


1. 老的 2. 大的 3. 短的

4. 强壮的 5. 聪明的 6.world

7.jumping rope 8.interesting

9.light 10.young


( )1.Look my new schoolbag.

A.in B.at C.on

( )2.My book thin.

A.am B.are C.is

( )3. animals are fat.

A.A B.Some C.An

( )4.The new book is thinner the old one.

A.than B.or C.also

( )5.My ruler is longer than ?

A.yours B.your C.her

( )6.He is than me.

A.tall B.tallest C.taller

( )7.Your coat is longer than .

A.mine B.she C.he

( )8.They make life interesting.

A.we B.our C.they

( )9.She is oldest of the three girls.

A.the B.a C.an

( )10.You are good friend.

A.my B.me C.mine


( )1.Happy New Year!

A. 万圣节快乐!B. 新年快乐!

( )2.Let ’s go swimming.

A. 让我们一起去购物。B. 让我们一起去游泳。

( )3.They fell to the ground at the same time!

A. 它们同时落在地上。B. 它们是相同的。

( )4.Go across it.

A. 穿过去。B. 直着走。

( )5.Elephants are the biggest animals on land.

A. 大象是陆地上最大的动物。 B. 大象是很大的。


1.I like science.(改为一般疑问句)




5.His hair is shorter than mine.(改为同义句)

五、判断句子的对(T ),错(F )。(15分)

( )1.We both have new bags and pencil-boxes.

( )2.He often go shopping on the weekend.

( )3.Let me tell you.

( )4.I ’m fatter than you.

( )5.I can’t waiting.


A library is a collection of books. You can see librarians in the libraries. A library may be very small or very large. You may go to read books there. You may borrow books from the library. Do you have a class library? If you do, your teacher will tell you how to use it. Your school may have a big library. If so, you should often go there. It’s good for your study.

根据短文内容判断句子的对(T ),错(F )。

( )1.You can’t see librarians in the libraries.

( )2.A library is a collection of bags.

( )3.You may borrow books from the library.

( )4.A library may be very small or very large.

( )5.If you often go to the library. It’s good for your study.



1. 老的 2. 大的 3. 短的

4. 强壮的 5. 聪明的 6.world

7.jumping rope 8.interesting

9.light 10.young


( )1.Look my new schoolbag.

A.in B.at C.on

( )2.My book thin.

A.am B.are C.is

( )3. animals are fat.

A.A B.Some C.An

( )4.The new book is thinner the old one.

A.than B.or C.also

( )5.My ruler is longer than ?

A.yours B.your C.her

( )6.He is than me.

A.tall B.tallest C.taller

( )7.Your coat is longer than .

A.mine B.she C.he

( )8.They make life interesting.

A.we B.our C.they

( )9.She is oldest of the three girls.

A.the B.a C.an

( )10.You are good friend.

A.my B.me C.mine


( )1.Happy New Year!

A. 万圣节快乐!B. 新年快乐!

( )2.Let ’s go swimming.

A. 让我们一起去购物。B. 让我们一起去游泳。

( )3.They fell to the ground at the same time!

A. 它们同时落在地上。B. 它们是相同的。

( )4.Go across it.

A. 穿过去。B. 直着走。

( )5.Elephants are the biggest animals on land.

A. 大象是陆地上最大的动物。 B. 大象是很大的。


1.I like science.(改为一般疑问句)




5.His hair is shorter than mine.(改为同义句)

五、判断句子的对(T ),错(F )。(15分)

( )1.We both have new bags and pencil-boxes.

( )2.He often go shopping on the weekend.

( )3.Let me tell you.

( )4.I ’m fatter than you.

( )5.I can’t waiting.


A library is a collection of books. You can see librarians in the libraries. A library may be very small or very large. You may go to read books there. You may borrow books from the library. Do you have a class library? If you do, your teacher will tell you how to use it. Your school may have a big library. If so, you should often go there. It’s good for your study.

根据短文内容判断句子的对(T ),错(F )。

( )1.You can’t see librarians in the libraries.

( )2.A library is a collection of bags.

( )3.You may borrow books from the library.

( )4.A library may be very small or very large.

( )5.If you often go to the library. It’s good for your study.


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