
专注教育, ---专注教育,服务教师---PEP Book 4 Unit 4 Part A Read and WriteGood afternoon, everyone. I am very happy to stand here, sharing my lesson with you. I’m going to talk about Part A Read and Write of Unit4 “It’s warm today.” from PEP primary English book4. This is the 3rd lesson of this unit. The topic of this part is about weather. It mainly deals with four skilled words “jeans, pants, socks, and shoes” and the sentence “It’s warm today. Let’s play football.” In the former classes, the Ss have learned some words about clothes. In this lesson, they are going to learn how to write down the new words and sentence correctly. My Ss are in grade 4; they have learnt English for about one year. They are full of curiosity, and enthusiasm. Some of them have developed a good sense of the English language. But it is still very important to inspire their keen interests in English learning further. According to the National English Curriculum Standard, the teaching material and Ss’ situation, I will divide my teaching aims into the following 3 parts. First is about the knowledge aims, The Ss are able to listen, speak, read and write the words: “jeans, pants, socks, and shoes” and the sentence “It’s warm today. Let’s play football.” correctly and fluently. What’s more, the Ss are able to understand the dialogue. Second is about the ability aims. The students are able to use the words about weather and clothes in real situation. Third is about affect aims. The Ss are able to develop a good habit of keeping everything in order. The Key points of this lesson are that First, the Ss are able to read and write the four skilled words and the sentence correctly and fulgently. Second, the Ss are able to understand the dialogue. The difficult points are the express of “They are on your feet”. and “Somebody’s something”. Well, how to achieve the teaching aims better, to stress the key points and break through the difficult points? The key is how to make use of the proper teaching methods. So in this lesson, I will adopt the “Total Physical Response method”, “situational teaching approach” and “Task-based language teaching” in this lesson. By the way, word cards will be also needed. In order to realize the teaching process properly and efficiently, I’ll finish this lesson in 4 steps: Warm-up, Presentation and Practice, Consolidation and Extension, Homework. The first step is warming up. I’ll begin my class with TPR: Such as: put on your T-shirt. Wash your clothes. In this step, the Ss will review their learned. With the help of TPR, a thick, relaxing English studying atmosphere will be formed at the beginning of the class.res.kingsunsoft.com第 1 页 共 1 页金太阳教学资源网专注教育, ---专注教育,服务教师--The second step is presentation and practice. First, present the words. I will present the words one by one in a real situation. Such as ask my Ss” who is wearing pants today?” invite them to touch their socks, etc. After teaching every new word, I will write it down on the blackboard and draw Ss attention on “s”. Second,present the sentence. I will present the sentence “It’s warm today.” by greeting with my Ss: “Excuse me, what‘s the weather like today?” Naturally, “It’s warm today.” leads to the other sentence “Let’s play football.” After teaching every sentence, I will write it down on the blackboard and then let the Ss think what does “let’s…” mean. The third step is consolidation and extension. In this step, I will design a game named “three steps” where the students are asked to read the new words as quickly as they can. After the game, I will let my Ss watch the video and act it out by themselves. The last step is homework. In order to let the Ss to review the learned knowledge and say much English after class, I assign the homework as follows: They are required to finish off the workbook and remember the target words and sentences by heart. I will try my best to create a harmonious, relaxing class for my Ss to obtain all the teaching objects I said before. This is my class. Thank you for your attention.第 2 页 共 2 页金太阳教学资源网res.kingsunsoft.com

专注教育, ---专注教育,服务教师---PEP Book 4 Unit 4 Part A Read and WriteGood afternoon, everyone. I am very happy to stand here, sharing my lesson with you. I’m going to talk about Part A Read and Write of Unit4 “It’s warm today.” from PEP primary English book4. This is the 3rd lesson of this unit. The topic of this part is about weather. It mainly deals with four skilled words “jeans, pants, socks, and shoes” and the sentence “It’s warm today. Let’s play football.” In the former classes, the Ss have learned some words about clothes. In this lesson, they are going to learn how to write down the new words and sentence correctly. My Ss are in grade 4; they have learnt English for about one year. They are full of curiosity, and enthusiasm. Some of them have developed a good sense of the English language. But it is still very important to inspire their keen interests in English learning further. According to the National English Curriculum Standard, the teaching material and Ss’ situation, I will divide my teaching aims into the following 3 parts. First is about the knowledge aims, The Ss are able to listen, speak, read and write the words: “jeans, pants, socks, and shoes” and the sentence “It’s warm today. Let’s play football.” correctly and fluently. What’s more, the Ss are able to understand the dialogue. Second is about the ability aims. The students are able to use the words about weather and clothes in real situation. Third is about affect aims. The Ss are able to develop a good habit of keeping everything in order. The Key points of this lesson are that First, the Ss are able to read and write the four skilled words and the sentence correctly and fulgently. Second, the Ss are able to understand the dialogue. The difficult points are the express of “They are on your feet”. and “Somebody’s something”. Well, how to achieve the teaching aims better, to stress the key points and break through the difficult points? The key is how to make use of the proper teaching methods. So in this lesson, I will adopt the “Total Physical Response method”, “situational teaching approach” and “Task-based language teaching” in this lesson. By the way, word cards will be also needed. In order to realize the teaching process properly and efficiently, I’ll finish this lesson in 4 steps: Warm-up, Presentation and Practice, Consolidation and Extension, Homework. The first step is warming up. I’ll begin my class with TPR: Such as: put on your T-shirt. Wash your clothes. In this step, the Ss will review their learned. With the help of TPR, a thick, relaxing English studying atmosphere will be formed at the beginning of the class.res.kingsunsoft.com第 1 页 共 1 页金太阳教学资源网专注教育, ---专注教育,服务教师--The second step is presentation and practice. First, present the words. I will present the words one by one in a real situation. Such as ask my Ss” who is wearing pants today?” invite them to touch their socks, etc. After teaching every new word, I will write it down on the blackboard and draw Ss attention on “s”. Second,present the sentence. I will present the sentence “It’s warm today.” by greeting with my Ss: “Excuse me, what‘s the weather like today?” Naturally, “It’s warm today.” leads to the other sentence “Let’s play football.” After teaching every sentence, I will write it down on the blackboard and then let the Ss think what does “let’s…” mean. The third step is consolidation and extension. In this step, I will design a game named “three steps” where the students are asked to read the new words as quickly as they can. After the game, I will let my Ss watch the video and act it out by themselves. The last step is homework. In order to let the Ss to review the learned knowledge and say much English after class, I assign the homework as follows: They are required to finish off the workbook and remember the target words and sentences by heart. I will try my best to create a harmonious, relaxing class for my Ss to obtain all the teaching objects I said before. This is my class. Thank you for your attention.第 2 页 共 2 页金太阳教学资源网res.kingsunsoft.com


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