
My weekend


There are two days on the weekend, Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, I often do morning exercises at 8:00 in the morning and do my homework at 3:00 in the afternoon.On Sunday, I always play sports in the morning and read books in the afternoon. In the evening, I often watch TV with my parents. We often have a good time.

周末有两天,星期六和星期天。星期六,我经常在早上8点做晨练, 下午3点做家庭作业。星期天,我总是在早上做体育运动,下午看书,晚上,我经常和我的父母看电视。我们经常玩得很愉快。

My weekend

On Saturday,I often get up early, I eat breakfast at 7:00 in the morning. Then I do my homework. In the afternoon, I can play chess with my father. I can play football with my friends. I can listen to music in the evening. On Sunday, I often go shopping and clean the room. I like my weekend .

My favorite season

My favorite season is spring. Because in spring, the weather is warm, I can fly kites .Sometimes I go hiking with my friends,I love it very much. In spring, I can plant trees on the hill. Spring is the first season in a year. I am happy. So I like spring best.

My Birthday Party


Every year, when it’s birthday, my parents hold a party for me. My friends come to my home .I can get many beautiful gifts(礼物), we eat the cake, Sing and dance .That’s my birthday party, is it interesting? My family

There are five people in my family. They are my grandma, grandpa, dad, mom and I. Look! Grandma is watching TV. Grandpa is reading a book. Dad is writing an e-mail. Mom is cooking dinner. I am doing my homework. I love my family!

In the nature park

What a big nature park! Look,the birds are singing in the tree.The monkeys are swinging. Can you see the elephants? They are drinking water near the river. Two kangaroos are jumping. There are two bears,they are fighting! Is it interesting?

A Field Trip(郊游)

Today is Sunday. It’s sunny. We don’t go to school. Now I am having a field trip with my friends. Look! Sarah is drawing pictures. She likes drawing very much. Mike is catching butterflies. The butterflies are beautiful. Wu Yifan is taking pictures. Amy is watching insects. I’m doing an experiment. What about John? He is collecting leaves. We are having a good time.

My weekend


There are two days on the weekend, Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, I often do morning exercises at 8:00 in the morning and do my homework at 3:00 in the afternoon.On Sunday, I always play sports in the morning and read books in the afternoon. In the evening, I often watch TV with my parents. We often have a good time.

周末有两天,星期六和星期天。星期六,我经常在早上8点做晨练, 下午3点做家庭作业。星期天,我总是在早上做体育运动,下午看书,晚上,我经常和我的父母看电视。我们经常玩得很愉快。

My weekend

On Saturday,I often get up early, I eat breakfast at 7:00 in the morning. Then I do my homework. In the afternoon, I can play chess with my father. I can play football with my friends. I can listen to music in the evening. On Sunday, I often go shopping and clean the room. I like my weekend .

My favorite season

My favorite season is spring. Because in spring, the weather is warm, I can fly kites .Sometimes I go hiking with my friends,I love it very much. In spring, I can plant trees on the hill. Spring is the first season in a year. I am happy. So I like spring best.

My Birthday Party


Every year, when it’s birthday, my parents hold a party for me. My friends come to my home .I can get many beautiful gifts(礼物), we eat the cake, Sing and dance .That’s my birthday party, is it interesting? My family

There are five people in my family. They are my grandma, grandpa, dad, mom and I. Look! Grandma is watching TV. Grandpa is reading a book. Dad is writing an e-mail. Mom is cooking dinner. I am doing my homework. I love my family!

In the nature park

What a big nature park! Look,the birds are singing in the tree.The monkeys are swinging. Can you see the elephants? They are drinking water near the river. Two kangaroos are jumping. There are two bears,they are fighting! Is it interesting?

A Field Trip(郊游)

Today is Sunday. It’s sunny. We don’t go to school. Now I am having a field trip with my friends. Look! Sarah is drawing pictures. She likes drawing very much. Mike is catching butterflies. The butterflies are beautiful. Wu Yifan is taking pictures. Amy is watching insects. I’m doing an experiment. What about John? He is collecting leaves. We are having a good time.


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