


中文题目 广东省国际服务贸易发展现状以及对策建议

外文题目 Status and Countermeasures of the development of international trade in services in Guangdong Province

性 质: □毕业设计 毕业论文

教 学 院 经济管理学院

专 业 国际经济与贸易

班 级 国贸1201




2016 年 6月10日

摘 要

出口贸易对广东省,甚至是对全国的经济稳定和发展都有着十分重要的地位。自我国改革开放以来,广东省国际贸易发展日日加速,并在全国贸易发展中一直占据十分重要的主导地位。同样,广东省国际服务贸易随着国民经济发展不断壮大,发展势头很强,在广东省甚至是全国的经济创汇发展有着不可磨灭的作用。在2011年,我国广东省的地区生产总值已经达到了我国第一,大约占全国国民生产总值的11.17%;其中,该省的出口贸易依存度百分比为63.63%而对外贸易依存度也已经达到了109.27%。如此客观的数据不禁让人欣喜。但是,不可否认的是,目前广东省的出口贸易中,仍然十分容易受到国际经济波动的影响,这主要是因为广东省的对外贸易仍然属于资源密集型和劳动密集型为主的轻工业。经融危机过后,我们更加有必要研究广东省国际服务贸易发展的弊端以及对策。本文主要分为四部分。第一部分,介绍论文的选题背景,第二部分介绍国内外研究。第三部分研究现状,从不同方面对发展障碍进行分析。第四部分是对策建议。当下,虽然广东国际服务贸易的发展一直迅速,但又面临着新的机遇和挑战。以往的国际服务贸易发展中也有着许多的弊端。中国加入WTO 以后,广东省的国际服务贸易发展迅猛,但同时暴露了一些弊端以及落后现状。目前,如何提高广东省国际服务贸易行业的竞争力,让其在贸易发展中立于不败之地,是我们今天要讨论的话题。在此之前,我们需要明确现状,以及明确影响广东省国际贸易发展的影响因素,从而找出关键的、可实施的对策。

关键词 国际服务贸易 竞争力 双边合作


Export trade to Guangdong Province, and even to the country's economic stability and development has a very important position. Since the reform and opening up of the country, the international trade of Guangdong province has been accelerating, and has occupied a very important position in the development of national trade. Similarly, the international service trade in Guangdong province with the development of the national economy has been growing, strong momentum of development in Guangdong province and even the country's economic development has an indelible role in foreign exchange. In 2011, the GDP of Guangdong Province in China has reached the first, accounting for about 11.17% of national GDP. Among them, the province's export trade dependency percentage to 63.63% and the degree of dependence on foreign trade has reached the 109.27%. Such objective data can not help but make people happy. But undeniable is, at present the export trade of Guangdong Province still very easily by the impact of fluctuations in the international economy, this is mainly because the foreign trade of Guangdong Province still belongs to resource intensive and labor-intensive light industry. After the financial crisis, it is necessary to study the disadvantages and Countermeasures of the development of international trade in services in Guangdong province. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part introduces the background of the topic, the second part introduces the research at home and abroad. The third part of the research status, from different aspects of the development of barriers to analysis. The fourth part is the countermeasures and suggestions. At present, although the development of Guangdong international trade in services has been rapid, but also faced with new opportunities and challenges. In the development of international trade in services, there are many disadvantages in the development of international trade in services. After China's entry into WTO, the international trade in services of Guangdong province has developed rapidly, but at the same time, it has exposed some drawbacks as well as the backward situation. At present, how to improve the competitiveness of the international service trade in Guangdong Province, so that it is in an invincible position in the development of trade, is the topic we want to discuss today. Prior to this, we need to clear the status quo, as well as a clear impact on the development of

international trade in Guangdong Province, and to identify the factors that can be implemented.

Key words International service trade competitiveness bilateral cooperation

目 录

摘 要 ............................................................................................................... I Abstract ................................................................................................................. II

第1章 绪论........................................................................................................ 1

1.1 研究目的.................................................................................................. 1

1.2 研究意义.................................................................................................. 2

第2章 本课题国外研究现状.............................................................................. 3

第3章 广东国际服务贸易的现状...................................................................... 4

3.1发展迅速的广东贸易............................................................................... 4

3.2 广东国际服务贸易发展中存在的问题.................................................. 5

第4章 解决广东国服务贸易发展现状对策分析.............................................. 8

4.1适度开放广东服务贸易市场并加强立法工作与管理体制建设........... 8

4.2提高立法层次,减少现有法规冲突....................................................... 8

4.3 政府提供宏观管理支持.......................................................................... 8

4.4 积极发展广东省的双边合作.................................................................. 9

4.5 培养广东服务贸易人才.......................................................................... 9

4.6 国际服务路径的发展,分散市场风险.................................................. 9

结 语.................................................................................................................. 11

致 谢.............................................................................................................. 12

参考文献.............................................................................................................. 13



中文题目 广东省国际服务贸易发展现状以及对策建议

外文题目 Status and Countermeasures of the development of international trade in services in Guangdong Province

性 质: □毕业设计 毕业论文

教 学 院 经济管理学院

专 业 国际经济与贸易

班 级 国贸1201




2016 年 6月10日

摘 要

出口贸易对广东省,甚至是对全国的经济稳定和发展都有着十分重要的地位。自我国改革开放以来,广东省国际贸易发展日日加速,并在全国贸易发展中一直占据十分重要的主导地位。同样,广东省国际服务贸易随着国民经济发展不断壮大,发展势头很强,在广东省甚至是全国的经济创汇发展有着不可磨灭的作用。在2011年,我国广东省的地区生产总值已经达到了我国第一,大约占全国国民生产总值的11.17%;其中,该省的出口贸易依存度百分比为63.63%而对外贸易依存度也已经达到了109.27%。如此客观的数据不禁让人欣喜。但是,不可否认的是,目前广东省的出口贸易中,仍然十分容易受到国际经济波动的影响,这主要是因为广东省的对外贸易仍然属于资源密集型和劳动密集型为主的轻工业。经融危机过后,我们更加有必要研究广东省国际服务贸易发展的弊端以及对策。本文主要分为四部分。第一部分,介绍论文的选题背景,第二部分介绍国内外研究。第三部分研究现状,从不同方面对发展障碍进行分析。第四部分是对策建议。当下,虽然广东国际服务贸易的发展一直迅速,但又面临着新的机遇和挑战。以往的国际服务贸易发展中也有着许多的弊端。中国加入WTO 以后,广东省的国际服务贸易发展迅猛,但同时暴露了一些弊端以及落后现状。目前,如何提高广东省国际服务贸易行业的竞争力,让其在贸易发展中立于不败之地,是我们今天要讨论的话题。在此之前,我们需要明确现状,以及明确影响广东省国际贸易发展的影响因素,从而找出关键的、可实施的对策。

关键词 国际服务贸易 竞争力 双边合作


Export trade to Guangdong Province, and even to the country's economic stability and development has a very important position. Since the reform and opening up of the country, the international trade of Guangdong province has been accelerating, and has occupied a very important position in the development of national trade. Similarly, the international service trade in Guangdong province with the development of the national economy has been growing, strong momentum of development in Guangdong province and even the country's economic development has an indelible role in foreign exchange. In 2011, the GDP of Guangdong Province in China has reached the first, accounting for about 11.17% of national GDP. Among them, the province's export trade dependency percentage to 63.63% and the degree of dependence on foreign trade has reached the 109.27%. Such objective data can not help but make people happy. But undeniable is, at present the export trade of Guangdong Province still very easily by the impact of fluctuations in the international economy, this is mainly because the foreign trade of Guangdong Province still belongs to resource intensive and labor-intensive light industry. After the financial crisis, it is necessary to study the disadvantages and Countermeasures of the development of international trade in services in Guangdong province. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part introduces the background of the topic, the second part introduces the research at home and abroad. The third part of the research status, from different aspects of the development of barriers to analysis. The fourth part is the countermeasures and suggestions. At present, although the development of Guangdong international trade in services has been rapid, but also faced with new opportunities and challenges. In the development of international trade in services, there are many disadvantages in the development of international trade in services. After China's entry into WTO, the international trade in services of Guangdong province has developed rapidly, but at the same time, it has exposed some drawbacks as well as the backward situation. At present, how to improve the competitiveness of the international service trade in Guangdong Province, so that it is in an invincible position in the development of trade, is the topic we want to discuss today. Prior to this, we need to clear the status quo, as well as a clear impact on the development of

international trade in Guangdong Province, and to identify the factors that can be implemented.

Key words International service trade competitiveness bilateral cooperation

目 录

摘 要 ............................................................................................................... I Abstract ................................................................................................................. II

第1章 绪论........................................................................................................ 1

1.1 研究目的.................................................................................................. 1

1.2 研究意义.................................................................................................. 2

第2章 本课题国外研究现状.............................................................................. 3

第3章 广东国际服务贸易的现状...................................................................... 4

3.1发展迅速的广东贸易............................................................................... 4

3.2 广东国际服务贸易发展中存在的问题.................................................. 5

第4章 解决广东国服务贸易发展现状对策分析.............................................. 8

4.1适度开放广东服务贸易市场并加强立法工作与管理体制建设........... 8

4.2提高立法层次,减少现有法规冲突....................................................... 8

4.3 政府提供宏观管理支持.......................................................................... 8

4.4 积极发展广东省的双边合作.................................................................. 9

4.5 培养广东服务贸易人才.......................................................................... 9

4.6 国际服务路径的发展,分散市场风险.................................................. 9

结 语.................................................................................................................. 11

致 谢.............................................................................................................. 12

参考文献.............................................................................................................. 13


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