
Nam Van Lake (Portuguese:: Lago Nam Van; traditional Chinese: 南湾湖; simplified Chinese: 南湾湖; pinyin: nánwānhú) is one of two man made lakes in the Macau Peninsula. It is located at the southern end of the peninsula. The lake was once a bay (Bahia Da Praia Grande), created when the causeway (Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen) partially closed off the bay. The project to close the lake began in 1991 to attract more development in Macau.[1]. Nam Van means South Bay in Chinese. Much of the land southwest of the bay was created from landfill. (1)The Macau Legislative Assembly Building and Superior Court of Macau Building overlook the lake. The lake is bisected by the Ponte Governador Nobre de Carvalho or Macau-Taipa Bridge. There are four man-made islands within Nam Van Lake. Along with Sai Van Lake, the two artifical lakes cover 80 hectarces of space. (2)Nanwan Lake is twenty miles from the east to the west in width, fifty miles from the south to the north in length, totaling an area of seven km2. Surrounded by lines of mountains, stretches of forest, many small islands could be seen embedded in the water like precious green stones. Viewing from faraway, the water seems to be mixed up with the sky. In the east of Nanhu Lake exists Yingxian Temple, Wugong Ling in the west, Longtan waterf-all in the south, a ferry in the north. Countlesmall islands in different shapes intersperse among the green water, just as “drops of big and small rain falls off onto the plate”. With ten thousand different birds staying at the islands to rear their offspring, birds could be seen and heard every where. The Monkey Island houses dozens of wild monkeys that are smart and cute, winning many tourist favors. The performance of ethnic songs and dances in the Leisure Summer Island is deeply dotted with the local geographical features, and the snake-playing performance well satisfies tourist lure of wonder. A great many birds, lions, monkeys, wild pigs and camels further strengthen the charm of Nanhu Lake. Nanhu Lake is an ideal site for diving, boating, swimming and fishing. One can appreciate the beautiful water and mountain, when he is visiting the site of box-raise-fish. In the upstream of the lake lies the five great mountains, the birthplace of Xinyang MaoJian; the opposite side of the lake is Cheyun Shan where it is a good place to have a full sight of Longpu waterf-all, a visit of tea garden, and to enjoy a cup of Xinyang MaoJian.

Nam Van Lake (Portuguese:: Lago Nam Van; traditional Chinese: 南湾湖; simplified Chinese: 南湾湖; pinyin: nánwānhú) is one of two man made lakes in the Macau Peninsula. It is located at the southern end of the peninsula. The lake was once a bay (Bahia Da Praia Grande), created when the causeway (Avenida Dr Sun Yat Sen) partially closed off the bay. The project to close the lake began in 1991 to attract more development in Macau.[1]. Nam Van means South Bay in Chinese. Much of the land southwest of the bay was created from landfill. (1)The Macau Legislative Assembly Building and Superior Court of Macau Building overlook the lake. The lake is bisected by the Ponte Governador Nobre de Carvalho or Macau-Taipa Bridge. There are four man-made islands within Nam Van Lake. Along with Sai Van Lake, the two artifical lakes cover 80 hectarces of space. (2)Nanwan Lake is twenty miles from the east to the west in width, fifty miles from the south to the north in length, totaling an area of seven km2. Surrounded by lines of mountains, stretches of forest, many small islands could be seen embedded in the water like precious green stones. Viewing from faraway, the water seems to be mixed up with the sky. In the east of Nanhu Lake exists Yingxian Temple, Wugong Ling in the west, Longtan waterf-all in the south, a ferry in the north. Countlesmall islands in different shapes intersperse among the green water, just as “drops of big and small rain falls off onto the plate”. With ten thousand different birds staying at the islands to rear their offspring, birds could be seen and heard every where. The Monkey Island houses dozens of wild monkeys that are smart and cute, winning many tourist favors. The performance of ethnic songs and dances in the Leisure Summer Island is deeply dotted with the local geographical features, and the snake-playing performance well satisfies tourist lure of wonder. A great many birds, lions, monkeys, wild pigs and camels further strengthen the charm of Nanhu Lake. Nanhu Lake is an ideal site for diving, boating, swimming and fishing. One can appreciate the beautiful water and mountain, when he is visiting the site of box-raise-fish. In the upstream of the lake lies the five great mountains, the birthplace of Xinyang MaoJian; the opposite side of the lake is Cheyun Shan where it is a good place to have a full sight of Longpu waterf-all, a visit of tea garden, and to enjoy a cup of Xinyang MaoJian.


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