

1.The essence of Renaissance, the most significant intellectual movement, was _____.

A.geographical exploration

B. religious reformation

C. harmony

D. humanism

2.One of Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies is ____.

A.Merchant of Venice

B. King Lear

C. Twelfth Night

D. Measure for Measure

3.The Leaning Tower of Pisa is located in ______.

A. Cyprus

B. Belgium

C. Greece

D. Italy

4.Dr.Norman Bethune was a native of ______.

A. America

B. Canada

C. Ireland

D. Spain

5.The designer of the Statue of Liberty was ________.

A. American

B. French

C. Danish

D. German

6._________once said,

A.Albert Einstein

B. Galileo Galilei

C. Issac Newton

D. Thomas Edison

7.The first thirteen states of the U.S. are mainly located in the country’s _____.

A. east



D. south

8.Which is the oldest university in England?

A. University of Oxford.

B.University of London.

C. University of Edinburgh.

D. University of Cambridge.

9.Who delivered the famous speech ‘I Have a Dream’?

A. Karl Marx.

B. Martin Luther King Jr.

C.Adolf Hitler.

D. Napoleon Bonaparte.

10.Who doMuslims believe in?

A. Zeus.

B. Allah.

C. Jesus.

D. Buddha.

11.What's Mozart’s nationality?

A. Dutch.


C. Austrian.

D. German.

12.Which is a Canadian province?

A. British Columbia.

B. Queensland.

C. New South Wales.

D. Nebraska.

13.What is the home of Santa Claus?

A. Finland.

B. Denmark.

C. Norway.


14.Where do the British royal family live and work?

A. Westminster Abbey.

B. Windsor Palace.

C. Buckingham Palace.

D. 10 Downing Street.

15.Valentine’s Day originates from ___________.


B. London.

C. Boston.

D. Rome.

16. Which is a state capital in the United States?

A. Los Angeles.

B. New York.

C. Boston.

D. Miami.

17. Where is Edinburgh located?

A. In Wales.

B. In Scotland.

C. In England.

D. In Northern Ireland.

18. Who of the following was a U.S. president?

A. de Gaulle.

B. Neville Chamberlain.

C. Winston Churchill.

D. Harry Truman.

19. Which of the following is a national capital?

A. Ottawa.

B. Sydney.

C. Melbourne.

D. Vancouver.

20. In which city is Harvard University located?

A. Chicago.

B. Cambridge.

C. New Haven.

D. Providence.

21. Where was President John Kennedy assassinated?

A. Houston.

B. Phoenix.

C. St. Louis.

D. Dallas.

22. Who was the author of OliverTwist?

A. Charles Dickens.

B. Mark Twain.

C. Oscar Wilde.

D. Jack London.

23. The capital of Ireland is _____________.

A. Glasgow.

B. Belfast.

C. Dublin.

D. Leeds.

24. Who wrote Paradise Lost?

A. Jonathan Swift.

B. John Milton.

C. Bernard Shaw.

D. Charles Lamb.

25. Which is both the name of a U.S. state and the name of a lake?

A. Alberta.

B. Ontario.

C. Michigan.

D. Montana.

26. What is the leading language spoken in Brazil?

A. Portuguese.

B. Spanish.

C. Urdu.

D. Latin.

27. The capital of New Zealand is ___________.

A. Christchurch.

B. Oakland.

C. Brisbane.

D. Wellington.

28. Shylock is a character in Shakespeare’s play ___________.

A. Julius Caesar

B. Merchant of Venice

C. Othello

D. Romeo and Juliet

29. Who wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?

A. Mark Twain.

B. Walt Whitman.

C. Ernest Hemingway.

D. Washington Irving

30. The state capital of California is ____________.

A. Los Angeles

B. San Diego

C. Sacramento

D. San Francisco



6—10 CAABB

11—15 CA(the possible answers vary)CD 16—20 CBDAB

21—25 DACBC

26—30 ADBAC


1.The essence of Renaissance, the most significant intellectual movement, was _____.

A.geographical exploration

B. religious reformation

C. harmony

D. humanism

2.One of Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies is ____.

A.Merchant of Venice

B. King Lear

C. Twelfth Night

D. Measure for Measure

3.The Leaning Tower of Pisa is located in ______.

A. Cyprus

B. Belgium

C. Greece

D. Italy

4.Dr.Norman Bethune was a native of ______.

A. America

B. Canada

C. Ireland

D. Spain

5.The designer of the Statue of Liberty was ________.

A. American

B. French

C. Danish

D. German

6._________once said,

A.Albert Einstein

B. Galileo Galilei

C. Issac Newton

D. Thomas Edison

7.The first thirteen states of the U.S. are mainly located in the country’s _____.

A. east



D. south

8.Which is the oldest university in England?

A. University of Oxford.

B.University of London.

C. University of Edinburgh.

D. University of Cambridge.

9.Who delivered the famous speech ‘I Have a Dream’?

A. Karl Marx.

B. Martin Luther King Jr.

C.Adolf Hitler.

D. Napoleon Bonaparte.

10.Who doMuslims believe in?

A. Zeus.

B. Allah.

C. Jesus.

D. Buddha.

11.What's Mozart’s nationality?

A. Dutch.


C. Austrian.

D. German.

12.Which is a Canadian province?

A. British Columbia.

B. Queensland.

C. New South Wales.

D. Nebraska.

13.What is the home of Santa Claus?

A. Finland.

B. Denmark.

C. Norway.


14.Where do the British royal family live and work?

A. Westminster Abbey.

B. Windsor Palace.

C. Buckingham Palace.

D. 10 Downing Street.

15.Valentine’s Day originates from ___________.


B. London.

C. Boston.

D. Rome.

16. Which is a state capital in the United States?

A. Los Angeles.

B. New York.

C. Boston.

D. Miami.

17. Where is Edinburgh located?

A. In Wales.

B. In Scotland.

C. In England.

D. In Northern Ireland.

18. Who of the following was a U.S. president?

A. de Gaulle.

B. Neville Chamberlain.

C. Winston Churchill.

D. Harry Truman.

19. Which of the following is a national capital?

A. Ottawa.

B. Sydney.

C. Melbourne.

D. Vancouver.

20. In which city is Harvard University located?

A. Chicago.

B. Cambridge.

C. New Haven.

D. Providence.

21. Where was President John Kennedy assassinated?

A. Houston.

B. Phoenix.

C. St. Louis.

D. Dallas.

22. Who was the author of OliverTwist?

A. Charles Dickens.

B. Mark Twain.

C. Oscar Wilde.

D. Jack London.

23. The capital of Ireland is _____________.

A. Glasgow.

B. Belfast.

C. Dublin.

D. Leeds.

24. Who wrote Paradise Lost?

A. Jonathan Swift.

B. John Milton.

C. Bernard Shaw.

D. Charles Lamb.

25. Which is both the name of a U.S. state and the name of a lake?

A. Alberta.

B. Ontario.

C. Michigan.

D. Montana.

26. What is the leading language spoken in Brazil?

A. Portuguese.

B. Spanish.

C. Urdu.

D. Latin.

27. The capital of New Zealand is ___________.

A. Christchurch.

B. Oakland.

C. Brisbane.

D. Wellington.

28. Shylock is a character in Shakespeare’s play ___________.

A. Julius Caesar

B. Merchant of Venice

C. Othello

D. Romeo and Juliet

29. Who wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?

A. Mark Twain.

B. Walt Whitman.

C. Ernest Hemingway.

D. Washington Irving

30. The state capital of California is ____________.

A. Los Angeles

B. San Diego

C. Sacramento

D. San Francisco



6—10 CAABB

11—15 CA(the possible answers vary)CD 16—20 CBDAB

21—25 DACBC

26—30 ADBAC


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