Flowering more than wind, high temperature will appear "JiaoHua" phenomenon, affected pollen development. Under low temperature (20 ℃) and wet weather, there will be rain soaked, stigma secretions dilution or loss, lower the pollen germination rate.


Two measures of increasing fruit-bearing rate


2.1 improve the nutrition level of trees



2.1.1 strengthen soil water management. Good flat zaoyuan site conditions, when the spring drought should be timely watering, and combined with the soil fertilization. Fertilizer application amount for soil fertility, tree size, tree potential strength. General 1 kg basal dressing 1.5 ~ 2.0 kg. Provinces tree fym 50 kg per year, urea 0.5 ~ 1.0 kg. Plowing under appropriately. Upland jujube water

management is mainly water conservation project, covering plastic film and hoe weeding water saving, etc. Fertilizer is mainly combined with autumn commune basal dressing, before or after the rain the rain fertilizer, planting green manure and guest pressure weeds, etc. Mountain jujube thin soil layer and soil quality is poorer, usually should be renovated terraces, plane trees, enlarge hole to hole and water storage or cannon shock method such as soil improvement, improve the nutrition level of trees.


2.1.2 reasonable pruning. Jujube is a very bright light tree species, rational pruning can adjust the relationship between Chinese jujube growth and as

a result, improving canopy ventilation pervious to light conditions, promote flower bud differentiation, improve fruit-bearing rate. Therefore, pruning is jujube flower and fruit in one of the technical measures that nots allow to ignore. Especially jujube growth and flower bud differentiation and flowering results of the phenological period of overlap, shall promptly carry out head and secondary branch sprouting into jujube pick heart, etc.


2.1.3 the prevention and control plant diseases and insect pests. In the process of fruit growth and development, many of the diseases and insect pests can cause falling fruit drop. Often cause a great deal of fallen petal fruit diseases have jujube rust,

date sheet, etc.; Pests have peach small armyworm budworm, jujube, jujube inchworm, dung beetles, jujube pest tortoiseshell wax, jujube leaf mite, etc. Strengthening prevention and control of plant diseases and insect pests, to strengthen, promote fruit tree potential is very important.


2.2 regulate nutrient allocation


2.2.1 flowering open armour. Armor, in the critical

period of flowering and fruit can alleviate aboveground nutrient competition between growth and blossom fruit, improve the fruit rate. Jujube on coated and young fruit period, a period in the northern Chinese date area about occurrence peak in early June and July. Open at about 20 cm from the ground, for the first time to shave off a circle old bark, show pink phloem after the cut with a sharp knife around the trunk link up and down for 2 weeks, as deep as the xylem and the phloem tissue cutting strip. The whole ring strip width to be consistent, to smooth edge. Strip width mouth can completely healed within a month, for degree, generally 0.5 1.0 cm, small and weak trees should be narrow, the tree should be wide and strong tree.


Don't by hand or after open a tool touch the cambium a mouth parts, to ensure a mouth can heal in time,

at the same time should pay attention to prevent beetle damage, generally USES coated, wipe mud or tied to a mouth protection method such as plastic article.


2.2.2 growth branch pick the heart. Pick heart inhibit vegetative growth, improve the relationship between vegetative growth and reproductive growth, improved the distribution of photosynthetic product,

make the nutrients relative to focus on results, thus improve fruit-bearing rate. Jujube head picking dates such as heart period usually grow to a certain section, after several dates head can keep commonly 2 ~ 6 secondary branch to pick the heart. Pick heart strength varies between species and tree potential, tree potential strong heart can be heavy to pick, LiZao lignification jujube hang results ability of varieties should be heavy heart. Secondary branch the heart time is increases with the increasing growth of the mind, heart and picked on a branch location and so on, for a heavy heart picked jujube head, secondary branch grows longer, its secondary branch can be appropriately to stay longer. Jujube secondary branch in the first part for 6 ~ 9 day, in the upper secondary branch can keep 3 ~ 5 day. Also, jujube crane can also increases with the increasing growth of heart, picked for strong growth potential over the heads of the jujube jujube hang, generally in 40 cm pick heart, other dates can leave 15 ~ 20 cm to pick a heart.


2.3 create a good pollination condition


2.3.1 configuration appropriate pollination tree. Most jujube varieties to parthenocarpy and strong the flowers. In production practice, a single varieties of jujube most area can achieve a higher yield. But cross-pollination can significantly improve fruit rate. Pollen degeneration, especially stamens dysplasia, some varieties are more need to configure the pollination tree. Such as near have a continous golden-silk jujube jujube fruit rate can be improved; Shiva spot jujube, jujube configuration yiwu horse jujube jujube configuration has the obvious effect to increase



2.3.2 flowering bees. Jujube for typical entomophilous flower, rich nectar, fragrant. The bee is the best pollinators. Put the number of bees and jujube jujube area and the number of bees and each activity, the hives are evenly placed in zaoyuan, hive distance less than 300 m. Bees in 11 ℃, 16 ~ 29 ℃ is most active. Such as flowering wind speed, low temperature or precipitation, less bee activities, the effect is poor. In addition, zaoyuan put during the bees, to sevin, strain is strictly prohibited to bees high toxic pesticides.


2.3.3 flowering spraying and spraying sucrose solution. Date of pollination and pollen germination is related to temperature, humidity. Jujube region of northern China, flowering often meet high temperature, dry weather, easy to appear "JiaoHua" phenomenon. Therefore, flowering water can increase the air humidity, lower temperature, increasing fruit-bearing rate. Water year commonly 2 ~ 3 times, a severe drought year 3 ~ 5 times.


2.4 spraying growth regulator and micronutrient fertilizer



1.5倍以上。盛花期喷布10~20mg/kg萘乙酸;花期和幼果期各喷1次10~20mg/kg 2,4-D,也可提高坐果率。在盛花期喷布0.05%~0.20%硼酸或0.3%硼酸钠可促进花粉管萌发,提高坐果率。盛花期喷布300mg/kg稀土、0.2%~0.3%硫酸锌、0.2%~0.3%硫酸亚铁等微肥,均有不同程度提高坐果率的作用。

Gibberellic acid has the effect of stimulation of pollen germination and ovary enlargement, general coated cloth injection in 10 to 20 mg/kg gibberellin, spray once every 5 ~ 6 d, can improve the fruit rate

1.5 times or more. Spray coated cloth 10 to 20 mg/kg (naphthalene acetic acid; Flowering and young fruit period each 1 times 10 to 20 mg/kg 2, 4-d, also can improve the fruit rate. Coated abrasive cloth is 0.05% ~ 0.20% boric acid or in 0.3% sodium borate can promote germination of the pollen tube, improve the fruit rate. Spray coated cloth 300 mg/kg, 0.2% ~ 0.3% rare earth zinc sulfate, ferrous sulfate and other micronutrient fertilizer (0.2% ~ 0.3%, to some extent the role of increasing fruit-bearing rate.


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