
In the current Chinese steel structure design codes, there is only the design value for Q345GJ steel. In order to complete the design values of other grades of steel plates for building structure (hereinafter referred as GJ steel) (mainly Q390GJ, Q420GJ and Q460GJ steels), the reliability of domestic steel plates for building structure was analyzed. Based on the statistical research on the material properties of Q390GJ, Q420GJ and Q460GJ steels and the researches on the uncertainties of geometrical parameters and resistance models of steel structures, the statistical parameters of GJ steel resistance uncertainty were calculated. Utilizing the check-point method, the partial factors for resistance of GJ steel under different load combinations were then obtained. Varying patterns of the partial factors for resistance were also analyzed. After comparisons and trials, this paper has suggested the partial factors for resistance and design values of strength of GJ steel under different circumstances. The reliability of the above design values was calibrated. The result shows that, the design values which are suggested in this paper satisfy the demands in the Unified standard for reliability design of engineering structures (GB 50153—2008) and have sufficient reliability.

In the current Chinese steel structure design codes, there is only the design value for Q345GJ steel. In order to complete the design values of other grades of steel plates for building structure (hereinafter referred as GJ steel) (mainly Q390GJ, Q420GJ and Q460GJ steels), the reliability of domestic steel plates for building structure was analyzed. Based on the statistical research on the material properties of Q390GJ, Q420GJ and Q460GJ steels and the researches on the uncertainties of geometrical parameters and resistance models of steel structures, the statistical parameters of GJ steel resistance uncertainty were calculated. Utilizing the check-point method, the partial factors for resistance of GJ steel under different load combinations were then obtained. Varying patterns of the partial factors for resistance were also analyzed. After comparisons and trials, this paper has suggested the partial factors for resistance and design values of strength of GJ steel under different circumstances. The reliability of the above design values was calibrated. The result shows that, the design values which are suggested in this paper satisfy the demands in the Unified standard for reliability design of engineering structures (GB 50153—2008) and have sufficient reliability.


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