
?高三第一轮复习资料 英语 参考答案Module 1 Unit 27. 1)leave him in charge of the matter 2)leave them outside 3)leave him waiting outside 4)left her to choose 5)Leave this to me 6)Is there any water left in the bottle 7)leave the windows firmly fastened8. 1)对付 2)处理 3)治理 4)do with 5)deal with9. 1)come 2)get 3)turned 4)became 5)growing10. 1)调高声音 2)出现 3)turn to 4)turned out 5)turned;on 6)turn into 7)turned down11. 1)in the charge of 2)in charge of 3)in;charge 4)in the charge of12. 1)Now that you are ready 2)Now that the rain has stopped 3)on condition that 4)so that 5)Now that 6)in that13. 1)应当,应该 2)一般认为 3)is supposed to wear a seatbelt 4)are not supposed to smoke 句型篇1. 1)Seeing 2)Seen_________漢 3)F 4)原因状语 5)时间状语2. 1)with his hands behind his head 2)with;growing 3)supporting 4)to solve 5)solved30 分钟实战演练1. argument 2. relationship 3. spare 4. suggest 5. charge 6. vacation 7. valuable 8. boring9. forbidden 10. excuse 11. boring 12. explanation 13. differs 14. close;closely 15. arguing 16. makes 2高三第一轮复习资料 英语参考答案17. valuable 18. forbade 19. unpunished 20. suggestions 21. No matter what 22. as if they were crazy23. allowed me to meet 24. How;deal with 25. Now that 26. is in charge of 27. sounds reasonable28. were supposed to 29. stayed up 30. insist on 31—35 DBADC 36—40 CADAC Module 1 Unit 3词汇篇一?重点词汇回顾课标内重点单词:1. weight;weigh 2. gym;gymnast;gymnastic;gymnastics 3. failure;fail 4. contain;container5. exact 6. exercise 7. attractive;attract 8. touching;touch 9. pressure;press 10. effect;effective11. achievement;achieve 12. recognize 13. regular;regularly 14. system 15. relaxed;relax 16. suggestion;suggest 17. harmful;harm 18. operation;operate 19. actress;actor 20. ability;able课标内重点短语:1. work out 2. be on a diet/ go on diets 3. in secret 4. be embarrassed about 5. fall out 6. put on weight7. along with 8. in the long term 9. as a matter of fact 10. in no time 11. hear from 12. stay healthy13. lose weight 14. follow ones advice 15. meet with/ come across 16. take in 17. give up 18. a good amount of 19. concentrate on 20. be dying to do / for二?词汇的用法讲解与操练1. 1)I am considering going to see a film. 2)We consider him (as/ to be)a kind man. 3)He was considered to have let out the secret. 4)We consider it foolish to accept his invitation.2. 1)T 2)F;ving 3)冒险做某事 4)冒着……的风险 5)advise,admit,appreciate,avoid,consider,

?高三第一轮复习资料 英语 参考答案Module 1 Unit 27. 1)leave him in charge of the matter 2)leave them outside 3)leave him waiting outside 4)left her to choose 5)Leave this to me 6)Is there any water left in the bottle 7)leave the windows firmly fastened8. 1)对付 2)处理 3)治理 4)do with 5)deal with9. 1)come 2)get 3)turned 4)became 5)growing10. 1)调高声音 2)出现 3)turn to 4)turned out 5)turned;on 6)turn into 7)turned down11. 1)in the charge of 2)in charge of 3)in;charge 4)in the charge of12. 1)Now that you are ready 2)Now that the rain has stopped 3)on condition that 4)so that 5)Now that 6)in that13. 1)应当,应该 2)一般认为 3)is supposed to wear a seatbelt 4)are not supposed to smoke 句型篇1. 1)Seeing 2)Seen_________漢 3)F 4)原因状语 5)时间状语2. 1)with his hands behind his head 2)with;growing 3)supporting 4)to solve 5)solved30 分钟实战演练1. argument 2. relationship 3. spare 4. suggest 5. charge 6. vacation 7. valuable 8. boring9. forbidden 10. excuse 11. boring 12. explanation 13. differs 14. close;closely 15. arguing 16. makes 2高三第一轮复习资料 英语参考答案17. valuable 18. forbade 19. unpunished 20. suggestions 21. No matter what 22. as if they were crazy23. allowed me to meet 24. How;deal with 25. Now that 26. is in charge of 27. sounds reasonable28. were supposed to 29. stayed up 30. insist on 31—35 DBADC 36—40 CADAC Module 1 Unit 3词汇篇一?重点词汇回顾课标内重点单词:1. weight;weigh 2. gym;gymnast;gymnastic;gymnastics 3. failure;fail 4. contain;container5. exact 6. exercise 7. attractive;attract 8. touching;touch 9. pressure;press 10. effect;effective11. achievement;achieve 12. recognize 13. regular;regularly 14. system 15. relaxed;relax 16. suggestion;suggest 17. harmful;harm 18. operation;operate 19. actress;actor 20. ability;able课标内重点短语:1. work out 2. be on a diet/ go on diets 3. in secret 4. be embarrassed about 5. fall out 6. put on weight7. along with 8. in the long term 9. as a matter of fact 10. in no time 11. hear from 12. stay healthy13. lose weight 14. follow ones advice 15. meet with/ come across 16. take in 17. give up 18. a good amount of 19. concentrate on 20. be dying to do / for二?词汇的用法讲解与操练1. 1)I am considering going to see a film. 2)We consider him (as/ to be)a kind man. 3)He was considered to have let out the secret. 4)We consider it foolish to accept his invitation.2. 1)T 2)F;ving 3)冒险做某事 4)冒着……的风险 5)advise,admit,appreciate,avoid,consider,


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