

Crowds of people plunged into ice baths wearing only loincloths as part of a ritual to purify their souls.


Chanting as a group, the 100 courageous men and women dared to engulf themselves in a big green tub filled with blocks of ice at the Shinto shrine in Tokyo, as watchers captured the event on camera.


Many jogged around the the Teppozu Inari Shrine, exercising to warm up before taking to the freezing water on Sunday as part of the New Year tradition which aims to bring good health.


"My two children and husband all became ill with flu at the beginning of the new year, so I bathed in ice water hoping that my family will be able to stay healthy during the rest of this year," said Miho Hewa, 48, after embracing the challenge.

48岁的Miho Hewa女士在完成这项挑战后说:“新年伊始,我的两个孩子和丈夫都得了流感,所以我来泡冰浴,祈祷我的家人在今年接下来的日子里可以保持身体健康。”

A crowd of onlookers joined the participants in chanting as they stood in the cold water dressed in traditional clothes, with the men in loincloths and the women dressed in white robes.


The event is usually held inside a shrine on the second Sunday of the year, but this year was held outside in a park, in 2C weather, near the shrine, as it is being renovated.


"The weather was harsh this year, so I couldn‟t think about anything but try hard to do my best to complete this," said Masashi Shimizu, 48, who has taken part in the ritual every year for more a decade.

48岁的Masashi Shimizu已经坚持了十多年每年参加该仪式,他说:“今年的天气恶劣,我也不知道怎么办,只能竭尽全力完成。”

Samsung heir-apparent Lee Jae-yong is to be interviewed as a suspect in a corruption scandal surrounding the impeached South Korean president.


The firm is accused of giving donations to non-profit foundations operated by Choi Soon-sil, a confidante of President Park Geun-hye.


The donations were allegedly made in exchange for political support of a controversial merger.


Mr Lee will face special prosecutors on Thursday, officials said.


Samsung declined to comment.


Mr Lee is currently vice-president of Samsung Electronics. But since his father, Lee Kun-hee, suffered a heart attack in 2014, he is considered de facto boss of the entire Samsung Group conglomerate.

李在镕现任三星电子副总裁。 但自从他的父亲李健熙在2014年心脏病发作后,他就被认为是整个三星集团的实际上的老板。

Politicians voted on 9 December to impeach President Park over the scandal - a decision South Korea‟s constitutional court has six months to uphold or overturn. Until then she remains formally president but stripped of her powers, which are handed to the prime minister, a presidential appointee.


Lee Jae-yong,Samsung’s heir apparent.


Grandson of Samsung founder Lee Byung-chul, son of current chairman Lee Kun-hee.


Aged 48, he‟s spent his entire career in the company and is vice chairman of Samsung Electronics.


Last year was nominated to join the board of Samsung Electronics - an appointment confirmed on 27 October.


Widely expected to take overall control of Samsung once his 74-year-old father steps down.


Critics say his position on the board is due to his birth, not his business experience.


The claims circle around a merger between the electronics giant‟s construction arm, Samsung C&T, and an affiliate firm, Cheil Industries.


Prosecutors allege that Samsung gave 2.8m euros ($3.1m; 2.5m pounds) to a company co-owned by Ms Choi and her daughter, in return for Ms Park‟s support for the deal.


Lee Jae-yong has already given evidence to politicians over the scandal, but this is the first time he will be quizzed as a suspect by investigators.


At the parliamentary hearing in December Samsung admitted giving a total of 20.4bn won (16m pounds; $17.46m) to the two foundations, but denied seeking favours.

在去年12月的一次听证会上,三星承认给两个基金会总共204亿韩元(1600万英镑; 1746万美元),但三星否认为了获取相关利益。

And Mr Lee also confirmed the firm gave a horse and money to help the equestrian career of Ms

Choi‟s daughter, Chung Yoo-ra, something he said he now regretted.


Earlier this week two other Samsung executives were interviewed by the special prosecutors, but were treated as witnesses rather than suspects.


Apologies and denials


Ms Park‟s position began to unravel in October last year when details of her friendship with Ms Choi began to emerge. They included revelations www.edu800.cnthat the president had allowed her old friend - who holds no government role - to edit political speeches.


Since then, hundreds of thousands of protestors have gathered every weekend to demand Ms Park stands down.


Ms Park denies wrongdoing but has apologised for the way she managed her relationship with Ms Choi, who also denies committing criminal offences.


Ms Choi has been charged with coercion and attempted fraud.


Chinese e-commerce titan Alibaba will take control of domestic department store Intime through a $2.6 billion privatisation scheme, the companies said Tuesday, sending shares of the mall operator surging.


Alibaba, and Intime founder Shen Guojun have together offered to pay HK$10 per share to buy the shares they do not already own of the Hong Kong-listed chain.


The deal will increase Alibaba‟s stake from 28 percent to 74 percent after it first invested $692 million in the firm in 2014.


News of the deal sent Intime‟s shares soaring 35.7 percent to HK$9.54 in Hong Kong Tuesday.


The maximum cash required for the proposal is expected to be HK$19.8 billion ($2.6 billion), the statement said.


The deal will see Alibaba expand further into physical stores, which founder Jack Ma envisions integrating with the company‟s online platforms and logistics network.


Intime operates 29 department stores and 17 shopping malls throughout China.


The move came after Ma -- China‟s richest man -- met US President-elect Donald Trump in New York Monday to discuss how Alibaba can help create US jobs.


Alibaba is China‟s dominant player in online commerce, with its Taobao platform estimated to hold more than 90 percent of the consumer-to-consumer market, while its Tmall platform is believed to have more than half of business-to-consumer transactions.


The deal shows department store chains "are still relevant and of value" to e-commerce players, Catherine Lim, analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence told Bloomberg News.


"We could be seeing renewal of a sunset industry," she added.


Alibaba chief executive Daniel Zhang said in the statement that “bricks-and-mortar” businesses will be able to create value for consumers if they are integrated with the power of mobile reach”.


Nearly 80 percent of its business comes from mobile sales as of September, Alibaba said in the statement.


The offer represented a 54 percent premium over the two-month average closing price before shares were suspended in December.


American President-elect Donald Trump has appointed his son-in-law Jared Kushner to a high-level position in his administration.



Trump asked Kushner to serve as a senior adviser to the president.


Unlike cabinet positions, the job of adviser does not require approval of the United States Senate. 与内阁职位不同的是,顾问职位无需参议院批准。

Six members of Congress are questioning Kushner's appointment. All six belong to the Democratic Party.


The lawmakers wrote a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the U.S. Office of Government Ethics. They noted that a 1967 law bars a public official from appointing a family member to the same agency in which the official serves. They also asked the Justice Department and ethics officials to investigate possible conflicts of interest.



Jared Kushner is married to Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka.



Lawyer Jamie Gorelick is advising Kushner on legal issues. She said the law does not affect the president because the White House does not fall under the definition of an agency.


The lawyer also said that Kushner plans to sell all his foreign investments and his financial interests in an investment company and an office building in New York. He also will resign as head of Kushner Companies and as the publisher of The New York Observer newspaper before working for the Trump administration.


The six lawmakers questioned Gorelick's statement that Kushner would remove himself from decisions involving his remaining financial jiujiu360.cominterests after leaving his companies. They said he would still have investments that could be affected by government policy that he influences.


Aides to Donald Trump said that, as a presidential adviser, Kushner will work mainly on issues involving trade and the Middle East. They said he will work closely with Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon.


Legal experts are offering differing opinions about whether the appointment of Trump's son-in-law violates the 50-year-old law.



Kathleen Clark is a law professor at Washington University in Saint Louis, Missouri. She said her understanding of the law is that it does affect the president.



"Congress didn't in this law carve out an exception for the White House," Clark told the Associated Press. She said it governs the presidency, the legislature, the courts and the District of Columbia government.


But Indiana University professor Gerald Magliocca said he did not think the law could be used to restrict the president's team without risking constitutional problems.


"It's hard to see why Congress has the authority to limit presidential staff members," he said. 他说,“难以想象国会怎么会有权力限制总统工作人员?”

I'm Caty Weaver.

来自Caty Weaver的报道。

It could be one of the biggest astronomical events in years ― a star explosion so intense it could literally change the night sky.


Astronomers are predicting that binary star system KIC 9832227, located in the Cygnus constellation, will merge and explode in 2022.

天文学家预测位于天鹅座的双星系统KIC 9832227将在2020年合并,发生爆炸。

And if it happens as predicted, its brightness will increase by 10,000-fold, making it one of the brightest objects in the night sky and easily visible with the naked eye, according to a Calvin College news release.


“It will be a very dramatic change in the sky, as anyone can see it,” Calvin College astronomer Larry Molnar told National Geographic. “You won‟t need a telescope to tell me in 2023 whether I was wrong or I was right.”


And when it‟s over, there will be a new star in the Northern Cross formation.


But don‟t make firm plans around watching the event. Not only is there no exact date, but no one has ever really made a prediction of this nature before.


“It‟s a one-in-a-million chance that you can predict an explosion,” Molnar said in the news release. “It‟s never been done before.”


Molnar and his students have been observing KIC 9832227 for several years now.

莫尔纳及其同学多年来一直在观测KIC 9832227。

His research assistant, Daniel, found that the two stars in the system shared an atmosphere, “like two peanuts sharing a single shell,” Molnar said.


But whenDaniel calculated their orbital period, he found it had changed.


That shift was similar to what astronomer Romuald Tylenda had seen before V1309 Scorpii unexpectedly exploded in 2008, the school said.

学院表示,这种转变类似于天文学家罗穆亚尔德·泰仑达之前的观测,2008年天蝎座 V1309意外爆炸。

That means history could be about to repeat itself.


If their calculations are correct, the explosion would be about as bright as Polaris, the North Star, according to National Geographic.


“The project is significant not only because of the scientific results, but also because it is likely to capture the imagination of people on the street,” said Matt, dean for research and scholarship at

Calvin College, in a statement. “If the prediction is correct, then for the first time in history, parents will be able to point to a dark spot in the sky and say, „Watch, kids, there‟s a star hiding in there, but soon it‟s going to light up.‟”



Crowds of people plunged into ice baths wearing only loincloths as part of a ritual to purify their souls.


Chanting as a group, the 100 courageous men and women dared to engulf themselves in a big green tub filled with blocks of ice at the Shinto shrine in Tokyo, as watchers captured the event on camera.


Many jogged around the the Teppozu Inari Shrine, exercising to warm up before taking to the freezing water on Sunday as part of the New Year tradition which aims to bring good health.


"My two children and husband all became ill with flu at the beginning of the new year, so I bathed in ice water hoping that my family will be able to stay healthy during the rest of this year," said Miho Hewa, 48, after embracing the challenge.

48岁的Miho Hewa女士在完成这项挑战后说:“新年伊始,我的两个孩子和丈夫都得了流感,所以我来泡冰浴,祈祷我的家人在今年接下来的日子里可以保持身体健康。”

A crowd of onlookers joined the participants in chanting as they stood in the cold water dressed in traditional clothes, with the men in loincloths and the women dressed in white robes.


The event is usually held inside a shrine on the second Sunday of the year, but this year was held outside in a park, in 2C weather, near the shrine, as it is being renovated.


"The weather was harsh this year, so I couldn‟t think about anything but try hard to do my best to complete this," said Masashi Shimizu, 48, who has taken part in the ritual every year for more a decade.

48岁的Masashi Shimizu已经坚持了十多年每年参加该仪式,他说:“今年的天气恶劣,我也不知道怎么办,只能竭尽全力完成。”

Samsung heir-apparent Lee Jae-yong is to be interviewed as a suspect in a corruption scandal surrounding the impeached South Korean president.


The firm is accused of giving donations to non-profit foundations operated by Choi Soon-sil, a confidante of President Park Geun-hye.


The donations were allegedly made in exchange for political support of a controversial merger.


Mr Lee will face special prosecutors on Thursday, officials said.


Samsung declined to comment.


Mr Lee is currently vice-president of Samsung Electronics. But since his father, Lee Kun-hee, suffered a heart attack in 2014, he is considered de facto boss of the entire Samsung Group conglomerate.

李在镕现任三星电子副总裁。 但自从他的父亲李健熙在2014年心脏病发作后,他就被认为是整个三星集团的实际上的老板。

Politicians voted on 9 December to impeach President Park over the scandal - a decision South Korea‟s constitutional court has six months to uphold or overturn. Until then she remains formally president but stripped of her powers, which are handed to the prime minister, a presidential appointee.


Lee Jae-yong,Samsung’s heir apparent.


Grandson of Samsung founder Lee Byung-chul, son of current chairman Lee Kun-hee.


Aged 48, he‟s spent his entire career in the company and is vice chairman of Samsung Electronics.


Last year was nominated to join the board of Samsung Electronics - an appointment confirmed on 27 October.


Widely expected to take overall control of Samsung once his 74-year-old father steps down.


Critics say his position on the board is due to his birth, not his business experience.


The claims circle around a merger between the electronics giant‟s construction arm, Samsung C&T, and an affiliate firm, Cheil Industries.


Prosecutors allege that Samsung gave 2.8m euros ($3.1m; 2.5m pounds) to a company co-owned by Ms Choi and her daughter, in return for Ms Park‟s support for the deal.


Lee Jae-yong has already given evidence to politicians over the scandal, but this is the first time he will be quizzed as a suspect by investigators.


At the parliamentary hearing in December Samsung admitted giving a total of 20.4bn won (16m pounds; $17.46m) to the two foundations, but denied seeking favours.

在去年12月的一次听证会上,三星承认给两个基金会总共204亿韩元(1600万英镑; 1746万美元),但三星否认为了获取相关利益。

And Mr Lee also confirmed the firm gave a horse and money to help the equestrian career of Ms

Choi‟s daughter, Chung Yoo-ra, something he said he now regretted.


Earlier this week two other Samsung executives were interviewed by the special prosecutors, but were treated as witnesses rather than suspects.


Apologies and denials


Ms Park‟s position began to unravel in October last year when details of her friendship with Ms Choi began to emerge. They included revelations www.edu800.cnthat the president had allowed her old friend - who holds no government role - to edit political speeches.


Since then, hundreds of thousands of protestors have gathered every weekend to demand Ms Park stands down.


Ms Park denies wrongdoing but has apologised for the way she managed her relationship with Ms Choi, who also denies committing criminal offences.


Ms Choi has been charged with coercion and attempted fraud.


Chinese e-commerce titan Alibaba will take control of domestic department store Intime through a $2.6 billion privatisation scheme, the companies said Tuesday, sending shares of the mall operator surging.


Alibaba, and Intime founder Shen Guojun have together offered to pay HK$10 per share to buy the shares they do not already own of the Hong Kong-listed chain.


The deal will increase Alibaba‟s stake from 28 percent to 74 percent after it first invested $692 million in the firm in 2014.


News of the deal sent Intime‟s shares soaring 35.7 percent to HK$9.54 in Hong Kong Tuesday.


The maximum cash required for the proposal is expected to be HK$19.8 billion ($2.6 billion), the statement said.


The deal will see Alibaba expand further into physical stores, which founder Jack Ma envisions integrating with the company‟s online platforms and logistics network.


Intime operates 29 department stores and 17 shopping malls throughout China.


The move came after Ma -- China‟s richest man -- met US President-elect Donald Trump in New York Monday to discuss how Alibaba can help create US jobs.


Alibaba is China‟s dominant player in online commerce, with its Taobao platform estimated to hold more than 90 percent of the consumer-to-consumer market, while its Tmall platform is believed to have more than half of business-to-consumer transactions.


The deal shows department store chains "are still relevant and of value" to e-commerce players, Catherine Lim, analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence told Bloomberg News.


"We could be seeing renewal of a sunset industry," she added.


Alibaba chief executive Daniel Zhang said in the statement that “bricks-and-mortar” businesses will be able to create value for consumers if they are integrated with the power of mobile reach”.


Nearly 80 percent of its business comes from mobile sales as of September, Alibaba said in the statement.


The offer represented a 54 percent premium over the two-month average closing price before shares were suspended in December.


American President-elect Donald Trump has appointed his son-in-law Jared Kushner to a high-level position in his administration.



Trump asked Kushner to serve as a senior adviser to the president.


Unlike cabinet positions, the job of adviser does not require approval of the United States Senate. 与内阁职位不同的是,顾问职位无需参议院批准。

Six members of Congress are questioning Kushner's appointment. All six belong to the Democratic Party.


The lawmakers wrote a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the U.S. Office of Government Ethics. They noted that a 1967 law bars a public official from appointing a family member to the same agency in which the official serves. They also asked the Justice Department and ethics officials to investigate possible conflicts of interest.



Jared Kushner is married to Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka.



Lawyer Jamie Gorelick is advising Kushner on legal issues. She said the law does not affect the president because the White House does not fall under the definition of an agency.


The lawyer also said that Kushner plans to sell all his foreign investments and his financial interests in an investment company and an office building in New York. He also will resign as head of Kushner Companies and as the publisher of The New York Observer newspaper before working for the Trump administration.


The six lawmakers questioned Gorelick's statement that Kushner would remove himself from decisions involving his remaining financial jiujiu360.cominterests after leaving his companies. They said he would still have investments that could be affected by government policy that he influences.


Aides to Donald Trump said that, as a presidential adviser, Kushner will work mainly on issues involving trade and the Middle East. They said he will work closely with Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon.


Legal experts are offering differing opinions about whether the appointment of Trump's son-in-law violates the 50-year-old law.



Kathleen Clark is a law professor at Washington University in Saint Louis, Missouri. She said her understanding of the law is that it does affect the president.



"Congress didn't in this law carve out an exception for the White House," Clark told the Associated Press. She said it governs the presidency, the legislature, the courts and the District of Columbia government.


But Indiana University professor Gerald Magliocca said he did not think the law could be used to restrict the president's team without risking constitutional problems.


"It's hard to see why Congress has the authority to limit presidential staff members," he said. 他说,“难以想象国会怎么会有权力限制总统工作人员?”

I'm Caty Weaver.

来自Caty Weaver的报道。

It could be one of the biggest astronomical events in years ― a star explosion so intense it could literally change the night sky.


Astronomers are predicting that binary star system KIC 9832227, located in the Cygnus constellation, will merge and explode in 2022.

天文学家预测位于天鹅座的双星系统KIC 9832227将在2020年合并,发生爆炸。

And if it happens as predicted, its brightness will increase by 10,000-fold, making it one of the brightest objects in the night sky and easily visible with the naked eye, according to a Calvin College news release.


“It will be a very dramatic change in the sky, as anyone can see it,” Calvin College astronomer Larry Molnar told National Geographic. “You won‟t need a telescope to tell me in 2023 whether I was wrong or I was right.”


And when it‟s over, there will be a new star in the Northern Cross formation.


But don‟t make firm plans around watching the event. Not only is there no exact date, but no one has ever really made a prediction of this nature before.


“It‟s a one-in-a-million chance that you can predict an explosion,” Molnar said in the news release. “It‟s never been done before.”


Molnar and his students have been observing KIC 9832227 for several years now.

莫尔纳及其同学多年来一直在观测KIC 9832227。

His research assistant, Daniel, found that the two stars in the system shared an atmosphere, “like two peanuts sharing a single shell,” Molnar said.


But whenDaniel calculated their orbital period, he found it had changed.


That shift was similar to what astronomer Romuald Tylenda had seen before V1309 Scorpii unexpectedly exploded in 2008, the school said.

学院表示,这种转变类似于天文学家罗穆亚尔德·泰仑达之前的观测,2008年天蝎座 V1309意外爆炸。

That means history could be about to repeat itself.


If their calculations are correct, the explosion would be about as bright as Polaris, the North Star, according to National Geographic.


“The project is significant not only because of the scientific results, but also because it is likely to capture the imagination of people on the street,” said Matt, dean for research and scholarship at

Calvin College, in a statement. “If the prediction is correct, then for the first time in history, parents will be able to point to a dark spot in the sky and say, „Watch, kids, there‟s a star hiding in there, but soon it‟s going to light up.‟”



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