
第七章 通常的跟单信用证

⏹ 第一节 不可撤销的信用证与可撤销的信用证 第二节 不可撤销的保兑的信用证与不可撤销不保兑的信用证 第三节 付款、承兑、议付信用证 小结

第一节 不可撤销的信用证与可撤销的信用

⏹ 一、不可撤销的信用证 二、可撤销的信用证


⏹ (一)不可撤销信用证的定义 (二)不可撤销信用证的表示方法 (三)不可撤销性信用证的修改


⏹ 不可撤销信用证是指信用证一经开出,在有效期内,未经受益人及有关当事人的同意,开证行不得片面修改和撤销,只要受益人提供的单据符合信用证规定,开证行必须履行付款义务。

不可撤销性信用证一经开出,不能修改/撤销(UCP500第9条d 分条第1款) 。 ⏹


⏹ 在跟单信用证前面写有¡°不可撤销性¡± (Irrevocable)字样,即不可撤销跟单信用证(分为限制议付和自由议付) 。


必须得到开证行、保兑行(如有) 和受益人的明确同意,修改书才能生效。

⏹ 对同一份修改书中的修改内容,不得部分接受,部分接受视为无效。 ⏹


⏹ 自其发出修改书时起,修改书生效,即对开证行起着约束作用。


⏹ 将其保兑扩展至修改书,并应自其通知修改书时起修改书生效,即对保兑行起着约束作用。


⏹ 受益人接到修改书后,做出明确表示接受或拒受修改,即: ①收到修改书后,受益人立即发出接受修改通知,则修改书生效,即对受益人起着约束作用; ②受益人也可不立即发出接受通知,直到交来单据符合尚待接受的修改书时,该修改书生效,即对受益人起着约束作用; ③受益人在交单时仍不接受修改书,应作出拒受通知,则修改书对受益人无效。


⏹ (一)可撤销信用证的涵义 (二)可撤销信用证的修改


⏹ 可撤销信用证(Revocable Credit)是指根据申请人的指示,可以随时修改、撤回或注销,无需经受益人同意,甚至不必事先通知受益人,直到它被开证行授权的指定银行接到受益人交来单据,经审核单证相符,立即付款或承担延期付款责任或承兑汇票或议付之时为止。


⏹ 随时修改、撤回或注销,无需经受益人同意,甚至不必事先通知受益人。但是必须通知指定银行,请其不要接受交单。

第二节 不可撤销的保兑的信用证与不可撤销不


⏹ 一、保兑信用证 二、不可撤销保兑的信用证 三、不可撤销不保兑的信用证


⏹ (一)保兑信用证的涵义 (二)开证行委托保兑的功能条款

⏹ (三)保兑行承担¡°保兑¡±的条款 (四)保兑与担保的差异 (五)沉默保兑


⏹ 保兑信用证(Confirmed Letter of Credit )是指开证行开出的信用证经另一银行加以保兑,保证兑付受益人所开具的汇票,称保兑信用证。 信用证要实现其保兑功能,必须明确该信用证是不可撤销的。


⏹ 1.The Advising Bank is restricted from adding their confirmation. 2.We (Issuing Bank ) are authorized to add your (Advising Bank's ) confirmation. 3.Please notify beneficiary and add your (Advising Bank's) confirmation. 4.The Advising bank is authorized to add its confirmation to this

credit No. _ __.


⏹ 1.保兑条款之一 2.保兑条款之二 3.保兑条款之三 4.保兑条款之四

1. 保兑条款之一

⏹ At the request of the correspendent (Issuing Bank ) we (Advising Bank) have been requested to add our confirmation to this credit and we hereby undertake that all drafts drawn by you (Beneficiary ) in accordance with the terms of the credit will be duly honoured by us. 【本行(通知行)受开证行的委托,对本信用证加以保兑,并在此保证,凡提交贵公司(受益人)依信用证条款签发的汇票,届时由本行兑付。】

2. 保兑条款之二

⏹ At the request of the correspondent we confirm their credit and

also engage with you that drafts drawn in conformity with the terms of this credit will be paid by us.

【根据开证行的要求,本行确认此信用证并藉此向贵公司(受益人)保证,凡出具符合信用证所列条款的汇票,届时付款。】 ⏹

3. 保兑条款之三

This credit bears our confirmation and we hereby engage to negotiate

or to accept on presentation to us, drafts drawn and presented in conformity with the terms of this credit.


4. 保兑条款之四

⏹ We have been requested to add our confirmation to this credit and we hereby undertake to honour all drafts drawn in accordance with the terms of this credit.

【本行对本信用证受托加保,凡依本条款签发的所有汇票,我行保证兑付。】 ⏹


⏹ 1. 担保的责任是原当事人不能履行其责任时,要求担保人负连带责任。亦就是说,原当事人不履行其责任时应由担保人承担其责任。 2.保兑信用证中已明确的是保兑行直接向受益人负责,即保兑行系第一付款人。换言之,保兑行充当和承担第一付款人的责任,不是受益人向开证行要求付款,被开证行拒绝后,才向保兑行要求偿付。不能把保兑信用证(Confirmed Credit )视为担保信用证(Stand-By-Credit )。


⏹ 沉默保兑代表了银行和受益人之间的协议,表示该银行加上了保兑,尽管它未被开证行授权保兑。


⏹ (一)不可撤销保兑的信用证的涵义 (二)不可撤销保兑的信用证的行文格式


⏹ 不可撤销保兑的信用证(Irrevocable Confirmed Credit )表明开证行和保兑行给予受益人双重的付款承诺,相符单据寄给开证行时,它应履行无追索权的付款承诺;相符单据交给保兑行时,它应履行无追索权的议付承诺。


1. 开证行的行文

⏹ 2.通知行的行文 ⏹

1. 开证行的行文

⏹ 开证行可以授权或要求通知行保兑信用证,只需在¡°致通知行信用证通知书¡±上面标明

⏹ ¡°承兑¡±即可,如下所示: In Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form (Advice for the Advising Bank) We request you to advise beneficiary: □ without adding your confirmation × adding your confirmation □ adding your confirmation if requested by the beneficiary

2. 通知行的行文

⏹ 通知行在信用证上另加一张面函,即通知行的¡°信用证通知书¡±上标明¡°依照开证行要求,我行根据UCP500条款9对该信用证保兑¡±即可,如下所示: In Notification of Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form □ This notification and the enclosed advice are sent to you without any engagement on our part. × As requested by the Issuing Bank,we hereby add our confirmation to this credit

in accordance with the stipulations under UCP500 Article 9.


⏹ (一)不可撤销不保兑信用证的涵义 (二)不可撤销不保兑信用证的表示方法


⏹ 不可撤销不保兑信用证(Irrevocable Unconfirmed Credit ) 是指开证行承担不可撤销的付款承诺,通知行仅通知信用证,对受益人不承担任何责任。 它与普通的不可撤销信用证(Irrevocable Credit)相同。

(二)不可撤销不保兑信用证的表示方法 ⏹ 1. 开证行的行文

⏹ 2.通知行的行文

1. 开证行的行文

⏹ 开证行在¡°致通知行信用证通知书¡±上面选择¡°不保兑¡±即可,如下: In Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form (Advice for the Advising Bank) We request you to advise beneficiary: × without adding your confirmation □ adding your confirmation □ adding your confirmation if requested by the beneficiary

2. 通知行的行文

⏹ 通知行在信用证上面另加一张面函,即通知行的¡°信用证通知书¡±上面选择¡°¡­我方无任何义务¡­¡±即可,如下所示: In Notification of Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form × This Notification and the enclosed advice are sent to you without any engagement

⏹ on our part. □ As requested by the Issuing Bank, We hereby add our confirmation to this credit

in accordance with the stipulations under UCP500 Article 9.

第三节 付款、承兑、议付信用证

⏹ 一、即期付款信用证 二、延期付款信用证 三、承兑信用证 四、议付信用证 五、自由议付信用证 六、六种信用证的比较


⏹ (一)即期付款信用证的涵义 (二)即期付款信用证的付款人 (三)格式


⏹ 即期付款信用证指受益人开立即期汇票/不需汇票仅凭单据即可向指定



⏹ 1. 以开证行为付款人 2. 以开证申请人为付款人

1. 以开证行为付款人

⏹ 即期信用证的特点是受益人签发即期汇票,银行见票即付。 采用即期信用证作为支付方式,在信用证的正文条款中常用下列文字表示其功能: ¡°We hereby issue this Irrevocable Documentary Credit in your favour which is available by negotiation of your draft at sight drawn on Issuing Bank. ¡± 【本行兹开具不可撤销跟单信用证,以贵公司为受益人并凭贵公司签发的以


2. 以开证申请人为付款人

⏹ 以开证申请人为付款人的即期信用证的功能可由以下文句表达: ¡°We open this Irrevocable Documentary Credit favouring yourselves for a sum not exceeding a total of US $ ×××× available only against your draft at sight by negotiation on Applicant.¡± 【本行开立不可撤销跟单信用证,以你本人为受益人,总金额不得超过×××美元整,凭



⏹ Expiry date and place for presentation of documents Expiry date: 30 June 200× Place for presentation: Bank of China, Shanghai Credit available with Bank of China, Shanghai × by payment at sight □ by deferred payment at □ by acceptance of draft(s) at □ by negotiation against the documents detailed here in × and beneficiary¡¯s draft(s) drawn on Bank of China, Shanghai


⏹ (一)延期付款信用证的涵义

⏹ (二)延期付款信用证的特点 (三)延期付款的到期日 (四)格式 (五)指定延期付款行


⏹ 在不需汇票的前提下,仅凭受益人交来单据审核相符,确定银行承担延期付款责任开始延长一段时间直至到期日付款的信用证。 延期付款信用证适用于进出口大型机电成套设备,为了加强竞争条件可采用延期付款、卖方中/长期贷款/赊欠出口等措施。但期限较长,出口商不必提示汇票,开证行也不承兑汇票,只是在到期日由银行付款。


⏹ 1. 延期付款信用证的延期期限 2.延期付款与远期承兑不同 3.延期付款与分期付款的差异

1. 延期付款信用证的延期期限

⏹ 该期限由交单日期起到指定付款日期,这段时间的间隔称之为有效期。也就是于受益人在提示单据后的一个规定的期限内由开证行履行其付款责任。 从交单日期到付款日期,时间较长,如一年以上或二年不等,这对进口商有利,可得一个较长时间融通资金的机会。但对出口商来讲,只要提交符合信用证规定的单据时,银行必须按期付款,不得以任何理由,更不能以产品质量有问题等而拒绝付款。 ⏹

2. 延期付款与远期承兑不同

⏹ 延期付款信用证项下的受益人不开立远期汇票,不能在市场贴现。 为使受益人货款得到保证,由开证行在信用证中载明银行的承诺条款,


3. 延期付款与分期付款的差异

⏹ 尽管二者在功能方面有相同之处,但贸易实务中的作法则不相同,致使货物所有权的转移时间不同。


⏹ 1. 交单日后若干天延期付款。比如: Deferred payment at 15 days after presentation of documents. 2.装运日以后若干天延期付款。比如: Deferred payment at 30 days after the date of shipment. 3.固定的将来日期付款。比如: On (a future date) fixed. 4.其他。



⏹ 开证行/通知行/其他行。


⏹ (一)承兑信用证的涵义 (二)格式 (三)承兑信用证远期汇票的起算日 (四)承兑信用证远期汇票到期日的计算方法 (五)远期汇票付款人


⏹ 承兑信用证(Acceptance Credit or Credit Available by Acceptance)



⏹ Expiry date and place for presentation of documents Expiry date: 30 June,200× Place for presentation:Dresdner Bank,Hamburg credit available with Dresdner Bank,Hamburg □ by payment at sight □ by deferred payment at × by acceptance of draft(s) at 90 days sight

⏹ □ by negotiation against the documents detailed herein × and beneficiary¡¯s draft(s) drawn on Dresdner Bank,Hamburg.


⏹ 承兑日


acceptance of draft at 30 days sight.


acceptance of draft at 90 days after date of shipment. (四)承兑信用证远期汇票到期日的计算方法 ⏹ ⏹ ⏹


⏹ 指定承兑行可以充当远期汇票付款人,开证行/通知行/其他行可以充当



⏹ (一)议付信用证的涵义 (二)格式 (三)议付与购买汇票/单据和出口押汇 (四)指定议付行


⏹ 议付信用证(Negotiation Credit or Credit Available by

Negotiation )是指开证行承诺延伸至第三当事人,即议付行,其拥有议付或购买受益人提交信用证规定的汇票/单据权利行为的信用证。

如果信用证不限制某银行议付,可由受益人(出口商)选择任何愿意议付的银行,提交汇票、单据给所选银行请求议付的信用证称为自由议付信用证,反之为限制性议付信用证。 ⏹


⏹ Issuing Bank-Banque Nationale de Paris,Paris issues an Irrevocable Credit which is to expire on or ⏹

⏹ before 30 June 200× and is available with the Advising Bank-Bank of Communications,Shanghai by negotiation against draft(s) at sight and documents. In Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form(Advice for the beneficiary) Expiry date and place for presentation of documents Expiry date: 30 June,200× Place for presentation: Bank of Communications, Shanghai Credit available with Bank of Communications, Shanghai □ by payment at sight □ by deferred payment at

⏹ □ by acceptance of draft(s) at × by negotiation against the documents detailed herein × and beneficiary¡¯s draft(s) at sight drawn on Banque Nationale de Paris,Paris.

(三)议付与购买汇票/单据和出口押汇 ⏹ 议付与出口押汇都是银行对受益人垫款或融资的授信行为;汇票的背书转



⏹ 可以是通知行/其他行,但开证行不能作为被指定议付行。


⏹ (一)自由议付信用证的涵义 (二)表达自由议付的功能条款 (三)格式 (四)议付与贴现的比较


不限制某银行议付,可由受益人选择任何愿意议付的银行提交汇票、单据给它,请求议付的信用证。 一般来讲,需要在议付条款中注明¡°自由议付¡±(Free Negotiation)字样,也可载明¡°邀请/建议¡±(Invitation/ Order)等自由议付条款。 汇票期限及基本当事人同议付信用证汇票。


⏹ 1. 条款之一 2.条款之二 3.条款之三 4.条款之四

1. 条款之一

⏹ We (Issuing Bank) hereby engage with the drawers, endorsers and bona - fide holders of draft(s) drawn under and in compliance with the terms of the credit that such draft(s) shall be duly honoured on due presentation and delivery of documents as specified. 【本行(开证行)向出票人、背书人及正当持票人保证,凡依本信用证所


2. 条款之二

⏹ Provided such drafts are drawn and presented in accordance with the terms of this credit, we hereby engage with the drawers, endorsers and bona - fide holders that the said drafts shall be duly honoured on presentation. 【凡依本信用证条款开具并提示汇票,本行保证对其出票人、背书人和正当持票人在交单的时候承兑付款。】

3. 条款之三

⏹ We hereby agree with the drawers ,endorsers and bona-fide holders ⏹ of drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit that the same shall be duly honoured on due presentation, and negotiated at the Negotiating Bank on or before, 200__。 【本信用证项下签发的汇票并符合信用证所列条款,则其出票人、背书人、及正当持票人于200_年_ 月_日以前向议付行提示议付,开证行保证于提交单据时付清票款。 】

4. 条款之四

We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers and bona - fide holders of drafts drawn in compliance with the terms of the credit that such drafts shall be duly honoured on presentation and paid at maturity. 【本行向出票人、背书人及正当持票人表示同意,凡依本信用证所列条款开具的汇票,向本行提示时。到期即予以付清票款。】


⏹ Issuing Bank-The Mitsui Bank Ltd.,Tokyo issues an Irrevocable Credit which is to expire on or before 30 June,200× and is available with any bank in China by negotiation against draft(s) at sight and documents. In Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form(Advice for the beneficiary) Expiry date and place for presentation of documents Expiry date: 30 June,200× Place for presentation: any bank in China Credit available with any bank in China □ by payment at sight □ by deferred payment at × by negotiation against the documents detailed herein × and beneficiary¡¯s draft(s) at sight drawn on The Mitsul Bank Ltd.,Tokyo


⏹ ⒈相同点 ⒉不同点


⏹ ⑴二者都是票据和对价的对流; ⑵二者都是扣收利息、付给净款、然后收回票面金额的融资业务; ⑶贴现人/议付行付款给持票人/受益人有是有追索权的;承兑行/开证行付款





⏹ A. 涵义 B. 与即期信用证的比较

A. 涵义

⏹ 买卖双方达成即期交易合同,但进口商为了融资便利,要求


B. 与即期信用证的比较






第七章 通常的跟单信用证

⏹ 第一节 不可撤销的信用证与可撤销的信用证 第二节 不可撤销的保兑的信用证与不可撤销不保兑的信用证 第三节 付款、承兑、议付信用证 小结

第一节 不可撤销的信用证与可撤销的信用

⏹ 一、不可撤销的信用证 二、可撤销的信用证


⏹ (一)不可撤销信用证的定义 (二)不可撤销信用证的表示方法 (三)不可撤销性信用证的修改


⏹ 不可撤销信用证是指信用证一经开出,在有效期内,未经受益人及有关当事人的同意,开证行不得片面修改和撤销,只要受益人提供的单据符合信用证规定,开证行必须履行付款义务。

不可撤销性信用证一经开出,不能修改/撤销(UCP500第9条d 分条第1款) 。 ⏹


⏹ 在跟单信用证前面写有¡°不可撤销性¡± (Irrevocable)字样,即不可撤销跟单信用证(分为限制议付和自由议付) 。


必须得到开证行、保兑行(如有) 和受益人的明确同意,修改书才能生效。

⏹ 对同一份修改书中的修改内容,不得部分接受,部分接受视为无效。 ⏹


⏹ 自其发出修改书时起,修改书生效,即对开证行起着约束作用。


⏹ 将其保兑扩展至修改书,并应自其通知修改书时起修改书生效,即对保兑行起着约束作用。


⏹ 受益人接到修改书后,做出明确表示接受或拒受修改,即: ①收到修改书后,受益人立即发出接受修改通知,则修改书生效,即对受益人起着约束作用; ②受益人也可不立即发出接受通知,直到交来单据符合尚待接受的修改书时,该修改书生效,即对受益人起着约束作用; ③受益人在交单时仍不接受修改书,应作出拒受通知,则修改书对受益人无效。


⏹ (一)可撤销信用证的涵义 (二)可撤销信用证的修改


⏹ 可撤销信用证(Revocable Credit)是指根据申请人的指示,可以随时修改、撤回或注销,无需经受益人同意,甚至不必事先通知受益人,直到它被开证行授权的指定银行接到受益人交来单据,经审核单证相符,立即付款或承担延期付款责任或承兑汇票或议付之时为止。


⏹ 随时修改、撤回或注销,无需经受益人同意,甚至不必事先通知受益人。但是必须通知指定银行,请其不要接受交单。

第二节 不可撤销的保兑的信用证与不可撤销不


⏹ 一、保兑信用证 二、不可撤销保兑的信用证 三、不可撤销不保兑的信用证


⏹ (一)保兑信用证的涵义 (二)开证行委托保兑的功能条款

⏹ (三)保兑行承担¡°保兑¡±的条款 (四)保兑与担保的差异 (五)沉默保兑


⏹ 保兑信用证(Confirmed Letter of Credit )是指开证行开出的信用证经另一银行加以保兑,保证兑付受益人所开具的汇票,称保兑信用证。 信用证要实现其保兑功能,必须明确该信用证是不可撤销的。


⏹ 1.The Advising Bank is restricted from adding their confirmation. 2.We (Issuing Bank ) are authorized to add your (Advising Bank's ) confirmation. 3.Please notify beneficiary and add your (Advising Bank's) confirmation. 4.The Advising bank is authorized to add its confirmation to this

credit No. _ __.


⏹ 1.保兑条款之一 2.保兑条款之二 3.保兑条款之三 4.保兑条款之四

1. 保兑条款之一

⏹ At the request of the correspendent (Issuing Bank ) we (Advising Bank) have been requested to add our confirmation to this credit and we hereby undertake that all drafts drawn by you (Beneficiary ) in accordance with the terms of the credit will be duly honoured by us. 【本行(通知行)受开证行的委托,对本信用证加以保兑,并在此保证,凡提交贵公司(受益人)依信用证条款签发的汇票,届时由本行兑付。】

2. 保兑条款之二

⏹ At the request of the correspondent we confirm their credit and

also engage with you that drafts drawn in conformity with the terms of this credit will be paid by us.

【根据开证行的要求,本行确认此信用证并藉此向贵公司(受益人)保证,凡出具符合信用证所列条款的汇票,届时付款。】 ⏹

3. 保兑条款之三

This credit bears our confirmation and we hereby engage to negotiate

or to accept on presentation to us, drafts drawn and presented in conformity with the terms of this credit.


4. 保兑条款之四

⏹ We have been requested to add our confirmation to this credit and we hereby undertake to honour all drafts drawn in accordance with the terms of this credit.

【本行对本信用证受托加保,凡依本条款签发的所有汇票,我行保证兑付。】 ⏹


⏹ 1. 担保的责任是原当事人不能履行其责任时,要求担保人负连带责任。亦就是说,原当事人不履行其责任时应由担保人承担其责任。 2.保兑信用证中已明确的是保兑行直接向受益人负责,即保兑行系第一付款人。换言之,保兑行充当和承担第一付款人的责任,不是受益人向开证行要求付款,被开证行拒绝后,才向保兑行要求偿付。不能把保兑信用证(Confirmed Credit )视为担保信用证(Stand-By-Credit )。


⏹ 沉默保兑代表了银行和受益人之间的协议,表示该银行加上了保兑,尽管它未被开证行授权保兑。


⏹ (一)不可撤销保兑的信用证的涵义 (二)不可撤销保兑的信用证的行文格式


⏹ 不可撤销保兑的信用证(Irrevocable Confirmed Credit )表明开证行和保兑行给予受益人双重的付款承诺,相符单据寄给开证行时,它应履行无追索权的付款承诺;相符单据交给保兑行时,它应履行无追索权的议付承诺。


1. 开证行的行文

⏹ 2.通知行的行文 ⏹

1. 开证行的行文

⏹ 开证行可以授权或要求通知行保兑信用证,只需在¡°致通知行信用证通知书¡±上面标明

⏹ ¡°承兑¡±即可,如下所示: In Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form (Advice for the Advising Bank) We request you to advise beneficiary: □ without adding your confirmation × adding your confirmation □ adding your confirmation if requested by the beneficiary

2. 通知行的行文

⏹ 通知行在信用证上另加一张面函,即通知行的¡°信用证通知书¡±上标明¡°依照开证行要求,我行根据UCP500条款9对该信用证保兑¡±即可,如下所示: In Notification of Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form □ This notification and the enclosed advice are sent to you without any engagement on our part. × As requested by the Issuing Bank,we hereby add our confirmation to this credit

in accordance with the stipulations under UCP500 Article 9.


⏹ (一)不可撤销不保兑信用证的涵义 (二)不可撤销不保兑信用证的表示方法


⏹ 不可撤销不保兑信用证(Irrevocable Unconfirmed Credit ) 是指开证行承担不可撤销的付款承诺,通知行仅通知信用证,对受益人不承担任何责任。 它与普通的不可撤销信用证(Irrevocable Credit)相同。

(二)不可撤销不保兑信用证的表示方法 ⏹ 1. 开证行的行文

⏹ 2.通知行的行文

1. 开证行的行文

⏹ 开证行在¡°致通知行信用证通知书¡±上面选择¡°不保兑¡±即可,如下: In Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form (Advice for the Advising Bank) We request you to advise beneficiary: × without adding your confirmation □ adding your confirmation □ adding your confirmation if requested by the beneficiary

2. 通知行的行文

⏹ 通知行在信用证上面另加一张面函,即通知行的¡°信用证通知书¡±上面选择¡°¡­我方无任何义务¡­¡±即可,如下所示: In Notification of Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form × This Notification and the enclosed advice are sent to you without any engagement

⏹ on our part. □ As requested by the Issuing Bank, We hereby add our confirmation to this credit

in accordance with the stipulations under UCP500 Article 9.

第三节 付款、承兑、议付信用证

⏹ 一、即期付款信用证 二、延期付款信用证 三、承兑信用证 四、议付信用证 五、自由议付信用证 六、六种信用证的比较


⏹ (一)即期付款信用证的涵义 (二)即期付款信用证的付款人 (三)格式


⏹ 即期付款信用证指受益人开立即期汇票/不需汇票仅凭单据即可向指定



⏹ 1. 以开证行为付款人 2. 以开证申请人为付款人

1. 以开证行为付款人

⏹ 即期信用证的特点是受益人签发即期汇票,银行见票即付。 采用即期信用证作为支付方式,在信用证的正文条款中常用下列文字表示其功能: ¡°We hereby issue this Irrevocable Documentary Credit in your favour which is available by negotiation of your draft at sight drawn on Issuing Bank. ¡± 【本行兹开具不可撤销跟单信用证,以贵公司为受益人并凭贵公司签发的以


2. 以开证申请人为付款人

⏹ 以开证申请人为付款人的即期信用证的功能可由以下文句表达: ¡°We open this Irrevocable Documentary Credit favouring yourselves for a sum not exceeding a total of US $ ×××× available only against your draft at sight by negotiation on Applicant.¡± 【本行开立不可撤销跟单信用证,以你本人为受益人,总金额不得超过×××美元整,凭



⏹ Expiry date and place for presentation of documents Expiry date: 30 June 200× Place for presentation: Bank of China, Shanghai Credit available with Bank of China, Shanghai × by payment at sight □ by deferred payment at □ by acceptance of draft(s) at □ by negotiation against the documents detailed here in × and beneficiary¡¯s draft(s) drawn on Bank of China, Shanghai


⏹ (一)延期付款信用证的涵义

⏹ (二)延期付款信用证的特点 (三)延期付款的到期日 (四)格式 (五)指定延期付款行


⏹ 在不需汇票的前提下,仅凭受益人交来单据审核相符,确定银行承担延期付款责任开始延长一段时间直至到期日付款的信用证。 延期付款信用证适用于进出口大型机电成套设备,为了加强竞争条件可采用延期付款、卖方中/长期贷款/赊欠出口等措施。但期限较长,出口商不必提示汇票,开证行也不承兑汇票,只是在到期日由银行付款。


⏹ 1. 延期付款信用证的延期期限 2.延期付款与远期承兑不同 3.延期付款与分期付款的差异

1. 延期付款信用证的延期期限

⏹ 该期限由交单日期起到指定付款日期,这段时间的间隔称之为有效期。也就是于受益人在提示单据后的一个规定的期限内由开证行履行其付款责任。 从交单日期到付款日期,时间较长,如一年以上或二年不等,这对进口商有利,可得一个较长时间融通资金的机会。但对出口商来讲,只要提交符合信用证规定的单据时,银行必须按期付款,不得以任何理由,更不能以产品质量有问题等而拒绝付款。 ⏹

2. 延期付款与远期承兑不同

⏹ 延期付款信用证项下的受益人不开立远期汇票,不能在市场贴现。 为使受益人货款得到保证,由开证行在信用证中载明银行的承诺条款,


3. 延期付款与分期付款的差异

⏹ 尽管二者在功能方面有相同之处,但贸易实务中的作法则不相同,致使货物所有权的转移时间不同。


⏹ 1. 交单日后若干天延期付款。比如: Deferred payment at 15 days after presentation of documents. 2.装运日以后若干天延期付款。比如: Deferred payment at 30 days after the date of shipment. 3.固定的将来日期付款。比如: On (a future date) fixed. 4.其他。



⏹ 开证行/通知行/其他行。


⏹ (一)承兑信用证的涵义 (二)格式 (三)承兑信用证远期汇票的起算日 (四)承兑信用证远期汇票到期日的计算方法 (五)远期汇票付款人


⏹ 承兑信用证(Acceptance Credit or Credit Available by Acceptance)



⏹ Expiry date and place for presentation of documents Expiry date: 30 June,200× Place for presentation:Dresdner Bank,Hamburg credit available with Dresdner Bank,Hamburg □ by payment at sight □ by deferred payment at × by acceptance of draft(s) at 90 days sight

⏹ □ by negotiation against the documents detailed herein × and beneficiary¡¯s draft(s) drawn on Dresdner Bank,Hamburg.


⏹ 承兑日


acceptance of draft at 30 days sight.


acceptance of draft at 90 days after date of shipment. (四)承兑信用证远期汇票到期日的计算方法 ⏹ ⏹ ⏹


⏹ 指定承兑行可以充当远期汇票付款人,开证行/通知行/其他行可以充当



⏹ (一)议付信用证的涵义 (二)格式 (三)议付与购买汇票/单据和出口押汇 (四)指定议付行


⏹ 议付信用证(Negotiation Credit or Credit Available by

Negotiation )是指开证行承诺延伸至第三当事人,即议付行,其拥有议付或购买受益人提交信用证规定的汇票/单据权利行为的信用证。

如果信用证不限制某银行议付,可由受益人(出口商)选择任何愿意议付的银行,提交汇票、单据给所选银行请求议付的信用证称为自由议付信用证,反之为限制性议付信用证。 ⏹


⏹ Issuing Bank-Banque Nationale de Paris,Paris issues an Irrevocable Credit which is to expire on or ⏹

⏹ before 30 June 200× and is available with the Advising Bank-Bank of Communications,Shanghai by negotiation against draft(s) at sight and documents. In Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form(Advice for the beneficiary) Expiry date and place for presentation of documents Expiry date: 30 June,200× Place for presentation: Bank of Communications, Shanghai Credit available with Bank of Communications, Shanghai □ by payment at sight □ by deferred payment at

⏹ □ by acceptance of draft(s) at × by negotiation against the documents detailed herein × and beneficiary¡¯s draft(s) at sight drawn on Banque Nationale de Paris,Paris.

(三)议付与购买汇票/单据和出口押汇 ⏹ 议付与出口押汇都是银行对受益人垫款或融资的授信行为;汇票的背书转



⏹ 可以是通知行/其他行,但开证行不能作为被指定议付行。


⏹ (一)自由议付信用证的涵义 (二)表达自由议付的功能条款 (三)格式 (四)议付与贴现的比较


不限制某银行议付,可由受益人选择任何愿意议付的银行提交汇票、单据给它,请求议付的信用证。 一般来讲,需要在议付条款中注明¡°自由议付¡±(Free Negotiation)字样,也可载明¡°邀请/建议¡±(Invitation/ Order)等自由议付条款。 汇票期限及基本当事人同议付信用证汇票。


⏹ 1. 条款之一 2.条款之二 3.条款之三 4.条款之四

1. 条款之一

⏹ We (Issuing Bank) hereby engage with the drawers, endorsers and bona - fide holders of draft(s) drawn under and in compliance with the terms of the credit that such draft(s) shall be duly honoured on due presentation and delivery of documents as specified. 【本行(开证行)向出票人、背书人及正当持票人保证,凡依本信用证所


2. 条款之二

⏹ Provided such drafts are drawn and presented in accordance with the terms of this credit, we hereby engage with the drawers, endorsers and bona - fide holders that the said drafts shall be duly honoured on presentation. 【凡依本信用证条款开具并提示汇票,本行保证对其出票人、背书人和正当持票人在交单的时候承兑付款。】

3. 条款之三

⏹ We hereby agree with the drawers ,endorsers and bona-fide holders ⏹ of drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit that the same shall be duly honoured on due presentation, and negotiated at the Negotiating Bank on or before, 200__。 【本信用证项下签发的汇票并符合信用证所列条款,则其出票人、背书人、及正当持票人于200_年_ 月_日以前向议付行提示议付,开证行保证于提交单据时付清票款。 】

4. 条款之四

We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers and bona - fide holders of drafts drawn in compliance with the terms of the credit that such drafts shall be duly honoured on presentation and paid at maturity. 【本行向出票人、背书人及正当持票人表示同意,凡依本信用证所列条款开具的汇票,向本行提示时。到期即予以付清票款。】


⏹ Issuing Bank-The Mitsui Bank Ltd.,Tokyo issues an Irrevocable Credit which is to expire on or before 30 June,200× and is available with any bank in China by negotiation against draft(s) at sight and documents. In Irrevocable Documentary Credit Form(Advice for the beneficiary) Expiry date and place for presentation of documents Expiry date: 30 June,200× Place for presentation: any bank in China Credit available with any bank in China □ by payment at sight □ by deferred payment at × by negotiation against the documents detailed herein × and beneficiary¡¯s draft(s) at sight drawn on The Mitsul Bank Ltd.,Tokyo


⏹ ⒈相同点 ⒉不同点


⏹ ⑴二者都是票据和对价的对流; ⑵二者都是扣收利息、付给净款、然后收回票面金额的融资业务; ⑶贴现人/议付行付款给持票人/受益人有是有追索权的;承兑行/开证行付款





⏹ A. 涵义 B. 与即期信用证的比较

A. 涵义

⏹ 买卖双方达成即期交易合同,但进口商为了融资便利,要求


B. 与即期信用证的比较







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