
一、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分) 从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

21. My little brother Bob hopes to travel to ________ space in the future.

A a B / C the

22. — Must we stay here waiting for you?

— No, you ________.

A needn't B can't C shouldn't

23. — Judy and I will go to the beach tomorrow.

— It's so nice. Enjoy ________.

A yourselves B yourself C herself

24. — What is ________ brother?

— He is a policeman.

A Jim's and Paul's B. Jim and Paul C. Jim and paul's

25. — I usually go hiking with my friends.

— ________ do I.

A nor B. So C. Neither

26. I don't like TV series ________ it's boring.

A but B. and C. because

27. Look! ________ sweet smile the little girl has!

A How B. What a C what

28. Do more exercise, ________ you'll have a strong body.

A / B or C and

29. It's well-know that learning English well ________ time and efforts.

A requires B. wastes C takes

30. — What do you think of the talk show last night?

— I didn't watch it. I ________ mum with some chores.

A helped B was helping C. have helped

31. The stone bridge ________ was built in Song Dynasty was repaired last month.

A that B when C where

32. — There ________ many trees at the foot of the mountain.

— But now they are slowly disappearing because of human activities.

A is used to B used to C used to be

33. — Have you heard the news of the traffic accident?

— Yes, many people have lost their lives and the situation is becoming ________.

A worse and worse B better and better C more and more

34. — Jane, is this your bike?

— No, you can ask Alice. It may be ________.

A she B her C hers

35. Playing computer games too often ________ our eyes.

A is helpful to B is harmful to C is good for

36. I had some ________, vegetables and two eggs for dinner.

A rice B noodle C banana

37. — Your school is so beautiful.

— Thanks! A modern stadium and a big garden ________ to make it nicer this year.

A will be built B has been built C is built

38. — It's so hot today.

— Why don't you ________ your jacket?

A take away B. take off C take back

39. — Don't you tell me that they have gone to Australia?

— Sure. But I don't know ________.

A when they have come back B when have they come back C when did they come back

40. — Guess what? I won the dancing competition last week.

— Wow, ________!

A Never mind B No problem C congratulations


阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Chris's parents were proud of him when he graduated from college. But after six months, he still didn't find a job. In fact, he had no idea 1 he wanted to do. He was living at home with his parents and things were becoming not good. His father thought of 2 as a lazy man who was afraid 3 the real world.

Chris thought his dad was unreasonable(不讲道理的). After all, he was young and he needed some space. During a recent argument, Chris said, “I'm not you, Dad. I have my own way 4 doing things. I want a job I enjoy. ” His dada said, “That's a nice idea, 5 anyway we call it ‘job ’ because it's about making a living, not 6 fun.”

There are many young people like Chris. They are having trouble getting started with a serious job and becoming 7. They just don't want to grow up. They think when the time is right, everything will be all right. 8, it doesn't work that way. Things happen and opportunities appear most often when we are moving, not standing still(静止). The 9 step is the hardest, but they key to 10 in anything is getting started.

41. A. how B what C where D whey

42. A. he B his C it D him

43. A. to enter B entering C entered D enter

44. A. to B with C at D of

45. A. however B and C but D so

46. A. have B to have C having D had

47. A. funny B independent C strange D famous

48. A. Unluckily B Luck C Lucky D Luckily

49. A. last B first C one D only

50. A. success B successful C succeed D successfully


find turn down care phone safe

Do you often listen to music through earphones? Then you should be 51 . More than 1,000,000,000 young people are at risk of losing their hearing from loud music, a new World Health Organization(WHO) report says. The study 52 that among people aged 12 to 35,

nearly half were at risk because of 53 levels of sound on MP3 players and smart 54 . Volumes(音量) over 85 decibels(分贝) for eight hours or 100 decibels for 15 minutes can damage your ears. Traffic noise at rush hour can reach 85 decibels. Perhaps it's time 55 the volume.


仔细阅读图片内容,从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

56. If you have a headache, take ________ tablets of Aspirin.

A 2 B 4 C 8 D 24

57. If you are burned, you can use ________.



58. You can apply first aid cream every ________ hours.

A 3 B 4 C 3 to 4 D 24

59. Antihistamine Cream is used for ________.

A insect bites B fast pain relief C burns D cuts

60. Don't apply Antihistamine Cream ________.

A in a 24 hours period B in the eyes C near the eyes D on broken skin

A recent survey showed that only 9 percent of teens in the United States smoke cigarettes. That's down from 23 percent in 2000. While this is good news for the US's overall health, tobacco(烟草) use is still a problem.

Cigarettes can cause many diseases, such as cancer(癌症), lung diseases and heart problems. Although they know about the health problems, teenagers still smoke. So the campaign of the US Anti-smoking Organization is working to end teenage smoking. Their latest activity uses social media(社交媒体) to remind teenagers of the dangers of smoking. And the activity also encourages teens to learn the facts and become the generation that ends smoking.

However, anti-smoking campaigns may have a new problem to worry about. According to a 2013 report, the use of electronic cigarettes is on the rise. American high school students who reported having used an electronic cigarette rose from 4. 7 percent in 2011 to 10 percent in 2012. The increased use of e-cigarettes by teens is deeply troubling. It may become lifelong addicted(上瘾). Besides, we still don't yet understand the long—term effects(作用) of e-cigarettes. 根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。

61. According to the survey, how many American teenagers smoked in 2000?

A 9 percent. B 23 percent. C 4.7 percent. D 10percent.

62. Which of the following disease may not be caused by cigarettes?

A skin disease B cancer C lung disease D heart disease

63. What is the aim of the campaign of the US Anti-smoking Organization?

A To end the production of cigarettes. B To criticize those children who smoke.

C To protect the rights of non-smokers. D To make an effort to end teenage smoking.

64. The underlined word “campaign ” means _________.

A activity B newspaper C movie D officer

65. What do we know about e-cigarettes?

A E-cigarettes are becoming popular among teenagers.

B School students like e-cigarettes more than adults do.

C People won't get addicted to e-cigarettes.

D E-cigarettes have bad effects on people's health.

If you are not happy with China's high Internet fees and slow speed, you are not alone. So is Premier Li Keqiang. On April 14, he said in a meeting that the government should speed up the Internet and lower the fees.

“The first question people ask at a new place is ‘Is there WI-FI?’ because Internet service fees are too high,” said Premier Li. According to recent survey by CCTV, the average cost of 1 GB mobile Internet data per month in China is 100 Yuan, while it is only 60 Yuan in the US and 40 in Japan.

However, high prices don't necessarily mean good service. The average Internet speed in China was 4.25 Mbps(兆比特每秒) in late 2014. South Korea had the fastest average Internet speed-25.3 Mbps. People can download a 1 GB movie within 6 minutes in South Korea, but in China it would take half an hour.

To improve Internet services, the key is to build more fiber(光纤) networks. Through them we can send text, pictures and videos globally in less than a second, which offer high speed Internet. Besides, the lack of market competition is another problem. Having more operators(运营商) besides China Unicom and China Telecom may lower the prices. 根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。

66. Why do people always ask for WI-FI at a new place in China?

A Because they can't use internet without WI-FI.

B Because they can communicate with their families.

C Because they want to download movies.

D Because Internet service fees are too high.

67. In late 2014, ________ had the fastest average Internet speed.

A China B USA C Japan D South Korea

68. What is the key to improve Internet services?

A To increase internet service fees.

B To build more fiber networks.

C To learn from South Korea.

D To make the government know the situation.

69. The underlined sentence in the passage infers that ________.

A China's high Internet fees are probably because there is no more market competition.

B China has too many tele-communication companies.

C China Unicom should lower the price.

D China Telecom should lower the price.

70. What is the best title for the passage?

A China's Internet Economy. B Shopping Online.

C China Wants Cheaper, Quicker Internet.

D China Unicom and China Telecom.

It's important to teach children to create strong passwords(密码), and to remind them that passwords mustn't be shared with anyone, not even best friends.

A strong password is a word that is as difficult as possible to guess because it looks a set of random characters(随机的字符).

It's wise to use the whole keyboard to mix a password with letters, numbers and symbols. A password of 14 characters or more may be much safer.

The following tips will tell you how to create a strong and safe password:

Tip 1: Think of a sentence that is easy to remember, but difficult to guess. For example: “My son Peter is five years old and my daughter Tina is one year old.” The whole sentence is so long that it can't be a password, so what you can do is to use the first letter of each word to make a new password that seems to be meaningless. That is “mspifyoamditioyo ”.

Tip 2: Make the password more difficult to guess by missing big and small letters. One way to do this is to use big and small letters one after another. In this way this new password will be “MsPiFyOaMdTiOyO ”.

Tip 3: Still using the sentence above, you can also add numbers that are meaningful to you. As a result, the new password will be“MsPi5yOaMdTilyO ”.

Tip 4: Add punctuation(标点符号) and symbols to make the password much stronger. You may use symbols, numbers and punctuation to replace some letter which look similar. For example: “MsPi3y0@MdTi!y0”.(o=0, a=@, 1=!)


71. A strong password is difficult guess because all the characters are at random. (改写短文划线句子)

72. Your sentence: .


73. Your password: .


74. Your new password: .

(按照Tip 2的说明,改编上面你已创建的密码)

75. “mysjwboafi1990” .




A. Certainly.
B. What's the most important part of speaking English?
C. I always write down the new words on the notebook.
D. I listen to some English news, songs and other materials while I am on the way home.
E. What else do you think can help improve spoken English?
F. “Crazy English” might be helpful.
G. But how can I enlarge my vocabulary?

A: Could you tell me how you can speak English so well?

B: Well, I think listening more is very important. 76

A: Some people say watching English movies is good for English learners.

B: 77 I have watched about 30 English movies since 2012, and that really helps a lot. A: 78

B: Um, I think vocabulary is the most important. You can express yourself freely when you have a larger vocabulary.

A: 79

B: Reading. I have read many English books. That really helps with my English vocabulary. A: 80

B: Never be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak the language, the more freely you can express yourself. Enjoy losing face, then you can learn English well.


A: Hey, Alice! My parents b 81 me a dog in the pet shop.

B: S 82 great!

A: It's so c 83 and clever that I can't help kissing it and allowing it to sleep in my bed.

B: Oh, you'd better not do like that.

A: Why?

B: Because pets can carry many viruses(病毒) which lead t 84 dangerous diseases. A: Oh, my God! What should I do then?

B: Don't worry. If you always give it a s 85 and keep it clean, it'll be OK.



要求:1. 观点鲜明,结构合理,内容连贯;

2. 词数80左右,信的开关的落款已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear editor, Nowadays, many junior high school students are completely getting relaxed from busy study after graduation, so what they would like to do most is to throw books away, hang out with friends at daytime and stay up late at night playing computer games or watching TV. What's your opinion about this? I'm looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Xiaoming,






Wang Lin


21-25 CAACB

26-30 CBCAB

31-35 ACACB

36-40 AABAC

41-45 BDADC

46-50 CBABA

51-55 careful found unsafe phones to turn down

56-60 ABCAD

61-65 BADAA

66-70 DDBAC

71-75 too …to


76-80 DABGE

81-85 bought Sounds cute 或cool to shower


Dear Xiaoming,

In my opinion, graduation from junior high school is a turning point of life. As for teenagers, the most important thing is to have a strong body, so we should fall into a good habit of study and rest according to the time table. Besides, learning is a life-long journey, therefore, we should make a good preparation for high school courses and never stop learning. It will be better if we take part in some social activities to enrich our experience. Later in our life, we will face many challenges including failure and success. No matter what we many meet with, my advice is, “Keep moving! Don't stop!”


Wang Lin

一、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分) 从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

21. My little brother Bob hopes to travel to ________ space in the future.

A a B / C the

22. — Must we stay here waiting for you?

— No, you ________.

A needn't B can't C shouldn't

23. — Judy and I will go to the beach tomorrow.

— It's so nice. Enjoy ________.

A yourselves B yourself C herself

24. — What is ________ brother?

— He is a policeman.

A Jim's and Paul's B. Jim and Paul C. Jim and paul's

25. — I usually go hiking with my friends.

— ________ do I.

A nor B. So C. Neither

26. I don't like TV series ________ it's boring.

A but B. and C. because

27. Look! ________ sweet smile the little girl has!

A How B. What a C what

28. Do more exercise, ________ you'll have a strong body.

A / B or C and

29. It's well-know that learning English well ________ time and efforts.

A requires B. wastes C takes

30. — What do you think of the talk show last night?

— I didn't watch it. I ________ mum with some chores.

A helped B was helping C. have helped

31. The stone bridge ________ was built in Song Dynasty was repaired last month.

A that B when C where

32. — There ________ many trees at the foot of the mountain.

— But now they are slowly disappearing because of human activities.

A is used to B used to C used to be

33. — Have you heard the news of the traffic accident?

— Yes, many people have lost their lives and the situation is becoming ________.

A worse and worse B better and better C more and more

34. — Jane, is this your bike?

— No, you can ask Alice. It may be ________.

A she B her C hers

35. Playing computer games too often ________ our eyes.

A is helpful to B is harmful to C is good for

36. I had some ________, vegetables and two eggs for dinner.

A rice B noodle C banana

37. — Your school is so beautiful.

— Thanks! A modern stadium and a big garden ________ to make it nicer this year.

A will be built B has been built C is built

38. — It's so hot today.

— Why don't you ________ your jacket?

A take away B. take off C take back

39. — Don't you tell me that they have gone to Australia?

— Sure. But I don't know ________.

A when they have come back B when have they come back C when did they come back

40. — Guess what? I won the dancing competition last week.

— Wow, ________!

A Never mind B No problem C congratulations


阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Chris's parents were proud of him when he graduated from college. But after six months, he still didn't find a job. In fact, he had no idea 1 he wanted to do. He was living at home with his parents and things were becoming not good. His father thought of 2 as a lazy man who was afraid 3 the real world.

Chris thought his dad was unreasonable(不讲道理的). After all, he was young and he needed some space. During a recent argument, Chris said, “I'm not you, Dad. I have my own way 4 doing things. I want a job I enjoy. ” His dada said, “That's a nice idea, 5 anyway we call it ‘job ’ because it's about making a living, not 6 fun.”

There are many young people like Chris. They are having trouble getting started with a serious job and becoming 7. They just don't want to grow up. They think when the time is right, everything will be all right. 8, it doesn't work that way. Things happen and opportunities appear most often when we are moving, not standing still(静止). The 9 step is the hardest, but they key to 10 in anything is getting started.

41. A. how B what C where D whey

42. A. he B his C it D him

43. A. to enter B entering C entered D enter

44. A. to B with C at D of

45. A. however B and C but D so

46. A. have B to have C having D had

47. A. funny B independent C strange D famous

48. A. Unluckily B Luck C Lucky D Luckily

49. A. last B first C one D only

50. A. success B successful C succeed D successfully


find turn down care phone safe

Do you often listen to music through earphones? Then you should be 51 . More than 1,000,000,000 young people are at risk of losing their hearing from loud music, a new World Health Organization(WHO) report says. The study 52 that among people aged 12 to 35,

nearly half were at risk because of 53 levels of sound on MP3 players and smart 54 . Volumes(音量) over 85 decibels(分贝) for eight hours or 100 decibels for 15 minutes can damage your ears. Traffic noise at rush hour can reach 85 decibels. Perhaps it's time 55 the volume.


仔细阅读图片内容,从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

56. If you have a headache, take ________ tablets of Aspirin.

A 2 B 4 C 8 D 24

57. If you are burned, you can use ________.



58. You can apply first aid cream every ________ hours.

A 3 B 4 C 3 to 4 D 24

59. Antihistamine Cream is used for ________.

A insect bites B fast pain relief C burns D cuts

60. Don't apply Antihistamine Cream ________.

A in a 24 hours period B in the eyes C near the eyes D on broken skin

A recent survey showed that only 9 percent of teens in the United States smoke cigarettes. That's down from 23 percent in 2000. While this is good news for the US's overall health, tobacco(烟草) use is still a problem.

Cigarettes can cause many diseases, such as cancer(癌症), lung diseases and heart problems. Although they know about the health problems, teenagers still smoke. So the campaign of the US Anti-smoking Organization is working to end teenage smoking. Their latest activity uses social media(社交媒体) to remind teenagers of the dangers of smoking. And the activity also encourages teens to learn the facts and become the generation that ends smoking.

However, anti-smoking campaigns may have a new problem to worry about. According to a 2013 report, the use of electronic cigarettes is on the rise. American high school students who reported having used an electronic cigarette rose from 4. 7 percent in 2011 to 10 percent in 2012. The increased use of e-cigarettes by teens is deeply troubling. It may become lifelong addicted(上瘾). Besides, we still don't yet understand the long—term effects(作用) of e-cigarettes. 根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。

61. According to the survey, how many American teenagers smoked in 2000?

A 9 percent. B 23 percent. C 4.7 percent. D 10percent.

62. Which of the following disease may not be caused by cigarettes?

A skin disease B cancer C lung disease D heart disease

63. What is the aim of the campaign of the US Anti-smoking Organization?

A To end the production of cigarettes. B To criticize those children who smoke.

C To protect the rights of non-smokers. D To make an effort to end teenage smoking.

64. The underlined word “campaign ” means _________.

A activity B newspaper C movie D officer

65. What do we know about e-cigarettes?

A E-cigarettes are becoming popular among teenagers.

B School students like e-cigarettes more than adults do.

C People won't get addicted to e-cigarettes.

D E-cigarettes have bad effects on people's health.

If you are not happy with China's high Internet fees and slow speed, you are not alone. So is Premier Li Keqiang. On April 14, he said in a meeting that the government should speed up the Internet and lower the fees.

“The first question people ask at a new place is ‘Is there WI-FI?’ because Internet service fees are too high,” said Premier Li. According to recent survey by CCTV, the average cost of 1 GB mobile Internet data per month in China is 100 Yuan, while it is only 60 Yuan in the US and 40 in Japan.

However, high prices don't necessarily mean good service. The average Internet speed in China was 4.25 Mbps(兆比特每秒) in late 2014. South Korea had the fastest average Internet speed-25.3 Mbps. People can download a 1 GB movie within 6 minutes in South Korea, but in China it would take half an hour.

To improve Internet services, the key is to build more fiber(光纤) networks. Through them we can send text, pictures and videos globally in less than a second, which offer high speed Internet. Besides, the lack of market competition is another problem. Having more operators(运营商) besides China Unicom and China Telecom may lower the prices. 根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。

66. Why do people always ask for WI-FI at a new place in China?

A Because they can't use internet without WI-FI.

B Because they can communicate with their families.

C Because they want to download movies.

D Because Internet service fees are too high.

67. In late 2014, ________ had the fastest average Internet speed.

A China B USA C Japan D South Korea

68. What is the key to improve Internet services?

A To increase internet service fees.

B To build more fiber networks.

C To learn from South Korea.

D To make the government know the situation.

69. The underlined sentence in the passage infers that ________.

A China's high Internet fees are probably because there is no more market competition.

B China has too many tele-communication companies.

C China Unicom should lower the price.

D China Telecom should lower the price.

70. What is the best title for the passage?

A China's Internet Economy. B Shopping Online.

C China Wants Cheaper, Quicker Internet.

D China Unicom and China Telecom.

It's important to teach children to create strong passwords(密码), and to remind them that passwords mustn't be shared with anyone, not even best friends.

A strong password is a word that is as difficult as possible to guess because it looks a set of random characters(随机的字符).

It's wise to use the whole keyboard to mix a password with letters, numbers and symbols. A password of 14 characters or more may be much safer.

The following tips will tell you how to create a strong and safe password:

Tip 1: Think of a sentence that is easy to remember, but difficult to guess. For example: “My son Peter is five years old and my daughter Tina is one year old.” The whole sentence is so long that it can't be a password, so what you can do is to use the first letter of each word to make a new password that seems to be meaningless. That is “mspifyoamditioyo ”.

Tip 2: Make the password more difficult to guess by missing big and small letters. One way to do this is to use big and small letters one after another. In this way this new password will be “MsPiFyOaMdTiOyO ”.

Tip 3: Still using the sentence above, you can also add numbers that are meaningful to you. As a result, the new password will be“MsPi5yOaMdTilyO ”.

Tip 4: Add punctuation(标点符号) and symbols to make the password much stronger. You may use symbols, numbers and punctuation to replace some letter which look similar. For example: “MsPi3y0@MdTi!y0”.(o=0, a=@, 1=!)


71. A strong password is difficult guess because all the characters are at random. (改写短文划线句子)

72. Your sentence: .


73. Your password: .


74. Your new password: .

(按照Tip 2的说明,改编上面你已创建的密码)

75. “mysjwboafi1990” .




A. Certainly.
B. What's the most important part of speaking English?
C. I always write down the new words on the notebook.
D. I listen to some English news, songs and other materials while I am on the way home.
E. What else do you think can help improve spoken English?
F. “Crazy English” might be helpful.
G. But how can I enlarge my vocabulary?

A: Could you tell me how you can speak English so well?

B: Well, I think listening more is very important. 76

A: Some people say watching English movies is good for English learners.

B: 77 I have watched about 30 English movies since 2012, and that really helps a lot. A: 78

B: Um, I think vocabulary is the most important. You can express yourself freely when you have a larger vocabulary.

A: 79

B: Reading. I have read many English books. That really helps with my English vocabulary. A: 80

B: Never be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak the language, the more freely you can express yourself. Enjoy losing face, then you can learn English well.


A: Hey, Alice! My parents b 81 me a dog in the pet shop.

B: S 82 great!

A: It's so c 83 and clever that I can't help kissing it and allowing it to sleep in my bed.

B: Oh, you'd better not do like that.

A: Why?

B: Because pets can carry many viruses(病毒) which lead t 84 dangerous diseases. A: Oh, my God! What should I do then?

B: Don't worry. If you always give it a s 85 and keep it clean, it'll be OK.



要求:1. 观点鲜明,结构合理,内容连贯;

2. 词数80左右,信的开关的落款已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear editor, Nowadays, many junior high school students are completely getting relaxed from busy study after graduation, so what they would like to do most is to throw books away, hang out with friends at daytime and stay up late at night playing computer games or watching TV. What's your opinion about this? I'm looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Xiaoming,






Wang Lin


21-25 CAACB

26-30 CBCAB

31-35 ACACB

36-40 AABAC

41-45 BDADC

46-50 CBABA

51-55 careful found unsafe phones to turn down

56-60 ABCAD

61-65 BADAA

66-70 DDBAC

71-75 too …to


76-80 DABGE

81-85 bought Sounds cute 或cool to shower


Dear Xiaoming,

In my opinion, graduation from junior high school is a turning point of life. As for teenagers, the most important thing is to have a strong body, so we should fall into a good habit of study and rest according to the time table. Besides, learning is a life-long journey, therefore, we should make a good preparation for high school courses and never stop learning. It will be better if we take part in some social activities to enrich our experience. Later in our life, we will face many challenges including failure and success. No matter what we many meet with, my advice is, “Keep moving! Don't stop!”


Wang Lin


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  • 2015福建中考英语考试大纲及中考说明
  • 2015福建中考英语考试大纲及中考说明 一.考试性质 初中英语学业考试是义务教育初中阶段的终结性省级考试,目的是全面.准确地反映初中毕业生是否达到<义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)>所规定的学业水平.考试结果既是衡量学生是否达到毕业标准的主要依据,也是高中阶段学校招生的重要依据. 二 ...

  • 陕西省2015年中考英语模拟试卷(一)
  • 陕西省2015年中考英语模拟试卷(一) 10 陕西省2015年中考模拟试题(一) 英语参考答案 第I卷(共65分) 听力部分 1~5CBBCA 6~10 CBABC 11~15BCABC 16~20 CBACA 笔试部分 21-25 DACBC 26-30 CDABB 31-35 DBCAB 36- ...

  • 河北省2015年中考英语考试说明
  • 河北省2015年中考英语考试说明 考试性质 初中毕业生升学英语学科考试是义务教育阶段英语课程的重要考试,其目的是全面.准确地考查初中毕业生在英语学习方面达到<义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)>(以下简称<英语课程标准>)所规定的英语毕业水平的程度.考试结果既是衡量学生是否 ...

  • 2015年考纲变化情况
  • 2015 年全国课标卷考试大纲变化情况 科目 语文 变化情况 1.題型示例中文言文增设一道文化常识題 2.实用类新增了一篇新闻类材料 适用范围 使用全国语文卷地区(河北.山西. 内蒙古.辽宁.吉林.黑龙江.江 西.河南.广西.贵州.云南.西 藏.陕西.甘肃.青海.宁夏.新 疆) 数学(含文理科) 考 ...

  • 2008年青海省中考语文试卷(word版,有答案)
  • 学考100网www.xk100.com 最权威的信息 最丰富的资源 最快捷的更新 最优质的服务 最真诚的交流 2008 年青海省初中毕业升学考试语文试卷 (本试卷满分120 分,考试时间150分钟) 友情提示:沉着冷静,认真审题,深思明辨,细心作答,书写规范,展示才华. 一.口语表达能力展示(3 分 ...

  • 2015安徽中考英语试卷分析
  • 2014中考初中英语试卷分析 学校____________ 年级_____________ 姓名 _________________ 一. 试卷综述 本次试卷是 2015安徽中考卷,总分_150分__,考试时间__ 120_____分钟. 二.整体分析 试题结构与分值 三.分题型逐题分析 第一卷(8 ...

  • 中考英语试卷作文
  • 2017年安徽省中考英语试卷 书面表达(共1小题:满分25分) 假如你是李华,你们学校将举行"弘扬中华传统文化--戏曲进校园"展演活 动,你打算邀请你的美国朋友Mike 参加.请你根据以下提示用英文给他写一封 电子邮件. 1. 时间:7月1日下午2点: 2. 地点:学校操场: 3 ...

  • 2015年北京市中考英语试题分析与对策
  • 分享带来源泉,你一定能够从中收获一点什么! 一:前言与说明 如果再给你一次重新学习的机会,你会怎样学习初中英语的教材?如何提高听力? 如果还有六个月的时间,你会如何怎样改变自己,考出自己的理想的英语中考成绩? 如果还按照目前的方式和方法进行英语学习与考试准备,你能够达到目标吗? 我们通过分析2015 ...