
Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains


1. 致力于做某事

2. 一……就…....

3. 从前

4. 继续做某事

5. 如此… …以至于…

6. 试图做某事

7. ......之旅

8. 讲故事

9. 穿上

10. 有点儿

11. 坚持做某事

12. 放弃

13. 代替;反而

14. 变成

15. 结婚

16. 主要人物;主人公

17. 在另外一些时候

18. 能;会

19. (书、电影等)出版

20. 对……感兴趣

21. 走到另一边去

22. 一个神话故事

23. 故事的其余部分

24. 让某人做某事

25. 筹划/计划做某事

26. 去睡觉

27. 把某人领到某地

28. 迷路

29. 改变计划

30. 叫某人做某事

31. 在月光下

32. 找到某人回家的路

33. 第二天

34. 派某人去某地

35. 使某事发生


1. work on doing sth. 致力于做某事

2. as soon as ...... 一……就…....

3. once upon a time 从前

4. continue to do sth. 继续做某事

5. So....that...如此.... 以至于....

6.try to do sth. 试图做某事

7. the journey to sp. ......之旅

8. tell the/a story 讲故事

9. put on 穿上

10. a little b it 有点儿

11. keep doing sth. 坚持做某事

12. give up 放弃

13. instead of 代替;反而

14. turn .. . into 变成

15. get married 结婚

16. the main character 主要人物;主人公

17. at other times 在另外一些时候

18. be able to 能;会

19. come out (书、电影等)出版

20. become interested in. • • 对……感兴趣

21. walk to the other side 走到另一边去

22. a fairy tale 一个神话故事

23. the rest of the story 故事的其余部分

24. leave sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事

25. make a plan to do sth. 筹划/计划做某事

26. go to sleep 去睡觉

27. lead sb. to sp. 把某人领到某地

28. get lost 迷路

29. change one’s plan 改变计划

30. tell sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事

31. in the moonlight 在月光下

32. find one’ s way home 找到某人回家的路

33. the next day 第二天

34. send sb. to sp. 派某人去某地

35.make sth. happen 使某事发生


1. W hat do you think about/of.. . ?

So what do you think about the story of Yu Gong?


2. It doesn’ t seem adj . to do sth ..

I t doesn’ t seem very possible to move -a mountain.


3. This is because...

This is because he can make 72 changes to his

shape and size, turning himself into different animals

and objects.

这是因为他会根据他的形状和大小,做出72种变化,可以将自己变成不同的动物或东西。 … so… that+从句

Sometimes he can make the stick so small that he can keep it in his ear.


5. It take sb. some time to do sth ..

Because they were so big that it took a long time to walk to the other side.


6 .… not.. .. until十从句

Don’ t eat it until you get to the forest.


Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains


1. 致力于做某事

2. 一……就…....

3. 从前

4. 继续做某事

5. 如此… …以至于…

6. 试图做某事

7. ......之旅

8. 讲故事

9. 穿上

10. 有点儿

11. 坚持做某事

12. 放弃

13. 代替;反而

14. 变成

15. 结婚

16. 主要人物;主人公

17. 在另外一些时候

18. 能;会

19. (书、电影等)出版

20. 对……感兴趣

21. 走到另一边去

22. 一个神话故事

23. 故事的其余部分

24. 让某人做某事

25. 筹划/计划做某事

26. 去睡觉

27. 把某人领到某地

28. 迷路

29. 改变计划

30. 叫某人做某事

31. 在月光下

32. 找到某人回家的路

33. 第二天

34. 派某人去某地

35. 使某事发生


1. work on doing sth. 致力于做某事

2. as soon as ...... 一……就…....

3. once upon a time 从前

4. continue to do sth. 继续做某事

5. So....that...如此.... 以至于....

6.try to do sth. 试图做某事

7. the journey to sp. ......之旅

8. tell the/a story 讲故事

9. put on 穿上

10. a little b it 有点儿

11. keep doing sth. 坚持做某事

12. give up 放弃

13. instead of 代替;反而

14. turn .. . into 变成

15. get married 结婚

16. the main character 主要人物;主人公

17. at other times 在另外一些时候

18. be able to 能;会

19. come out (书、电影等)出版

20. become interested in. • • 对……感兴趣

21. walk to the other side 走到另一边去

22. a fairy tale 一个神话故事

23. the rest of the story 故事的其余部分

24. leave sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事

25. make a plan to do sth. 筹划/计划做某事

26. go to sleep 去睡觉

27. lead sb. to sp. 把某人领到某地

28. get lost 迷路

29. change one’s plan 改变计划

30. tell sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事

31. in the moonlight 在月光下

32. find one’ s way home 找到某人回家的路

33. the next day 第二天

34. send sb. to sp. 派某人去某地

35.make sth. happen 使某事发生


1. W hat do you think about/of.. . ?

So what do you think about the story of Yu Gong?


2. It doesn’ t seem adj . to do sth ..

I t doesn’ t seem very possible to move -a mountain.


3. This is because...

This is because he can make 72 changes to his

shape and size, turning himself into different animals

and objects.

这是因为他会根据他的形状和大小,做出72种变化,可以将自己变成不同的动物或东西。 … so… that+从句

Sometimes he can make the stick so small that he can keep it in his ear.


5. It take sb. some time to do sth ..

Because they were so big that it took a long time to walk to the other side.


6 .… not.. .. until十从句

Don’ t eat it until you get to the forest.



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