
1.It's hard for me to show kindness to people that hate me. I'm not that evolved.


With her own take on "Haters gonna hate," Caroline demonstrated a surprising level of self-awareness. Giving the cold shoulder might not be the most "evolved" thing to do, but simply put: there are some relationships that can never be fixed. Why bother repeatedly demeaning yourself in hopes of a happy ending that will never come? Just cut your losses and move on.


2.I may have been some pathetic, insecure mess after the party, but do not mistake that for me being a pushover. Because I do not let guys mess with my head anymore.


Midway through the first season, Caroline already started to realize that you don't need a guy's approval to have self-satisfaction. Yes, you can still get upset and hurt by them, but as long as you know when it's time to move on, let it go, or just brush their stupid actions off, that's what matters.


3.What's the rush? Why are you hurrying to get to a relationship that'll never work?


Sometimes it doesn't matter how much you want a relationship to work. If it doesn't have a realistic future (like a vampire being with a human), why bother when the ending will only hurt that much more?


4.I'm too smart to be seduced by you.


Charm can be intoxicating, which makes it all the more important to separate a romantic gesture from real romance. Make sure your head and your heart say "go'"before jumping into anything too quickly.


5.You are not even worth the calories I burn talking to you.


For bullies, there's nothing more gratifying than getting a reaction. Don't give them that satisfaction! Hold your tongue and save your energy for something more productive. Pretty much anything is better than giving your provoker the satisfaction of yelling back (no matter how good it might feel).


6.Anyone capable of love is capable of being saved.


No matter how far to the dark side someone might journey, there's always hope for redemption as long as the person doesn't turn their back on love. 只要一个人不拒绝去爱,不论他以前在邪恶的路上走了多远,都有机会被救赎。

8.Anyone capable of love is capable of being saved.


No matter how far to the dark side someone might journey, there's always hope for redemption as long as the person doesn't turn their back on love. 只要一个人不拒绝去爱,不论他以前在邪恶的路上走了多远,都有机会被救赎。

1.It's hard for me to show kindness to people that hate me. I'm not that evolved.


With her own take on "Haters gonna hate," Caroline demonstrated a surprising level of self-awareness. Giving the cold shoulder might not be the most "evolved" thing to do, but simply put: there are some relationships that can never be fixed. Why bother repeatedly demeaning yourself in hopes of a happy ending that will never come? Just cut your losses and move on.


2.I may have been some pathetic, insecure mess after the party, but do not mistake that for me being a pushover. Because I do not let guys mess with my head anymore.


Midway through the first season, Caroline already started to realize that you don't need a guy's approval to have self-satisfaction. Yes, you can still get upset and hurt by them, but as long as you know when it's time to move on, let it go, or just brush their stupid actions off, that's what matters.


3.What's the rush? Why are you hurrying to get to a relationship that'll never work?


Sometimes it doesn't matter how much you want a relationship to work. If it doesn't have a realistic future (like a vampire being with a human), why bother when the ending will only hurt that much more?


4.I'm too smart to be seduced by you.


Charm can be intoxicating, which makes it all the more important to separate a romantic gesture from real romance. Make sure your head and your heart say "go'"before jumping into anything too quickly.


5.You are not even worth the calories I burn talking to you.


For bullies, there's nothing more gratifying than getting a reaction. Don't give them that satisfaction! Hold your tongue and save your energy for something more productive. Pretty much anything is better than giving your provoker the satisfaction of yelling back (no matter how good it might feel).


6.Anyone capable of love is capable of being saved.


No matter how far to the dark side someone might journey, there's always hope for redemption as long as the person doesn't turn their back on love. 只要一个人不拒绝去爱,不论他以前在邪恶的路上走了多远,都有机会被救赎。

8.Anyone capable of love is capable of being saved.


No matter how far to the dark side someone might journey, there's always hope for redemption as long as the person doesn't turn their back on love. 只要一个人不拒绝去爱,不论他以前在邪恶的路上走了多远,都有机会被救赎。


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