

Do you like Knock-off


1. 近年来,山寨产品大量出现

2. 人们对此观点不一

3. 你的看法


authentic products 正宗产品

Multi-functional 多功能的

Low price 低价格 Low quality 质量差

Violate intellectual property laws 违反知识产权法

Durability 耐久性,耐用性 学生作文:

Do you like knock-off


In recent years, there is a popular tendency that a large number of knock-off products are rising in the market.

Views on it vary from person to person. Some

people take the attitude that knock-off products are good because not only they are multi-functional, but also their price is lower than authentic products in the supermarket. However, the others firmly believe we shouldn ’t use knock-off products. Firstly, they may pain us for their low quality. What ’s more, producing knock-off products violates the intellectual property

laws. Another, their durability is too bad to use for a long time.

As far as I am concerned, I support the former view. Their low price is attractive for me.


Do you like Knock-off


Nowadays, knock-off products appear in piles here and there because of

their stylishness and low prices. As to this phenomenon, people have different opinions.

In the society, there are many people who advocate knock-off products. First of all, they claim that knock-off products benefits consumers because the authentic things are so expensive that the ordinary people cannot

afford them. With knock-off products, more people at the grass roots level can enjoy the benefit of modern technology. Besides, knock-offs imitate trendy design and usually have multi-functional performance. What’s more, knock-off can enhance technology creation. Opponents , by contrast, firmly believe that knock-off products should

be forbidden because they violate intellectual property laws and make the origin brands lose their market shares.

As far as I am concerned, I side with the second opinion. We should think twice before buying the knock-offs. Although they are similar to the original brand in appearance, they are often of low quality and lack



Do you like Knock-off


1. 近年来,山寨产品大量出现

2. 人们对此观点不一

3. 你的看法


authentic products 正宗产品

Multi-functional 多功能的

Low price 低价格 Low quality 质量差

Violate intellectual property laws 违反知识产权法

Durability 耐久性,耐用性 学生作文:

Do you like knock-off


In recent years, there is a popular tendency that a large number of knock-off products are rising in the market.

Views on it vary from person to person. Some

people take the attitude that knock-off products are good because not only they are multi-functional, but also their price is lower than authentic products in the supermarket. However, the others firmly believe we shouldn ’t use knock-off products. Firstly, they may pain us for their low quality. What ’s more, producing knock-off products violates the intellectual property

laws. Another, their durability is too bad to use for a long time.

As far as I am concerned, I support the former view. Their low price is attractive for me.


Do you like Knock-off


Nowadays, knock-off products appear in piles here and there because of

their stylishness and low prices. As to this phenomenon, people have different opinions.

In the society, there are many people who advocate knock-off products. First of all, they claim that knock-off products benefits consumers because the authentic things are so expensive that the ordinary people cannot

afford them. With knock-off products, more people at the grass roots level can enjoy the benefit of modern technology. Besides, knock-offs imitate trendy design and usually have multi-functional performance. What’s more, knock-off can enhance technology creation. Opponents , by contrast, firmly believe that knock-off products should

be forbidden because they violate intellectual property laws and make the origin brands lose their market shares.

As far as I am concerned, I side with the second opinion. We should think twice before buying the knock-offs. Although they are similar to the original brand in appearance, they are often of low quality and lack



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