天猫费用明细英文版T-mall charge detail

Taobao mall charging standards

Margin and charges

1. The margin

Store on Taobao have to pay the margin, the margin is used for ensure the rule the standardize their Operations, and pay liquidated damages on the basis of 《Taobao mall service agreementbusiness have the violations》when businessmen have illegal behavior. According to the nature and the different condition of the trademark shop, the margin devide into 50,000, 100,000, 150,000 rmb. 2. Technical service charge dues

Merchants should pay charge dues, the money follow the categories for reference,divided into 30,000 or 60,000 rmb.

3. Technology service charge real time pay

Merchants should pay a certain percentage of charge according to the saleroom (hereinafter referred to as "rate").


1. Brand flagship store, exclusive Shop: 100,000 rmb for tradmark TM, 50,000 rmb for tradmark; 2. Boutique :150,000 rmb for tradmark TM, 10,000 rmb for tradmark; 3. Special categories explains:

Stores type flagship store, margin is 150,000 rmb;

The boutique managing the special products that not apply for registration of a trademarkin mainland. (Such as fruit, imported goods, etc),margin is 150,000 rmb;

Margin charged way: Lynx operating major categories "Audio books", "the major categories of" and "e-ticketing certificate"

Flagship store and exclusive shops are 50,000 rmb, boutique is 100,000 rmb; The margin is 300,000 rmb for major categories of "medicine".

4. Margin shortfall, businesses should make up the balance within 15 days. If overdue, T-mall will supervise, until it paid off.

Technical service fee paid by real-time of dress commodities

Taobao mall charging standards

Margin and charges

1. The margin

Store on Taobao have to pay the margin, the margin is used for ensure the rule the standardize their Operations, and pay liquidated damages on the basis of 《Taobao mall service agreementbusiness have the violations》when businessmen have illegal behavior. According to the nature and the different condition of the trademark shop, the margin devide into 50,000, 100,000, 150,000 rmb. 2. Technical service charge dues

Merchants should pay charge dues, the money follow the categories for reference,divided into 30,000 or 60,000 rmb.

3. Technology service charge real time pay

Merchants should pay a certain percentage of charge according to the saleroom (hereinafter referred to as "rate").


1. Brand flagship store, exclusive Shop: 100,000 rmb for tradmark TM, 50,000 rmb for tradmark; 2. Boutique :150,000 rmb for tradmark TM, 10,000 rmb for tradmark; 3. Special categories explains:

Stores type flagship store, margin is 150,000 rmb;

The boutique managing the special products that not apply for registration of a trademarkin mainland. (Such as fruit, imported goods, etc),margin is 150,000 rmb;

Margin charged way: Lynx operating major categories "Audio books", "the major categories of" and "e-ticketing certificate"

Flagship store and exclusive shops are 50,000 rmb, boutique is 100,000 rmb; The margin is 300,000 rmb for major categories of "medicine".

4. Margin shortfall, businesses should make up the balance within 15 days. If overdue, T-mall will supervise, until it paid off.

Technical service fee paid by real-time of dress commodities


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