

(Wine listed planning report for backsberg wine)

一、桂林葡萄酒市场概况(introduction to wine market in Guilin)

(一)目前市场(Current market)


There are currently several wines in Guilin market,including changcheng,zhangyu,wangchao,weilong,tonghua,huadong,baiyanghe,yunnanhong,icerose and yongfushang which is produced in the local place,also, is popular in Guilin.All of these wine are domestic products.



Guilin also has some foreign wines such as Chivas, V odka,Piyaer,Matell,Martini, XO,which are sale in star hotels ,restaurants and shops.


1、国产品牌(Domestic brands )

长城葡萄酒市场价格(changcheng wine)

(张裕) 红酒市场价格(changyu wine)

规格(Specifications ) (750ml)

其他品牌(the rest brand)

2、国外品牌(foreign brands)

(1)芝华士(Chivas)(支):428RMB/two bottles(shop price)(专卖店)

(2)人头马(XO)(V.O.S.P ):360元(shop price)(专卖店)

(3)人头马特级:420RMB (专卖店)(shop price)

(4)路易十三:9888元(专卖店)(shop price)

(5)芝华士特级:4628元(专卖店)(shop price)

3、价格分析(Price analysis)


From the table, we can see that the domestic wines had formed a relatively

complete revolutions price system, and low-cost strategies is the main means of this stems because of the cost advantages and popular domestic brand strategy.It is as a starting point to occupy the markets priority.


The imported wine prices is high , and the wines has not formed a complete price system and the consumer ’s choice is relatively small, which hindered the imported wine consumption.

(3)由于销售渠道、市场开拓成本及利润空间的不同,无论是国产葡萄酒还是进口葡萄酒,在不同的消费市场其价格也不一样,酒店的葡萄酒价格比市场价高。 Because of different sales channels, marketing costs and profits of the space, the domestically produced and the imported wine have different prices and consumer markets, more importantly ,the prices of the wines which are sold in the hotel is high than market prices.

(三)销售渠道及消费趋势(Distribution channels and consumption trends)


The wines market is divided into two sales channels in Guilin : first, domestic wines are mainly sold in the supermarket , the wholesale markets and the retail outlets;Second, the foreign wines and the three domestim wines such as Great Wall brand, zhangyu and wangchao, which as the high-grade products are sold in the star hotels,restaurants and shops. From this we can see that as a result of prices, consumption habits, brand recognition, taste, product systems and the impact of factors that make the import wine market has a relatively narrow clip. But this Environment is changing, beause the new policy was implemented and the wine culture is gradually popular.For example, firstly, the wine tariffs are further downward., from the present 14% to zero by 2007; Secondly,

the new consumption tax management approach was implemented on July 1, 2006; the thirst, .acording to the enterprises and the media publicity, wine consumption health concepts are gradually accepted by consumers. According to some experts, that the consumption of the high-grade wine will shift 1:4:5 to 5:4:1 from 2006 to 2010. This is useful to the imported wines and it is the best time to open up the market in Guilin.

(四)葡萄酒的购买动机(Wine purchase motivation)


At present, Chinese people have not yet taken shape to drink the import wines, the relatively stable consumer groups are international businessmen , foreigners who work or travel in China and white-collar,.the competition for the imported wine consumption is mainly in the three areas. These people have different consumption trends : the international businessmen drink the import wines is primarily social needs, they agree with the high-quality wine; foreigners drinking wines is as the necessities to their wine consumption habits; the white-collar dringking wine is the need for the display of their identity and fashion. In addition ,the major consumer behavior is in a holiday, for example, the consumer demand wines in the traditional holidays, the purpose of which is to create a family reunion atmosphere or the interaction between relatives and friends.

二、桂林进口葡萄酒市场的挑战和机会( challenges and opportunities)

(一)进口葡萄酒面临的挑战(The challenge for the imported wines)


The domestic wines have been completed strategic layout. At the present stage, the domestic wines, including the Great Wall, zhangyu and wangchao, have Occupied the secondary cities in the country and have completed 90% of the market share,it is the same to Guilin market.They controlled the major consumer markets. It can be said that the biggest competitor of the imported wine is the domestic wines.


Backward wine consumption culture. The Wine consumption is actually a culture of consumption for fashion, quality, health status and aspirations, but the wine consumption in China is still at the elementary stage , although consumer is gradually grow and mature, but it is far away from matching the needs.


the change of consumption habits. Chinese consumers concern the taste when they buy the imported wines,according to an authority’s survey ,the most typical example is that the Chinese consumers like to add Sprite in wine,which indirectly means the taste of the wines are not suitable for Chinese consumers. if the imported wines want to further open China's market , it is an issue that to meet the other people taste must be addressed, While white-collar, international business people, government officials have accepted the taste of the high-quality wines,otherwise only too highbrow.


inadequate marketing networks. The imported wine market is mainly in restaurants and star hotels, because of the lack of sufficient support network.most of the consumers are the high-income persons, in the face of mass marketing network have not yet to be established.

(二)影响进口葡萄酒消费的因素(Factors affecting imported wine consumption)


Price factors. the imported wine prices is high than domestic wine prices, but this will decline because the traffics and taxes changes.


Consumption habits. China's wine culture is white spirit and beer culture , the consumers who drink white spirit and beer including the Ordinary people and the rich class, the import wine consumption is little access to the everyday home. At the same time,the imported wine taste is a major factor affecting their consumption.


Brand factors. Wine consumption in the existing groups, as a result of domestic brands,changcheng,zhangyu and wangchao,they have a famous name geography, so they have absolute superiority in the minds of consumers, establishing a good brand image.


Marketing efforts. Most imported wine in entering the China market for agency, but neither multi-brand or single brand agency, manufacturers lack of market support for agents. In brand promotion, distribution channels and established wine culture publicity to the agents without adequate support, and the agents for their own strength and the pursuit of short-term interests, it will be difficult to invest a large amount of money for marketing, but to nurture import wine market is a long process, lack of long-term mutual relations agency to win the cooperation of both parties brought about great instability.

(三)进口葡萄酒的机遇(the imported Wine opportunities)


2005, the wine sales is about 10.2 billion in China, of which imported wine sales grew by 46%, and this shows that although wine industry market capacity is small, but the imported wine developed faster, and the consumption

structure will be further adjustments ,and high-grade wine consumption will become a mainstream, This give high-quality imported wine a golden opportunity.


"Wine consumption tax management practices " was implemented on July 1, 2006, through the provisions of the import wine consumption tax is a consumption tax has been available on import links are offset. On the other hand, import tariffs have been reduced to 14% , by 2007 it dropped to zero, which is conducive to a low-priced imported wine strategy to further reduce the sales price of imported wine in China to change the minds of the consumer price High image.


Guilin is a typical tourist city ,in 2005 the city received 1 million inbound tourists and 11.04 million tourists,the revenue comes to 5.7 billion yuan(RMB). Most of tourists are high-income persons, these groups are easily acceptable Western culture, the wine consumption means the identity, quality, fashion and taste,the wine culture are more attractive to them, for one million inbound tourists, Needless to say,wine consumption is important.So to open tourism market in Guilin is also a golden opportunity for the imported wine.

三、Backsberg 葡萄酒的特点(Backsberg wine features)

(一)悠久的文化。Backsberg 拥有上百年的历史,结合了传统工艺和现代科技的酿造技术,成就了高品质的葡萄酒。

A culture. Backsberg have a long history more than 100 years, a combination of traditional craftsmanship and modern technology brewing technology, the achievements to the high-quality wines.


Good national brands. South African wine has reputation in China, the wine consumers have gradually recognized the wine.

四、Backsberg 的市场目标(Backsberg target market)

(一)backsberg 的市场定位(Backsberg market positioning)

Backsberg 作为进口葡萄酒,优秀的产品质量赋予其尊贵的内涵,让每位葡萄酒爱好者都能分享其成果是backsberg 的宗旨,以高贵而价不贵作为我们引导消费的总体思路,所以其市场定位应确立在中高档消费市场,并且以高档为主,以中档为辅的盈利模式。

Backsberg as an imported wine, are given its outstanding product with high quality.Each wine lover can share the results is a purposes for Backsberg, the market position should be established in high-grade consumer market, and dominated by high-grade.

(二)Backsberg 的市场目标(Backsberg target market)


Tourism market, the goal for consumers is Tourism expatriates and senior white-collar, three-star hotel and more is a major sales channel.


Chief dinner market, the goal is the government officials, in general, these consumers are not sensitive with price , high-quality imported wine are more easily accepted.

(三)消售渠道的选择(Eliminate sales channels choice)


Restaurants and star hotels. It involves two issues : Costs for approaching and the policy is related to the hotel and attendants for the incentives, but because different hotels have different management models, so there should be targeted for different programmes.

2、专卖店。因为专卖店销售的品牌较多,销售人员很难集中关注某一品牌,所以在给予专卖店合适的利润空间的同时,还应制定鼓励销售人员推销backsberg 的激励方案。

Shops. The salesmen are more difficult to focus on a particular brand Because selling in their shops, so it is very important to make a incentive programme

to encourage the sales staff to sell Backsberg.

3、大型超市。以目前各大型超市的进场条件,超市的盈利能力太弱,这一销售渠道只是作为推广品牌的补充,以销售中档backsberg 为主,主要目的是达到与国产中档葡萄酒竞争。

Supermarkets. The current approach to the supermarkets conditions, the profitability is small, the channels only as a supplement to promote Backsberg.

五.价格策略(Price strategy)

Backsberg 作为有百年历史的葡萄酒品牌,在制定价格时,既要考虑其市场价值,同时也要结合中国现在的市场竞争状况,针对不同营销渠道制定不同的价格,并形成较完整的价格体系。

Backsberg as the 100-year-old wine brands ,it is necessary to consider the market value and the market competition situation.Backsberg should make different prices according to different channels,in order to complete price system.

1. 专卖店价格。参照现在国产和进口葡萄酒的定价,应比市场价高5%-10%,同时其价格应比同等国产葡萄酒高。

Shop prices. Comparing with the domestic wine and the imported wine pricing, Backsberg price should be highly 5%-10% than market price, its price should be higher than the same wine made in China.

2. 超市价格。超市以销售中档backsberg 为主,作为推广品牌的渠道,应以种类的多样化来制定不同的价格。

Supermarket prices. The moderate Backsberg should be sold in supermarket,which mainly as a channel for brand promotion should be diversified to develop different types of prices.

3. 高级餐饮及酒店价格。此类场合的消费者对价格的敏感度较低,对葡萄酒的品质要求很高,一旦对品牌的认同就会表现出很高的忠诚度,所以应以消售高档

backsberg 为主。

Senior restaurant and hotel prices. Such occasions consumers less sensitive to prices, high demand for quality wine, once the identity of the brand will be displayed great loyalty, it should be to sell the high-grade Backsberg.

六. 广告策略(Advertising strategy)

Backsberg 为进口葡萄酒,尚未在桂林市场上销售,与已在市场上销售多年的其他进口葡萄酒相比明显缺乏知名度,所以投入适当的广告是宣传产品的较好选择,也是寻找潜在消费者的理想方式。为了达到最好的广告效果,建议采用多种广告形式相结合。

Backsberg as a import wine, does not sell in Guilin City before, comparing with other wine that have been on the market for years , Backsberg is lack of visibility , the input of appropriate advertising promotional products are better choices, but also the ideal way to find potential consumers. To achieve the best advertising results we suggest combine various forms of advertising.

1. 电视广告. 以桂林电视台为宣传媒体,目标观众为桂林市区12个县市已有的 饮酒爱好者和潜在的葡萄酒消费者,广告应以突出backsberg 的地域特征为卖点,让观众感受来自南非的葡萄酒文化。

TV advertisements .target audience including Drinking wine lovers and potential consumers ,who live in the 12 cities and counties belong to Guilin City, advertising should be to highlight backsberg geographical features as a selling point for visitors to experience the culture of wine from South Africa.


的优势,所以应采用连续的系列广告模式对backsberg 的各种类进行消费引导。 Newspaper advertising. "Guilin Evening Post" as the media, have kept for a long time and newspaper advertisements information rich advantages, the model should be used for the series of advertisements for a wide variety of consumer backsberg guide.

3. 现场促销及现场广告相结合,这种方式可以直接面对消费者,能迅速收集消费者对产品的反映,而且制作成本低。这种模式比较适合在目标消费者集中的场合,如大型商场、超市和休闲娱乐广场。

Combining the marketing and advertising, which could be directly facing consumers, the products can be rapidly reflected in the collection of consumer and production more,the cost is low. This model is suitable for the occasion concentrated in the target consumers, such as large shopping malls, supermarkets and leisure entertainment plaza.

七、活动策划(Activities planned)

(一)活动时间的选择:中秋节前3天。(Activities timing : three days before the Mid-Autumn Festival.)

(二)活动的内容及阶段安排(The content and organization stage activities)

1. 广告选择:a )《桂林晚报》作产品宣传,为期3天;b )在桂林电视台作广告,为期3天。

Advertising options : a) "Guilin Evening Post" for product information, the three-day ;b) in Guilin television advertising for a period of three days.

2. 现场促销:中秋节前一天为产品正式上市时间,活动从晚上8:00开始。

Site promotion : the day before the Mid-Autumn officially listed time for products, activities from 8:00 pm to begin.

3. 活动内容:2010年,南非将举办19届世界杯,届时南非是全球注目的焦点,本


Activities : 2010, South Africa will be held 19th World Cup, at that time South Africa will be the focus of global attention.The event of "Friends Club", invited the audience to play football, the winner will be free to have a bottle of imported wine as a gift.at the same time,we introduce South Africa to the audience and hold a promotional activity, thereby achieving the objective of getting customers purposes,time should be controled one and a half hours.

4. 活动地点:南城百货。(Activities Venue : Nancheng Department Stores.)


1. 广告费用:a )报纸广告:3300*3=9900(元)(规格为三栏(10cm*8cm),为黑白色。b )电视广告:1000*3=3000(元)(按B 时段20秒标准播放)。

Advertising costs : a) newspaper advertising : 3300*3=9900 (yuan) (specifications for three column (10cm*8cm) for black and white. B) television advertising : 1000*3=3000 (million) (B hours 20 seconds by broadcast standards).

2. 租用场地费用。(Booking fees.)

3. 租用音响设备及主持人费用。(Audio equipment and the rental cost.)

4. 奖品。(Prizes.)

5. 其他费用。(Other costs)

八. 其他促销活动(Other promotional activities).

1. 赠送礼品. 与礼品企业合作, 设计小礼品, 在顾客消费时配送精美礼品, 给予消费者额外的惊喜.

We can cooperate with a gift enterprise to design some small gifts,the gifts will be send to customers as attractive souvenirs, to give consumers an additional surprise.

2. 与酒店和餐馆合作, 在现场搞促销活动, 提高backsberg 的销售和知名度.

We can cooperate with the hotels and restaurants to hold promation activities in order to make backsberg have a good name.


(Wine listed planning report for backsberg wine)

一、桂林葡萄酒市场概况(introduction to wine market in Guilin)

(一)目前市场(Current market)


There are currently several wines in Guilin market,including changcheng,zhangyu,wangchao,weilong,tonghua,huadong,baiyanghe,yunnanhong,icerose and yongfushang which is produced in the local place,also, is popular in Guilin.All of these wine are domestic products.



Guilin also has some foreign wines such as Chivas, V odka,Piyaer,Matell,Martini, XO,which are sale in star hotels ,restaurants and shops.


1、国产品牌(Domestic brands )

长城葡萄酒市场价格(changcheng wine)

(张裕) 红酒市场价格(changyu wine)

规格(Specifications ) (750ml)

其他品牌(the rest brand)

2、国外品牌(foreign brands)

(1)芝华士(Chivas)(支):428RMB/two bottles(shop price)(专卖店)

(2)人头马(XO)(V.O.S.P ):360元(shop price)(专卖店)

(3)人头马特级:420RMB (专卖店)(shop price)

(4)路易十三:9888元(专卖店)(shop price)

(5)芝华士特级:4628元(专卖店)(shop price)

3、价格分析(Price analysis)


From the table, we can see that the domestic wines had formed a relatively

complete revolutions price system, and low-cost strategies is the main means of this stems because of the cost advantages and popular domestic brand strategy.It is as a starting point to occupy the markets priority.


The imported wine prices is high , and the wines has not formed a complete price system and the consumer ’s choice is relatively small, which hindered the imported wine consumption.

(3)由于销售渠道、市场开拓成本及利润空间的不同,无论是国产葡萄酒还是进口葡萄酒,在不同的消费市场其价格也不一样,酒店的葡萄酒价格比市场价高。 Because of different sales channels, marketing costs and profits of the space, the domestically produced and the imported wine have different prices and consumer markets, more importantly ,the prices of the wines which are sold in the hotel is high than market prices.

(三)销售渠道及消费趋势(Distribution channels and consumption trends)


The wines market is divided into two sales channels in Guilin : first, domestic wines are mainly sold in the supermarket , the wholesale markets and the retail outlets;Second, the foreign wines and the three domestim wines such as Great Wall brand, zhangyu and wangchao, which as the high-grade products are sold in the star hotels,restaurants and shops. From this we can see that as a result of prices, consumption habits, brand recognition, taste, product systems and the impact of factors that make the import wine market has a relatively narrow clip. But this Environment is changing, beause the new policy was implemented and the wine culture is gradually popular.For example, firstly, the wine tariffs are further downward., from the present 14% to zero by 2007; Secondly,

the new consumption tax management approach was implemented on July 1, 2006; the thirst, .acording to the enterprises and the media publicity, wine consumption health concepts are gradually accepted by consumers. According to some experts, that the consumption of the high-grade wine will shift 1:4:5 to 5:4:1 from 2006 to 2010. This is useful to the imported wines and it is the best time to open up the market in Guilin.

(四)葡萄酒的购买动机(Wine purchase motivation)


At present, Chinese people have not yet taken shape to drink the import wines, the relatively stable consumer groups are international businessmen , foreigners who work or travel in China and white-collar,.the competition for the imported wine consumption is mainly in the three areas. These people have different consumption trends : the international businessmen drink the import wines is primarily social needs, they agree with the high-quality wine; foreigners drinking wines is as the necessities to their wine consumption habits; the white-collar dringking wine is the need for the display of their identity and fashion. In addition ,the major consumer behavior is in a holiday, for example, the consumer demand wines in the traditional holidays, the purpose of which is to create a family reunion atmosphere or the interaction between relatives and friends.

二、桂林进口葡萄酒市场的挑战和机会( challenges and opportunities)

(一)进口葡萄酒面临的挑战(The challenge for the imported wines)


The domestic wines have been completed strategic layout. At the present stage, the domestic wines, including the Great Wall, zhangyu and wangchao, have Occupied the secondary cities in the country and have completed 90% of the market share,it is the same to Guilin market.They controlled the major consumer markets. It can be said that the biggest competitor of the imported wine is the domestic wines.


Backward wine consumption culture. The Wine consumption is actually a culture of consumption for fashion, quality, health status and aspirations, but the wine consumption in China is still at the elementary stage , although consumer is gradually grow and mature, but it is far away from matching the needs.


the change of consumption habits. Chinese consumers concern the taste when they buy the imported wines,according to an authority’s survey ,the most typical example is that the Chinese consumers like to add Sprite in wine,which indirectly means the taste of the wines are not suitable for Chinese consumers. if the imported wines want to further open China's market , it is an issue that to meet the other people taste must be addressed, While white-collar, international business people, government officials have accepted the taste of the high-quality wines,otherwise only too highbrow.


inadequate marketing networks. The imported wine market is mainly in restaurants and star hotels, because of the lack of sufficient support network.most of the consumers are the high-income persons, in the face of mass marketing network have not yet to be established.

(二)影响进口葡萄酒消费的因素(Factors affecting imported wine consumption)


Price factors. the imported wine prices is high than domestic wine prices, but this will decline because the traffics and taxes changes.


Consumption habits. China's wine culture is white spirit and beer culture , the consumers who drink white spirit and beer including the Ordinary people and the rich class, the import wine consumption is little access to the everyday home. At the same time,the imported wine taste is a major factor affecting their consumption.


Brand factors. Wine consumption in the existing groups, as a result of domestic brands,changcheng,zhangyu and wangchao,they have a famous name geography, so they have absolute superiority in the minds of consumers, establishing a good brand image.


Marketing efforts. Most imported wine in entering the China market for agency, but neither multi-brand or single brand agency, manufacturers lack of market support for agents. In brand promotion, distribution channels and established wine culture publicity to the agents without adequate support, and the agents for their own strength and the pursuit of short-term interests, it will be difficult to invest a large amount of money for marketing, but to nurture import wine market is a long process, lack of long-term mutual relations agency to win the cooperation of both parties brought about great instability.

(三)进口葡萄酒的机遇(the imported Wine opportunities)


2005, the wine sales is about 10.2 billion in China, of which imported wine sales grew by 46%, and this shows that although wine industry market capacity is small, but the imported wine developed faster, and the consumption

structure will be further adjustments ,and high-grade wine consumption will become a mainstream, This give high-quality imported wine a golden opportunity.


"Wine consumption tax management practices " was implemented on July 1, 2006, through the provisions of the import wine consumption tax is a consumption tax has been available on import links are offset. On the other hand, import tariffs have been reduced to 14% , by 2007 it dropped to zero, which is conducive to a low-priced imported wine strategy to further reduce the sales price of imported wine in China to change the minds of the consumer price High image.


Guilin is a typical tourist city ,in 2005 the city received 1 million inbound tourists and 11.04 million tourists,the revenue comes to 5.7 billion yuan(RMB). Most of tourists are high-income persons, these groups are easily acceptable Western culture, the wine consumption means the identity, quality, fashion and taste,the wine culture are more attractive to them, for one million inbound tourists, Needless to say,wine consumption is important.So to open tourism market in Guilin is also a golden opportunity for the imported wine.

三、Backsberg 葡萄酒的特点(Backsberg wine features)

(一)悠久的文化。Backsberg 拥有上百年的历史,结合了传统工艺和现代科技的酿造技术,成就了高品质的葡萄酒。

A culture. Backsberg have a long history more than 100 years, a combination of traditional craftsmanship and modern technology brewing technology, the achievements to the high-quality wines.


Good national brands. South African wine has reputation in China, the wine consumers have gradually recognized the wine.

四、Backsberg 的市场目标(Backsberg target market)

(一)backsberg 的市场定位(Backsberg market positioning)

Backsberg 作为进口葡萄酒,优秀的产品质量赋予其尊贵的内涵,让每位葡萄酒爱好者都能分享其成果是backsberg 的宗旨,以高贵而价不贵作为我们引导消费的总体思路,所以其市场定位应确立在中高档消费市场,并且以高档为主,以中档为辅的盈利模式。

Backsberg as an imported wine, are given its outstanding product with high quality.Each wine lover can share the results is a purposes for Backsberg, the market position should be established in high-grade consumer market, and dominated by high-grade.

(二)Backsberg 的市场目标(Backsberg target market)


Tourism market, the goal for consumers is Tourism expatriates and senior white-collar, three-star hotel and more is a major sales channel.


Chief dinner market, the goal is the government officials, in general, these consumers are not sensitive with price , high-quality imported wine are more easily accepted.

(三)消售渠道的选择(Eliminate sales channels choice)


Restaurants and star hotels. It involves two issues : Costs for approaching and the policy is related to the hotel and attendants for the incentives, but because different hotels have different management models, so there should be targeted for different programmes.

2、专卖店。因为专卖店销售的品牌较多,销售人员很难集中关注某一品牌,所以在给予专卖店合适的利润空间的同时,还应制定鼓励销售人员推销backsberg 的激励方案。

Shops. The salesmen are more difficult to focus on a particular brand Because selling in their shops, so it is very important to make a incentive programme

to encourage the sales staff to sell Backsberg.

3、大型超市。以目前各大型超市的进场条件,超市的盈利能力太弱,这一销售渠道只是作为推广品牌的补充,以销售中档backsberg 为主,主要目的是达到与国产中档葡萄酒竞争。

Supermarkets. The current approach to the supermarkets conditions, the profitability is small, the channels only as a supplement to promote Backsberg.

五.价格策略(Price strategy)

Backsberg 作为有百年历史的葡萄酒品牌,在制定价格时,既要考虑其市场价值,同时也要结合中国现在的市场竞争状况,针对不同营销渠道制定不同的价格,并形成较完整的价格体系。

Backsberg as the 100-year-old wine brands ,it is necessary to consider the market value and the market competition situation.Backsberg should make different prices according to different channels,in order to complete price system.

1. 专卖店价格。参照现在国产和进口葡萄酒的定价,应比市场价高5%-10%,同时其价格应比同等国产葡萄酒高。

Shop prices. Comparing with the domestic wine and the imported wine pricing, Backsberg price should be highly 5%-10% than market price, its price should be higher than the same wine made in China.

2. 超市价格。超市以销售中档backsberg 为主,作为推广品牌的渠道,应以种类的多样化来制定不同的价格。

Supermarket prices. The moderate Backsberg should be sold in supermarket,which mainly as a channel for brand promotion should be diversified to develop different types of prices.

3. 高级餐饮及酒店价格。此类场合的消费者对价格的敏感度较低,对葡萄酒的品质要求很高,一旦对品牌的认同就会表现出很高的忠诚度,所以应以消售高档

backsberg 为主。

Senior restaurant and hotel prices. Such occasions consumers less sensitive to prices, high demand for quality wine, once the identity of the brand will be displayed great loyalty, it should be to sell the high-grade Backsberg.

六. 广告策略(Advertising strategy)

Backsberg 为进口葡萄酒,尚未在桂林市场上销售,与已在市场上销售多年的其他进口葡萄酒相比明显缺乏知名度,所以投入适当的广告是宣传产品的较好选择,也是寻找潜在消费者的理想方式。为了达到最好的广告效果,建议采用多种广告形式相结合。

Backsberg as a import wine, does not sell in Guilin City before, comparing with other wine that have been on the market for years , Backsberg is lack of visibility , the input of appropriate advertising promotional products are better choices, but also the ideal way to find potential consumers. To achieve the best advertising results we suggest combine various forms of advertising.

1. 电视广告. 以桂林电视台为宣传媒体,目标观众为桂林市区12个县市已有的 饮酒爱好者和潜在的葡萄酒消费者,广告应以突出backsberg 的地域特征为卖点,让观众感受来自南非的葡萄酒文化。

TV advertisements .target audience including Drinking wine lovers and potential consumers ,who live in the 12 cities and counties belong to Guilin City, advertising should be to highlight backsberg geographical features as a selling point for visitors to experience the culture of wine from South Africa.


的优势,所以应采用连续的系列广告模式对backsberg 的各种类进行消费引导。 Newspaper advertising. "Guilin Evening Post" as the media, have kept for a long time and newspaper advertisements information rich advantages, the model should be used for the series of advertisements for a wide variety of consumer backsberg guide.

3. 现场促销及现场广告相结合,这种方式可以直接面对消费者,能迅速收集消费者对产品的反映,而且制作成本低。这种模式比较适合在目标消费者集中的场合,如大型商场、超市和休闲娱乐广场。

Combining the marketing and advertising, which could be directly facing consumers, the products can be rapidly reflected in the collection of consumer and production more,the cost is low. This model is suitable for the occasion concentrated in the target consumers, such as large shopping malls, supermarkets and leisure entertainment plaza.

七、活动策划(Activities planned)

(一)活动时间的选择:中秋节前3天。(Activities timing : three days before the Mid-Autumn Festival.)

(二)活动的内容及阶段安排(The content and organization stage activities)

1. 广告选择:a )《桂林晚报》作产品宣传,为期3天;b )在桂林电视台作广告,为期3天。

Advertising options : a) "Guilin Evening Post" for product information, the three-day ;b) in Guilin television advertising for a period of three days.

2. 现场促销:中秋节前一天为产品正式上市时间,活动从晚上8:00开始。

Site promotion : the day before the Mid-Autumn officially listed time for products, activities from 8:00 pm to begin.

3. 活动内容:2010年,南非将举办19届世界杯,届时南非是全球注目的焦点,本


Activities : 2010, South Africa will be held 19th World Cup, at that time South Africa will be the focus of global attention.The event of "Friends Club", invited the audience to play football, the winner will be free to have a bottle of imported wine as a gift.at the same time,we introduce South Africa to the audience and hold a promotional activity, thereby achieving the objective of getting customers purposes,time should be controled one and a half hours.

4. 活动地点:南城百货。(Activities Venue : Nancheng Department Stores.)


1. 广告费用:a )报纸广告:3300*3=9900(元)(规格为三栏(10cm*8cm),为黑白色。b )电视广告:1000*3=3000(元)(按B 时段20秒标准播放)。

Advertising costs : a) newspaper advertising : 3300*3=9900 (yuan) (specifications for three column (10cm*8cm) for black and white. B) television advertising : 1000*3=3000 (million) (B hours 20 seconds by broadcast standards).

2. 租用场地费用。(Booking fees.)

3. 租用音响设备及主持人费用。(Audio equipment and the rental cost.)

4. 奖品。(Prizes.)

5. 其他费用。(Other costs)

八. 其他促销活动(Other promotional activities).

1. 赠送礼品. 与礼品企业合作, 设计小礼品, 在顾客消费时配送精美礼品, 给予消费者额外的惊喜.

We can cooperate with a gift enterprise to design some small gifts,the gifts will be send to customers as attractive souvenirs, to give consumers an additional surprise.

2. 与酒店和餐馆合作, 在现场搞促销活动, 提高backsberg 的销售和知名度.

We can cooperate with the hotels and restaurants to hold promation activities in order to make backsberg have a good name.


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