


Sherlock Holmes(男)(简称S,不解释)

Irene Adler (女)(简称I,唯一和夏洛克暧昧的女人) 表演:刘硕(I) 宁洋(M) 宋晓璇(S)

M:We have people who can get into this.(我们有人可以破解它)

I:I tested that theory for you.(我帮你验证过了)

I let Sherlock Holmes try it for six months.(我让夏洛克·福尔摩斯研究了6个月)

Sherlock, dear, tell him(亲爱的夏洛克 告诉他)

what you found when you x-rayed my phone.(给手机照X光时发现了什么)

S:Four additional units wired inside the casing,(内部加装了四个部件 金属线连接)

I suspect containing acid or a small explosive.(里面大概是强酸 或小型炸药)

Any attempt to open it will burn the hard drive.(一旦强制打开 硬盘就会烧毁)


It's more me.(这比较像我)

M:Some data is always recoverable.(有些数据还可以修复的)

I:Take that risk.(冒险试试)

M:You have a passcode to open this.(只需要一个密码)

I deeply regret to say, we have people who can extract it from you.

(我深表遗憾的说 我们有人能逼你说出来)


S:There will be two passcodes -(有两个密码)

one to open the phone, one to burn the drive.(一个打开手机 一个烧掉硬件)

Even under duress, you can't know which one she's given.

(就算胁迫她 你也不知道她会给你哪一个)

And there would be no second attempt.(没有第二次输入的机会)

I:He's good, isn't he?(他很棒 对吧?)

I should have him on a leash.(我该拿皮带栓走他)

In fact, I might.(也许我真的会呢)

M:We destroy this, then. No-one has the information.

(那我们毁了它 就没人能得到这些信息了)

I:Fine, good idea.(好 很好的想法)

Unless there are lives of British citizens depending on the information you burn. (除非没有英国公民的生命押在你要毁掉的信息上)

M:Are there?(有吗?)

I:Telling you would be playing fair.(要是告诉你 就是公平游戏了)

I'm not playing any more.(我已经不玩游戏了)

A list of my requests,and some ideas about my protection once they're granted. (这是我的要求,和一些确保我安全的想法)

I'd say it wouldn't blow much of a hole in the wealth of a nation,but then I'd be lying. (我想说这不会花国家多少钱,但那就是撒谎了)

I imagine you'd like to sleep on it.(你一定在想拿到了就可以安睡了)

M:Thank you, yes.(谢谢 是的)

I:Too bad.(太糟了)

Off you pop and talk to people.(快去跟人们谈条件吧)

M:You've been very...thorough.(你真是...滴水不漏)

I wish our lot were half as good as you.(真希望我们的人有你一半厉害)

I:I can't take all the credit, I had a bit of help.

(功劳也不是我一个人的 我得到了一点帮助)

Jim Moriarty sends his love.(吉姆·莫里亚蒂让我转达致意)

M:Yes, he's been in touch.(是的 他一直在联系我)

Seems desperate for my attention,(急着想得到我的注意)

Which I'm sure can be arranged.(这我当然可以安排)

I:I had all this stuff and never knew what to do with it.

(我有这么多东西 却不知道该怎么做)

Thank God for the consultant criminal.(谢天谢地 有这个咨询罪犯)

Gave me a lot of advice about how to play the Holmes boys.

(给我很多建议 如何与福尔摩斯兄弟玩游戏)

Do you know what he calls you?(你知道他怎么叫你们吗?)

The Ice Man...(冰霜人)

..and the Virgin.(和小处男)

Didn't even ask for anything, he just likes to cause trouble -

(他不索取什么 只是想制造麻烦)

that's my kind of man.(正是我爱的类型)

M:And here you are,(而这就是你)

the dominatrix who brought a nation to its knees.(让国家屈膝的施虐女王)

Nicely played.(真精彩)



S:I said no.(我说不是的)

Very, very close, but no.(就差一点了 但还不成功)

You got carried away.(你也被冲昏了头脑)

The game was too elaborate, you were enjoying yourself too much.

(这个游戏太精益求精了 你玩的太开心了)

I:There's no such thing as too much.(永远没有太开心这种事)

S:Oh, enjoying the thrill of the chase is fine.(享受追猎的快乐当然可以)

Craving the distraction of the game,I sympathise, but sentiment?

(太贪馋于游戏的假饵部分,我理解 可是感情用事?)

Sentiment is a chemical defect found in the losing side.(感情用事是失败的催化剂)

I:Sentiment? What are you talking about?(感情用事 你在说什么?)


I:Oh, dear God.(上帝啊)

Look at the poor man.(看看这个可怜的男人)

You don't actually think I was interested in you?(你不会真以为我对你有兴趣吧?)


Because you're the great Sherlock Holmes,(因为你是伟大的夏洛克·福尔摩斯)

the clever detective in the funny hat?(带着搞笑帽子的聪明侦探?)


Because I took your pulse.(因为我测了你的脉)


Your pupils dilated.(你的瞳孔放大)

I imagine John Watson thinks love's a mystery to me,


but the chemistry is incredibly simple and very destructive.

(但那些化学反应非常简单 充满破坏性)

When we first met, you told me that(我们第一次见面时你告诉我)

disguise is always a self-portrait - how true of you.

(化装通常像自画像 说的太对了)

the combination to your safe, your measurements -(你保险箱的密码 是你的三围)

but this, this is far more intimate,(可这个 还要私密得多)

this is your heart and you should never let it rule your head.

(这是你的内心 你绝不该让它控制你的头脑)

You could have chosen any number(你本可以随便选一组数字)

and walked out with everything.(带着一切战利品走出这里)

But you just couldn't resist it, could you?(可你就是没法抗拒 对吧?)

I've always assumed that love is a dangerous disadvantage.


Thank you for the final proof.(谢谢你给了我最终证明)

I:Everything I said, it's not real.(我说的一切 都不是真的)

I was just playing the game.(我只是在玩游戏)

S:I know.(我知道)

And this is just losing.(而你刚刚输掉了)


There you are, Brother,(给你 哥哥)

hope the contents make up for any inconvenience caused tonight.


M:I'm certain they will.(我想会的)

S:If you're feeling kind, lock her up,(想发善心的话 把她关起来)

let her go and(如果放她走)

I doubt she'll survive long.(我觉得她失去保护 不会活太久了)

I:Are you expecting me to beg?(你想让我求饶?)



You're right.(你说的对)

I won't even last six months.(我连六个月都活不过)

S:Sorry about dinner.(抱歉不能一起晚餐了)



Sherlock Holmes(男)(简称S,不解释)

Irene Adler (女)(简称I,唯一和夏洛克暧昧的女人) 表演:刘硕(I) 宁洋(M) 宋晓璇(S)

M:We have people who can get into this.(我们有人可以破解它)

I:I tested that theory for you.(我帮你验证过了)

I let Sherlock Holmes try it for six months.(我让夏洛克·福尔摩斯研究了6个月)

Sherlock, dear, tell him(亲爱的夏洛克 告诉他)

what you found when you x-rayed my phone.(给手机照X光时发现了什么)

S:Four additional units wired inside the casing,(内部加装了四个部件 金属线连接)

I suspect containing acid or a small explosive.(里面大概是强酸 或小型炸药)

Any attempt to open it will burn the hard drive.(一旦强制打开 硬盘就会烧毁)


It's more me.(这比较像我)

M:Some data is always recoverable.(有些数据还可以修复的)

I:Take that risk.(冒险试试)

M:You have a passcode to open this.(只需要一个密码)

I deeply regret to say, we have people who can extract it from you.

(我深表遗憾的说 我们有人能逼你说出来)


S:There will be two passcodes -(有两个密码)

one to open the phone, one to burn the drive.(一个打开手机 一个烧掉硬件)

Even under duress, you can't know which one she's given.

(就算胁迫她 你也不知道她会给你哪一个)

And there would be no second attempt.(没有第二次输入的机会)

I:He's good, isn't he?(他很棒 对吧?)

I should have him on a leash.(我该拿皮带栓走他)

In fact, I might.(也许我真的会呢)

M:We destroy this, then. No-one has the information.

(那我们毁了它 就没人能得到这些信息了)

I:Fine, good idea.(好 很好的想法)

Unless there are lives of British citizens depending on the information you burn. (除非没有英国公民的生命押在你要毁掉的信息上)

M:Are there?(有吗?)

I:Telling you would be playing fair.(要是告诉你 就是公平游戏了)

I'm not playing any more.(我已经不玩游戏了)

A list of my requests,and some ideas about my protection once they're granted. (这是我的要求,和一些确保我安全的想法)

I'd say it wouldn't blow much of a hole in the wealth of a nation,but then I'd be lying. (我想说这不会花国家多少钱,但那就是撒谎了)

I imagine you'd like to sleep on it.(你一定在想拿到了就可以安睡了)

M:Thank you, yes.(谢谢 是的)

I:Too bad.(太糟了)

Off you pop and talk to people.(快去跟人们谈条件吧)

M:You've been very...thorough.(你真是...滴水不漏)

I wish our lot were half as good as you.(真希望我们的人有你一半厉害)

I:I can't take all the credit, I had a bit of help.

(功劳也不是我一个人的 我得到了一点帮助)

Jim Moriarty sends his love.(吉姆·莫里亚蒂让我转达致意)

M:Yes, he's been in touch.(是的 他一直在联系我)

Seems desperate for my attention,(急着想得到我的注意)

Which I'm sure can be arranged.(这我当然可以安排)

I:I had all this stuff and never knew what to do with it.

(我有这么多东西 却不知道该怎么做)

Thank God for the consultant criminal.(谢天谢地 有这个咨询罪犯)

Gave me a lot of advice about how to play the Holmes boys.

(给我很多建议 如何与福尔摩斯兄弟玩游戏)

Do you know what he calls you?(你知道他怎么叫你们吗?)

The Ice Man...(冰霜人)

..and the Virgin.(和小处男)

Didn't even ask for anything, he just likes to cause trouble -

(他不索取什么 只是想制造麻烦)

that's my kind of man.(正是我爱的类型)

M:And here you are,(而这就是你)

the dominatrix who brought a nation to its knees.(让国家屈膝的施虐女王)

Nicely played.(真精彩)



S:I said no.(我说不是的)

Very, very close, but no.(就差一点了 但还不成功)

You got carried away.(你也被冲昏了头脑)

The game was too elaborate, you were enjoying yourself too much.

(这个游戏太精益求精了 你玩的太开心了)

I:There's no such thing as too much.(永远没有太开心这种事)

S:Oh, enjoying the thrill of the chase is fine.(享受追猎的快乐当然可以)

Craving the distraction of the game,I sympathise, but sentiment?

(太贪馋于游戏的假饵部分,我理解 可是感情用事?)

Sentiment is a chemical defect found in the losing side.(感情用事是失败的催化剂)

I:Sentiment? What are you talking about?(感情用事 你在说什么?)


I:Oh, dear God.(上帝啊)

Look at the poor man.(看看这个可怜的男人)

You don't actually think I was interested in you?(你不会真以为我对你有兴趣吧?)


Because you're the great Sherlock Holmes,(因为你是伟大的夏洛克·福尔摩斯)

the clever detective in the funny hat?(带着搞笑帽子的聪明侦探?)


Because I took your pulse.(因为我测了你的脉)


Your pupils dilated.(你的瞳孔放大)

I imagine John Watson thinks love's a mystery to me,


but the chemistry is incredibly simple and very destructive.

(但那些化学反应非常简单 充满破坏性)

When we first met, you told me that(我们第一次见面时你告诉我)

disguise is always a self-portrait - how true of you.

(化装通常像自画像 说的太对了)

the combination to your safe, your measurements -(你保险箱的密码 是你的三围)

but this, this is far more intimate,(可这个 还要私密得多)

this is your heart and you should never let it rule your head.

(这是你的内心 你绝不该让它控制你的头脑)

You could have chosen any number(你本可以随便选一组数字)

and walked out with everything.(带着一切战利品走出这里)

But you just couldn't resist it, could you?(可你就是没法抗拒 对吧?)

I've always assumed that love is a dangerous disadvantage.


Thank you for the final proof.(谢谢你给了我最终证明)

I:Everything I said, it's not real.(我说的一切 都不是真的)

I was just playing the game.(我只是在玩游戏)

S:I know.(我知道)

And this is just losing.(而你刚刚输掉了)


There you are, Brother,(给你 哥哥)

hope the contents make up for any inconvenience caused tonight.


M:I'm certain they will.(我想会的)

S:If you're feeling kind, lock her up,(想发善心的话 把她关起来)

let her go and(如果放她走)

I doubt she'll survive long.(我觉得她失去保护 不会活太久了)

I:Are you expecting me to beg?(你想让我求饶?)



You're right.(你说的对)

I won't even last six months.(我连六个月都活不过)

S:Sorry about dinner.(抱歉不能一起晚餐了)


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