






Nanjing Guqiang Architectural Technique Co. Ltd is a new and hi-tech enterprise which primarily provides the service combining architecture secondary development and planning with technique reinforcement.

With years development, Gujiang has built our objective of “Guqiang-the symbol of security building”and developing concept of “mutual fortune-orientation; insistence to market and being technical enterprise”. "Where there's a Guqiang ,there's a security" is the enterprise tenet. " Open ,Innovation ,Pragmatic and Efficient " is our traditional culture. We have been extending from 5 founders to over 120 employees management team with services all over the country; 4 National First-ClaRegistered Architects;8 National First-ClaRegistered Structure Engineers ,11 senior engineers ,17 engineers ,7 Masters and 1 Doctor, and has 6 branches around the country as one of the only strengthening company in Jiangsu Province. We also only have the first-rank architectural design qualification for steel structure, priestesses structure, groundwork and foundation project, rectification and translation, building decoration, historic preservation and reconstruct project. We have cooperative relations in ancient construction restoration, rectification and translation, building disaster management research with Southeast University, Nanjing Forestry University, Hohai University, Nanjing University of Technology and so on, which have obtained plenteous results and published more than 50 relating pa-pe-rs. Meanwhile, We are engaging in the project of “Bamboo Structure Quakeproof Buildings” sponsored by Chinese Academy of Engineering, which has progressed smoothly and conducted a promotion.

With the untiring efforts,"Where there's a Guqiang ,there's a security" has spread throughout the country. The "turn-key" service we provided– a complete set of service of "planning, checkout, qualification, design, construction, inviting investments and operations management" – gradually becomes a standard of industry service. In the rapid development of building industry, Gu Qiang has today become a generally acknowledged specialist in the building industry。







Nanjing Guqiang Architectural Technique Co. Ltd is a new and hi-tech enterprise which primarily provides the service combining architecture secondary development and planning with technique reinforcement.

With years development, Gujiang has built our objective of “Guqiang-the symbol of security building”and developing concept of “mutual fortune-orientation; insistence to market and being technical enterprise”. "Where there's a Guqiang ,there's a security" is the enterprise tenet. " Open ,Innovation ,Pragmatic and Efficient " is our traditional culture. We have been extending from 5 founders to over 120 employees management team with services all over the country; 4 National First-ClaRegistered Architects;8 National First-ClaRegistered Structure Engineers ,11 senior engineers ,17 engineers ,7 Masters and 1 Doctor, and has 6 branches around the country as one of the only strengthening company in Jiangsu Province. We also only have the first-rank architectural design qualification for steel structure, priestesses structure, groundwork and foundation project, rectification and translation, building decoration, historic preservation and reconstruct project. We have cooperative relations in ancient construction restoration, rectification and translation, building disaster management research with Southeast University, Nanjing Forestry University, Hohai University, Nanjing University of Technology and so on, which have obtained plenteous results and published more than 50 relating pa-pe-rs. Meanwhile, We are engaging in the project of “Bamboo Structure Quakeproof Buildings” sponsored by Chinese Academy of Engineering, which has progressed smoothly and conducted a promotion.

With the untiring efforts,"Where there's a Guqiang ,there's a security" has spread throughout the country. The "turn-key" service we provided– a complete set of service of "planning, checkout, qualification, design, construction, inviting investments and operations management" – gradually becomes a standard of industry service. In the rapid development of building industry, Gu Qiang has today become a generally acknowledged specialist in the building industry。


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