
Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I "*** travel agents" tourist guides ***, I am here to visit Wuhan City, we extend a warm welcome, in the next time I will be on tour for the services you provide, I will do everything possible to make proper arrangements for the trip, so that we Tourism activities in this feel happy happy.

Well, I call on you to join with me visit the famous East Lake Scenic Area.

East Lake Scenic Area in the eastern part of Wuchang District of Wuhan City is the name of the State Council, the first batch of state-level scenic spots, the lake is about 33 square kilometers, is six times the Hangzhou West Lake, Lakeshore winding twists and turns, has been called the 99 Bay said. East Lake on the lake that is the vast, beautiful scenery like this, then we all know how the East Lake is formed?

In fact, East Lake endangered Yangtze River, Castle Peak Hong Kong and the Yangtze River the same, between the lakes, development of an alluvial plain, as long as more than 10 kilometers in length Around trip Heights, a relatively low tide Au, whenever the flood season, the Yangtze River water level higher than the surf-ace, concave to the upper reaches of the spilled water supply will not be able to, so , the stagnant water in depressions formed now on the East Lake.

In 1949 several former East Lake basically still a shortage Lake, from the 1950s to a large-scale construction, according to the natural environment, East Lake can be divided into tablets, Geese, white horse, Bangmoshan, flute player, Luo Hong six scenic areas, but only now opening to the outside world Bangmoshan purse and the two scenic areas.

Then, we invite you to join me and into the Tour.

East Lake entered the door, we have entered a purse scenic areas, we are now a place where it is called Huang Li Wan, the name is derived from Mrs Po "Jueju": "two Huang Li-ming 75,000, and his party egret, blue sky." Here looking weeping willow fu shore, the tree-Lakeshore , is also a Du Po's poetic.

We note that the side of those trees? This is referred to as living fossils of the ancient Quaternary Period glaciers plant Metasequoia glyptostroboides, in 3 million years before they had been widely distributed in the various regions of the northern hemisphere. Metasequoia glyptostroboides had once been the botanists around the world that have already become extinct, but in 1945 I was a forest worker in Lichuan City of Hubei Province found dawn redwood forest, as the stirring of World News. To commemorate this ancient species was first discovered in Hubei Province, Wuhan City decided to set at the dawn redwood trees, with their masculinity strong, and above flattery symbolic hero to the Afghan people in Wuhan.

As we see now, the metasequoia leaves in the late autumn season will be an annual effect of reddening in the sun Slam red gloss, very eye-catching.

Continue east, we went to a purse-and purse-xuan there are around Tsui Chuk, Cangsong, in welcoming the stone revetment lake, we can see embedded Dongpo reading "Songpa" Qingshi word slope, above a stone Several green Jinsong, stand upright in a steep rock shore, the scenery here add some nuances. The ramps in the opposite tablets Menuhin is Shuiyun Township

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I "*** travel agents" tourist guides ***, I am here to visit Wuhan City, we extend a warm welcome, in the next time I will be on tour for the services you provide, I will do everything possible to make proper arrangements for the trip, so that we Tourism activities in this feel happy happy.

Well, I call on you to join with me visit the famous East Lake Scenic Area.

East Lake Scenic Area in the eastern part of Wuchang District of Wuhan City is the name of the State Council, the first batch of state-level scenic spots, the lake is about 33 square kilometers, is six times the Hangzhou West Lake, Lakeshore winding twists and turns, has been called the 99 Bay said. East Lake on the lake that is the vast, beautiful scenery like this, then we all know how the East Lake is formed?

In fact, East Lake endangered Yangtze River, Castle Peak Hong Kong and the Yangtze River the same, between the lakes, development of an alluvial plain, as long as more than 10 kilometers in length Around trip Heights, a relatively low tide Au, whenever the flood season, the Yangtze River water level higher than the surf-ace, concave to the upper reaches of the spilled water supply will not be able to, so , the stagnant water in depressions formed now on the East Lake.

In 1949 several former East Lake basically still a shortage Lake, from the 1950s to a large-scale construction, according to the natural environment, East Lake can be divided into tablets, Geese, white horse, Bangmoshan, flute player, Luo Hong six scenic areas, but only now opening to the outside world Bangmoshan purse and the two scenic areas.

Then, we invite you to join me and into the Tour.

East Lake entered the door, we have entered a purse scenic areas, we are now a place where it is called Huang Li Wan, the name is derived from Mrs Po "Jueju": "two Huang Li-ming 75,000, and his party egret, blue sky." Here looking weeping willow fu shore, the tree-Lakeshore , is also a Du Po's poetic.

We note that the side of those trees? This is referred to as living fossils of the ancient Quaternary Period glaciers plant Metasequoia glyptostroboides, in 3 million years before they had been widely distributed in the various regions of the northern hemisphere. Metasequoia glyptostroboides had once been the botanists around the world that have already become extinct, but in 1945 I was a forest worker in Lichuan City of Hubei Province found dawn redwood forest, as the stirring of World News. To commemorate this ancient species was first discovered in Hubei Province, Wuhan City decided to set at the dawn redwood trees, with their masculinity strong, and above flattery symbolic hero to the Afghan people in Wuhan.

As we see now, the metasequoia leaves in the late autumn season will be an annual effect of reddening in the sun Slam red gloss, very eye-catching.

Continue east, we went to a purse-and purse-xuan there are around Tsui Chuk, Cangsong, in welcoming the stone revetment lake, we can see embedded Dongpo reading "Songpa" Qingshi word slope, above a stone Several green Jinsong, stand upright in a steep rock shore, the scenery here add some nuances. The ramps in the opposite tablets Menuhin is Shuiyun Township


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